Community Services

Certificate in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control 2024
12 January 2024
The School’s Squina International Centre for Infection Control kick-started the Certificate in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control for Health Care Professionals 2024. This year 58 students are admitted to this part-time course designed to enhance knowledge on infectious diseases and infection control practice.
The Squina International Centre for Infection Control (CIC)
Press Conference - Use of Gernotechnology and Rehabilitation Therapy
20 Dec 2023
The School and Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service announced the results of a research study, which examined the effect of a programme integrating the use of gernotechnology and rehabilitation therapy, as well as combining with the support and guidance from young instructors, on physical and psychological wellness among the older adults with mild cognitive impairment recruited from the community elderly centres. Significant improvements were found in the body mass index, cognition ability, level of depression and e-health literacy of the older adults who participated in the programme.
Resilient Students Training Hub Talk
29-30 November 2023
To raise PolyU’s students’ awareness on mental health challenges, our year-three mental health nursing students gave talks to all students about the causes and care of different mental health disorders at the Resilient Students Training Hub.
Healthy Ageing Conference
26-27 October 2023
The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) for Community Health Services of the School joined hands with the PolyU Research Institute for Smart Ageing and PolyU’s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and the Department of Health, Hong Kong Government, to organise the Healthy Ageing Conference on 26-27 October.
The Conference featured a comprehensive programme encompassing a wide range of topics including healthcare innovations, social engagement, policy development and technological advancements. Participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions, interactive workshops and other networking opportunities, fostering collaborations and inspiring initiatives to address the multifaceted aspects of healthy ageing.
Delivered a keynote address at the PolyU Social Innovation Symposium
3 October 2023
Prof. Angela Leung delivered a keynote address on 3 Oct at the PolyU Social Innovation Symposium themed Smart Urban Living with Dementia. She spoke about the electronic painting and peer support for supporting dementia persons and their family caregivers.
Press Conference - Explore knowledge of pneumococcus and attitudes towards vaccination
10 September 2023
A press conference was held to announce the findings of a survey, which was partnered with the Hong Kong Alliance of Patients' Organizations, to explore knowledge of pneumococcus and attitudes towards vaccination.
The survey targeted individuals aged 50 and above. Over 2,000 completed surveys were collected. The results revealed that the general public's knowledge of pneumococcal infection is limited. About half of the respondents had not been vaccinated due to lack of sufficient vaccine information/knowledge. Another half of the respondents were unaware that they are eligible to receive subsided or free government vaccination services.
Press coverage
Speaker for MHRC seminar
30 June 2023
Dr Teris Cheung, Assistant Professor, was an invited speaker for the research seminar organised by the PolyU Mental Health Research Centre on 30 June. She introduced the latest noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques to the audience and spoke about the efficacy and safety of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation in patients with major depressive disorder.
Press Conference - Youth Quitline
30 May 2023
Dr Eva Ho (photo 1: 5th from left), Assistant Professor (currently Associate Professor) & Director of the School’s Youth Quitline, announced the outcome of phase one of the youth-oriented (aged 25 or below) and peer-led smoking cessation hotline. The Youth Quitline, Operated by our nursing students, had helped 30% of the youth smokers who joined the service (638 persons) to quit smoking successfully within six months. Among those who had not yet quitted in 6 months, 15.3 % had reduced their cigarette consumption at least by half.
Booth showcased AI-driven diagnostics tool at Asia Summit on Global Health
17-18 May 2023
Dr Harry Qin, Associate Professor (currently Professor), and his team set up a booth themed ‘Novel AI-driven Diagnostics for Heart Diseases’ to showcase their two projects at the Asia Summit on Global Health. The summit was jointly organised by the Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council on 17-18 May.
Results of first parenting programme adopting ACT released
23 April 2023
The School and the Christian Family Service Center held a press conference to announce the results of the first parenting programme (賽馬會「家•添晴」家長支援計劃 ) in Hong Kong that adopted Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to reduce parental stress. Dr Mak Yim Wah (Associate Professor), Advisor of the programme, found that ACT could effectively motivate the parents to adopt a more effective and harmonious parenting style, enhance their psychological flexibility, and reduce their stress, anxiety and depression caused by parenting, which resulted in improvement in quality of life of the parents and their children.
