Sept 2025 Entry
2 years
63 credits
- Credit transfers may be granted to applicants whose previous study is relevant to the programme.
What's New
Programme Aims
The overall aim of this programme is to develop and prepare students with multi-disciplinary competence, and the capacity of social innovation and entrepreneurship to work with the increasingly diverse ageing populations; to equip students with a full scope of knowledge, skills and abilities to plan, deliver, manage, evaluate and coordinate active ageing and care services across social and health care settings and in the growing “silver market”, and to meet the emerging needs of the ageing society.
The main features of the programme are as follows.
a) The programme takes a broad-based and multidisciplinary approach, and the curriculum covers four important themes including i) ageing and social policy, ii) active ageing and health promotion, iii) leadership and management in ageing services, and iv) social innovations and entrepreneurship in silver industries.
b) A multidisciplinary academic and professional teaching team has been formed with expertise in gerontology, social work, social policy, service management and administration, sociology, nursing, rehabilitation science, psychology, design, hotel and tourism management, financial management and technology.
c) 240 hours of Work-Integrated Education (WIE) (i.e., applied ageing studies and service management internship) and a Capstone Project are arranged for promoting better integration of knowledge into practice.
With a wide range of collaborating agencies, the curriculum allows students with diverse interests to choose one out of the four main areas for their internship and capstone projects to prepare them for subsequent career choices.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment in human services, government agencies, voluntary and non-governmental organisations, social enterprises or companies in the private sector that provide services and products for the ageing population.
This is a 2-year full-time top-up degree programme. Students are required to complete all of the following subjects to fulfil the credit requirement for graduation.
General University Requirement*
2 Cluster-Area Requirement (CAR) subjects
Service Learning
Essential Components of General Education
*Students not meeting the equivalent standard of the undergraduate degree Language and Communication Requirements (LCR) based on their previous studies in AD/HD programmes and their academic performance will be required to take additional credits (6 in English and 3 in Chinese) on top of the programme’s normal credit requirements.
Discipline-Specific Language Requirement
Chinese Communication for Applied Ageing Studies & Service Management
Professional English for Applied Ageing Studies & Service Management Students
Professional Core
Ageing, Family and Society
Health and Ageing
Legal Aspects of Human Services
Management in Human Services
Marketing Strategies and Skills in Human Services
Participatory Design and Innovation in an Ageing Society
Physical Activity and Practice for Active Ageing
Psychology and Ageing
Skills and Practice of Working with Older Adults
Social Policy and Social Care for an Ageing Society
Social Research Methods
Special Seminars on Ageing and Service Management
Professional Electives (choose 2 subjects)
Corporate Social Responsibility
Financial Plannning and Management in Organizations
Programme Planning & Evaluation
Social Capital
Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Work-Integrated Education (Clinical/Field Training)
Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management Internship
Capstone Project
Capstone Project for Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management
More information on the programme can be obtained here.
63 credits
Prof. BAI Xue
An Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline from a recognised institution.
Preference will be given to graduates from social sciences, social work, psychology, policy and administration, management, guidance and counselling, and health sciences.
For further programme information, please contact:
The General Office (tel: 2766 5717 ; e-mail:
Copies of public examination result slip(s) demonstrating applicants' academic performance and English language proficiency, e.g. HKDSE, HKASL, HKALE, HKCEE, IELTS, TOFEL, etc.
To assess applicants’ potential for studying and interest in the programme, to test their language competence and communication skills, and to gauge their understanding of current and emerging issues facing an ageing society.
Approximately 1 hour
- Suitable applicants will be invited to interviews.