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Student Ambassador: Neal

Transferred from: College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Major: BBA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance

Something about me:

Hi, this is Neal, a final year student majoring in Accounting and Finance. I was from HKBU CIE.

My campus life is fruitful and life-changing. 

I am an active and out-going student in terms of academic studies and participation of activities.

From my experience, I would say studying was a game of giving and returning. Don’t be afraid of challenges. Don’t underestimate yourself.

Besides, I actively joined many activities, the most meaningful one was SYA. I met my friends and built a strong sense of belonging to PolyU.

I believe that is not easy for a senior student to meet new friends and group mates. However, in the SYA Project, these obstacles do not affect me that much. In addition, SYA project provided lots of information for me in terms of exam database, school facilities, school administration policies and regulations. In 2018, I was glad to be invited as a student ambassador in helping SYA students to adapt to their university life by sharing what I know and the experience I walked through.

I hope you can be one of us. Join us to make your campus life more colourful. Let us know if you have any questions.