Certificate course in infectious diseases and infection control
January to May 2023
Squina International Centre for Infection Control
Certificate course in infectious diseases and infection control (醫護人員之傳染病及感染控制證書課程)
The Center has kick-started the Certificate in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control for Health Care Professionals in January, 2023. This year 63 students are admitted for the part-time course, which is delivered in a face-to-face or an online mode.
Cross-Border Seminar on Care for Older Adults
Date : 16 December 2022
Cross-Border Seminar on Care for Older Adults
The Centre jointly organised the 10th Cross-Border Seminar on Care for Older Adults, themed Ageing in Greater Bay Area: Practice – Challenge – Prospect, on 16 December.
Care for Disabled
13 November 2022
Dr Patrick Kor, Assistant Professor, was interviewed in the RTHK radio one programme “Care for Disabled” (非常人物 生活雜誌) in which he talked about his research findings on multi-sensory cognitive stimulation activities for older people with dementia. Click here to listen to the episode on 13/11/2022-五感寶盒
The Blended Gaming COVID-19 Training System (BGCTS) and the social robots
2 - 5 November 2022
The School’s two innovations: the Blended Gaming COVID-19 Training System (BGCTS) and the social robots (developed by NEC Hong Kong [NECHK] in collaboration with the School) were showcased in the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit, the largest gerontechnology public education event in Hong Kong.
Collaborative Care in School Health and Safety used Temi-robot to promote balanced lifestyles and school safety in a school health
September to November 2022
A group of PolyU students on the Service-Learning subject Collaborative Care in School Health and Safety used Temi-robot to promote balanced lifestyles and school safety in a school health event of Tai Po Sam Yuk Secondary School organised for the school children, parents, and teachers.
Seven nursing students received the School’s Community Care Scholarship to develop the Temi-robot assisted fall prevention programme for the ageing population. Twelve senior citizens from Health-in-Action participated in this new initiative. The findings of the project were presented at the 9th International Conference on Health Sciences, held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from 25 to 26 October.
Hong Kong’s experience in fighting COVID-19 pandemic
End of October to November 2022
Dr Lin Yang, Associate Professor, was an invited speaker for the Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Management Committee of the Guangdong Province Hospital Association [廣東省醫院協會傳染病管理 專業委員會年會] (topic: Hong Kong’s experience in fighting COVID-19 pandemic). She also gave a seminar in the Workshop for Nursing Responses and Organisational Management of Public Health Emergencies in the Greater Bay Area (topic: SARS-CoV-2 variants and research development in prevention/treatment).
Dr Arkers Wong, Assistant Professor, was invited speakers for Sichuan University, Mainland China (topic: Utilising technologies to improve patient journey), and Hong Kong Association of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Nurses (topic: Applying information and communication technology in nursing and healthcare practice in Hong Kong).
Understanding Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Stress Reduction’
28 & 29 October 2022
Dr Anthony Tong, a clinical psychologist, conducted a seminar titled ‘Understanding Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Stress Reduction’ for more than 50 nursing students.
PolyU Blood Donation Campaign 2022
5 October 2022
PolyU is honoured to receive the Elite Partnership Award for the second year from the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service. The award was presented during which the PolyU Blood Donation Campaign 2022 was held. The School was one of the co-organisers of the campaign. In the photo: PolyU leaders, nursing students and blood donors in support of the blood donation campaign.
Research confirms Dementia Patients' Cognitive Function Decline Delay after Multi-Sensory Cognitive Stimulation Training
18 September 2022
The School and the YWCA held a press conference to announce the findings of a research project led by Dr Patrick Kor, Assistant Professor (In the photo: 1st from right). The study results showed that the Home-based Multi-Sensory Cognitive Stimulation Training with the 5-Sense Box helped delay the decline of cognitive function of older people with dementia and enhance caregivers’ understanding on dementia.
