Date: 12 February 2025 (Wednesday)
Time: 12.30 – around 13.30
Venue: Wong Man and Tang Kit Wah Global Student Hub, QT201, Chow Yei Ching Building
Language: English
- Inclusive music performance
- Student’s sharing
- Commendation of Limitless ambassadors
- Sign language interpretation available
Target: students and staff
Valentine’s Day gift, complimentary souvenir* and refreshment^ for participants
Registration: here
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025.
^Please bring reusable bottles/mugs/cups or dining ware.
Date: 12 and 13 February 2025 (Wednesday and Thursday)
Time: 12.00 – 14.00 (12 February 2025); 12.30 – 14.30 (13 February 2025)
Venue: FJ Podium
- With exhibition booths hosted by various non-governmental organisations, social enterprises, PolyU parties, participants will have chances to understand the challenges faced by people with disabilities/ special educational needs through different ways e.g. display/ experiential games/ experiential activities/ assistive device showcase.
Target: students and staff
Valentine’s Day gift, complimentary souvenir* for participants
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025.
Opening hours:
- Monday (public holidays excluded): 12.00 – 19.00
- Tuesday - Friday (public holidays excluded): 10.30 – 17.30
Highlight: Visiting this Centre, which is located at S207, Communal Building, to have a glimpse of different assistive devices and resources for people with disability.
Target: students and staff
Complimentary souvenir* for participants
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025.
Date: 17 February 2025 (Monday)
Time: 13:00 – around 14:00
Language: English
Venue: Fong Shu Chuen Hall (Main Hall)
- Playing floor curling in a wheelchair to experience challenges faced by people with physical impairment
Target: students and staff
Complimentary souvenir* for participants
Registration: here
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025.
This training course will provide participants with basic knowledge of common mental health issues and skills for handling individuals in mental health emergency.
Date: 18 February, 25 February, 4 March and 11 March 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 14.30 – 17.30
Medium of instruction: English
Venue: S509, 5/F., Communal Building
Registration: here
Target: students^ only
1. Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable if having at least 75% attendance rate and completing a feedback form).
2. Participants who attended the 12-hour course will receive a certificate of completion issued/ recognised by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong/ Mental Health First Aid International.
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
Date: 19 February 2025 (Wednesday)
Time: 12.30 – around 14.00
Language: English
Venue: S509, 5/F., Communal Building
- Through this workshop, facilitated by baristas with hearing impairment, participants could learn the techniques of pouring and designing intricate latte art patterns and create their own personalised coffee drip bags while exposing to the deaf culture.
Target: students^ and staff
Remarks: Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable after joining and completing a feedback form)
Registration: here
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
Date: 21 February 2025 (Friday)
Time: 12.30 – around 14.00
Language: Cantonese with English translation
Venue: S509, 5/F., Communal Building
- Mr Ng Kwok Kei Rex, a performer with visual impairment specialising in balloon twisting, will share his challenges in daily life and his journey as a live performer. He will also demonstrate balloon twisting techniques. Moreover, participants will be guided to make their own balloons step by step. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to join!
Target: students^ and staff
Remarks: Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable after joining and completing a feedback form)
Registration: here
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
Date: 21 February 2025 (Friday)
Time: 17.30 – around 20.30
Language: English
Venue: S212, Communal Building
- Chance to try sighted guide technique
- Experiencing challenges of people with disabilities via treasure hunt
Target: students^ only
Remarks: Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable after joining and completing a feedback form)
Registration: here
Complimentary souvenir* for participants
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
This workshop, facilitated by a trainer from The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), helps participants understand the definition of harassment under the Anti-Discrimination Ordinances and the legal liabilities. It also enables them to identify behaviors that constitute harassment and explore ways to prevent harassment on campus.
Date: 5 March 2025 (Wednesday)
Time: 15.00 – around 16.30
Language: English
Venue: FJ302
Target: students only
Remarks: Complimentary souvenir* for participants after joining and completing a feedback form
Registration: here
*Souvenirs are subject to availability. Eligible participants would receive our invitation for collecting the souvenirs from early to mid-March 2025.
Date: 6 March 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 15.00 – around 17.00
Language: English
Venue: Dream Impact HK (Unit 4C, 760 Cheung Sha Wan Road)
- A brief introduction to the braille system and the general knowledge of braille
- Making your own braille cookies
- This workshop will be facilitated by an instructor from Codekey Cookies with visual impairment
Target: students^ and staff
Remarks: Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable after joining and completing a feedback form)
Registration: here
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
Date: 14 March 2025 (Friday)
Time: 14.30 – around 16.00
Language: English
Venue: S212, Communal Building
- Each participant can make a piece of Napoleon candle
- This workshop is facilitated by an instructor from Codekey Cookies with speech impairment
Target: students^ and staff
Remarks: Successful applicants would be required to pay HK$100 deposit (fully refundable after joining and completing a feedback form)
Registration: here
^ Students in UGC funded programmes having priority
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