Smart Ageing: Innovation, Sustainability and Inclusion
7 August 2022
Dr Justina Liu, Associate Professor, was an invited speaker for the 7th Golden Age Expo & Summit 2022 themed “Smart Ageing: Innovation, Sustainability and Inclusion”. She presented at the online session titled “Is Asia Ready for the 100-year life?” and spoke on the topic “How are you doing” on the healthy ageing of the HK oldest-old in the shadow of the COVID-19. The event was held by the Golden Age Foundation, which aimed to showcase the latest technology, innovative products and services in the ageing industry, and gather local and international leaders from various sectors to share innovative ideas and experiences on ageing.
“Embracing the Challenge for Excellence in Home Care Nursing for the Future
29 July 2022
Prof. Angela Leung, Professor & Associate Head (Research); and Prof Frances Wong, Chair Professor of Advanced Nursing Practice [& Associate Dean (FHSS)] were invited to be members of the organising committee for the International HomeCare Nursing Free Webinar “Embracing the Challenge for Excellence in Home Care Nursing for the Future” hosted by the International Home Care Nurses Organization. The event aimed to raise awareness to the importance of Guidelines for Homecare Nursing Practice and to advocate for quality care to the aged at home in Hong Kong and the neighbouring cities.
From SARS to COVID-19: the Hong Kong experience
1 July & 8 - 9 September 2022
Dr Lin Yang, Associate Professor, was an invited speaker for a seminar organised by the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia. She spoke on the topic ‘From SARS to COVID-19: the Hong Kong experience.’ In Sept, Dr Yang was invited as a speaker for the Evidence-based nursing practice training organised by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Union Shenzhen Hospital.
Shanghai-HK Interdisciplinary Workshop
6 June 2022
In June, Dr Lin Yang, Associate Professor, gave a keynote speech at the Shanghai-HK Interdisciplinary Workshop on Social Media Data Analytics. She talked about Hong Kong's experience and lessons in fighting COVID-19.
"Together We Think And Walk" Online Seminar
21 May 2022
Dr Mak Yim Wah, Associate Professor, was an invited speaker for the 'Together we Think and Walk' online seminar on Parental Support organised by the Jockey Club Early Intervention and Community Support Project for Parents and Christian Family Service Centre. Dr Mak released her research findings on the effectiveness of applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on parent support groups.
Launched HK’s First-Ever School Of Nursing’s Operated Pop-up Community Vaccination Centre
29 March 2022
The School has demonstrated our strong commitment in supporting Hong Kong to overcome the pandemic by taking up a new and brave role in operating the Caroline Hill Road Pop-Up Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) in Causeway Bay. The centre, launched on 29 March, is Hong Kong’s FIRST school of nursing’s operated pop-up community vaccination centre. With the enthusiastic support of our strong-team of 300 students, teaching staff members and alumni, we directly back the Government’s campaign in boosting vaccination to protect vulnerable populations against the Omicron infection. Under the guidance and supervision of our clinical supervisors and alumni, final-year nursing students administer the BioNTech vaccine to clients and observe clients resting at the sickbay for any adverse effects after vaccination.
The Caroline Hill Road Pop-Up Community Vaccination Centre (CVC)
Hong Kong Red Cross COVID-19 Support Hotline & Aftercare Service To Help People Coping With COVID-19
28 March 2022
Ms Joyce Tang, Clinical Coordinator (Mental Health Nursing) and Dr Bryan Ho, Deputy Programme Leader of the BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing programme initiated to support the Hong Kong Red Cross Covid-19 Support Hotline and aftercare service to provide psychological support, health assessment, as well as education and social services to the public. Forty-six final year mental health nursing students responded to the call and they completed a refresher class on basic communication and counselling skills prior to the service.
Respirator Fit Tests In Support Of HKBU’s Staff And Students At Community Isolation Facility
25 March 2022
The city’s overwhelmed healthcare system converged with lack of isolation facilities at caring homes, resulted in hundreds of caring homes recording infection cases. In response to the Government’s setting up of community isolation facilities to resolve this crisis, the School joined hands with the School of Nursing, Tung Wah College, to conduct N95 respirator fit tests for over 200 nursing staff and nursing students from Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Continuing Education, to prepare them for serving at the Kai Tai Holding Centre, which accommodates frail senior COVID-19 patients for isolation and temporary care.
Students Supported The Community Vaccination Centre
23 March 2022
Responding to the request of the Sham Shui Po District Health Centre (SSPDHC), forty year-3 nursing students of the BSc (Hons) in Nursing (Senior Year) programme were in the front line to support the community vaccination centre at the SSPDHC. They assisted in eligibility screening, assessed clients’ health before obtaining consent for vaccination, administered COVID-19 vaccines to clients under supervision, and observed clients resting at the sick bay for any adverse effects after vaccination. The activity has offered a beneficial opportunity for nursing students to gain hands-on experience and broaden their perspectives in community services.
Webinars To Enhance COVID-19 Literacy Of Ethnic Minorities
19 March - 9 April 2022
To enhance COVID-19 literacy and infection control knowledge of ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong, the School’s WHO CC for Community Health Services joined hands with ethnic minority organizations (co-organisers):Tung Chung Tamil Muslim Jamath, Dompet Dhuafa Association, Idara Minhaj Ul Quran HK, and Ethnic Minority Health and Education Service Hong Kong, to hold a series of COVID-19 webinars. The representatives of the organisations from different communities, were invited to participate in the webinars and provide simultaneous interpretations in different languages (such as Hindi and Urdu) for the events.
Established Call Centre To Support HA Hotlines
19 March 2022
At the time when local hospitals were overwhelmed by soaring Omicron cases, the School set up an on-campus call centre to support the HA (Hospital Authority) hotlines. Ten HA hotlines were operated by the School from 8am to 10 pm with nearly 600 calls each day. Our teaching staff members and final year undergraduate nursing students provided timely support, nursing and infection control advice to infected patients and their families.
Distributed Medical Supplies To Nursing Homes
11 March 2022
Care homes were the epicentre of the Omicron outbreak, accounting for nearly 60 percent of all deaths since January 2022. Upon receiving tons of medical supplies from our donors, the School swiftly organised distribution of the supplies to the local nursing homes to support senior or frail residents fighting against Omicron infection. Over 291,000 medical supplies (including 44,000 rapid antigen test kits, 213,600 pieces of respirators/face masks, etc.) reached the hands of staff and residents of over 200 local nursing homes.
Delivered Videos To Enhance Infection Control In RCHs
2 March 2022
With the support of the School’s Squina International Centre for Infection Control, we responded to the plea for assistance from Po Leung Kuk, an operator of local residential care homes (RCHs) and delivered videos on how to gown up and gown off personal protective equipment and N95 respirators to the RCHs. We particularly refreshed the videos on three care procedures: napkin changing, oral feeding, and nasogastric tube feeding, with emphasis on infection control measures, to guide and update the healthcare workers how to manage every day care and nursing procedures with infection control measures.
Students Volunteer In Community Isolation Facility
21 February 2022
At the time when Omicron cases hit a new high, the School responded to the invitation of Po Leung Kuk by encouraging senior year nursing students (including mental health nursing) to volunteer in the Choi Wing Road Community Isolation Facility and assist in basic nursing care or administrative duties. At present, our students continue to provide the service.
Certificate in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control 2022
14 Jan 2022
The ‘Certificate in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control for Health Care Professionals 2022’ course ran by the Squina International Centre for Infection Control commenced on 14 January 2022. This year, the course is offered in a hybrid mode. Over 70 students (the majority being nurses) from the Hospital Authority, the Department of Health and private institutions were admitted to the course to learn updated information on infectious disease prevention and control.
Event On Promoting Smoke-Free Lifestyles
16-17 Oct 2021
Collaborated with Hong Kong Council of Smoking and Health, the School of Nursing’s Youth Quitline Centre participated in the ‘Mega Recruitment Days’. During the event, our nursing students promoted smoke-free lifestyles and our smoking cessation service to the participants through interactive games.
Hong Kong Council of Smoking and HealthBlood Donation Campaign 2021
7 Oct 2021
PolyU’s Student Affairs Office collaborated with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service to organise the Blood Donation Campaign 2021 at the Campus Blood Donor Centre housed at the Integrative Health Clinic.
Workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
2 Oct 2021
A workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy was organised at the School’s Integrative Health Clinic. Speakers included Dr Yim-wah Mak (Associate Professor) and Mr Samuel Hui, Project Assistant, the School of Nursing; and Dr Samuel Leung, Teaching Fellow, the Department of Applied Social Sciences.
Supporting PolyU On-campus COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign
7-8 July 2021
The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) supported the Government’s outreach vaccination scheme and helped administer doses of COVID-19 vaccines to hundreds of students and staff on the PolyU campus.
Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
29-30 May 2021
The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong and the School had jointly organized the 7th Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Online Talk about Older Adults’ Sleep Quality
4 March 2021
Dr Jerry Yeung spoke about how traditional Chinese medicinal therapy help older adults improve sleep quality in a talk hosted by Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub.
‘Mindful Caregiving’ Online Workshop
22 January 2021
Dr Patrick Kor collaborated with the Patient Resource Centre of Queen Elizabeth Hospital to deliver an online workshop ‘Mindful Caregiving’ for caregivers of patients to reduce their caregiving stress.
Pain Management Workshop
3 December 2020
The School’s Integrative Health Clinic held a workshop on chronic muscle strain and acupressure for pain management.
Support of Parents of School Aged Children
5-21 November 2020
Conducted a 6-session rain-the-trainer workshop for using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the support of parents of school aged children: a Jockey Club funded community support project
‘Be a Smart Healthy Traveler’ Webinar
3 November 2020
The Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS) and the Young Alumni Sub-committee of the Federation of PolyU Alumni Association (FHKPUAA) organised a webinar entitled ‘Be a Smart Healthy Traveler’. Our invited speaker, Dr Michael Ho, Public Relationship Secretary of AANS, shared his experience and knowledge on how to handle discomfort and injury when travelling abroad.
Health Talk supporting older adults fight against COVID-19
November 2020
Collaborated with Community Care Aged Foundation and Yuen Yuen Institute Elderly Service, and supervised by Ms Phyllis Pang, our students delivered online health education to reinforce preventive measures against COVID-19 among older people and help them identify motivators for maintaining healthy lifestyles in combating the novel Coronavirus.
Sharing of HK’s Covid-19 Preventive Measures
May 2020
Supported an NGO in Bangladesh by sharing Hong Kong’s experiences on COVID-19 infection control, quarantine, community support and preventive measures.
Certificate Course in Infectious Diseases and Infection Control for Health Care Professionals 2020
January - May 2020
- Promoted family connection in end-of-life care
- Co-organised with CIC
Violet Peel Health Center Visiting
6 December 2019
- Explored collaborative possibilities on teaching and research activities
Second Public Talk on Life Education
21 September 2019
- Promoted family connection in end-of-life care
- Co-organised with Life Inhering Association
Public Talk on Life Education
22 June 2019
- Promoting family connection during the end-of-life care
- Co-organised with Life Inhering Association
Service Learning at Indonesia
16-28 June 2019
- Promoted healthy lifestyle to community residents living in slums and remote villages through health surveys and education
Servicing at Tsim Sha Tsui Greens Park Elders Home
1 June 2019
- Provided primary care services and health education to the elderly
- Organised by Alumni Association of Nursing Studies (AANS)
IHC Open Days
May – July 2019
- Provided free health checks and health seminars were delivered. The Centre also organised the Youth Mental Health First Aid Course and the Music-with-Movement Intervention Workshop for People with Cognitive Impairment.
Service Learning at Cambodia
25 May – 12 June 2019
- Promoted healthy lifestyle to community residents living in slums and remote villages through health surveys and education
Wound Care Course
2 May – 6 June 2019
- To enhance the skills of participating nurses
- Collaborated with Hong Kong Enterostomal Therapists Association
Workshop on “Chronic Pain Management: Motivation and Capabilities to Change”
24 & 29 April 2019
- Organized by IHC, PolyU
The Health Carnival 2019
6 April 2019
- Students provided Cognitive Assessment and Promoting Stimulating Games.
- Organized by The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Limited.
Students assisted the Boccia Athletes during Training and Game Times
January 2019
- Provided onsite support to athletes with physical impairments.
- Organized by the School of Nursing, PolyU