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The International Symposium on Reclamations Using Local Dredged Sediments was successfully held

The International Symposium on Reclamations Using Local Dredged Sediments was successfully held on Friday 26 January 2024, with the great effort of the co-organizations, the Geotechnical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of PolyU. The Symposium was greatly supported by ASCE Greater China Section, Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, Institution of Civil Engineering Hong Kong, Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) of PolyU. Three opening speeches, six keynote talks and six invited talks were delivered by the distinguished guests from government, universities and industries across Chinese Mainland, Singapore, Japan, Macau and Hong Kong. The symposium attracted more than 150 local participants and 90 participants outside of Hong Kong. The presentations and discussions have effectively demonstrated how the use of local dredged sediments can offer a practical and eco-friendly solution to land scarcity issues in various regions.

26 Jan, 2024


Prof. Yong Xia received Science and Technology Award from the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (CSVE)

Congratulations to Prof. Yong Xia, Member of RISUD, Professor of CEE, and his team, whose project titled “Machine Learning Methods for Structural Health Diagnosis and Operation Maintenance of Bridges” (橋樑結構健康診斷與運維決策的機器學習方法) has been awarded Science and Technology Award (First Class) (中國振動工程學會科學技術獎 — 一等獎) from the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (CSVE) in 2023. The award recognizes outstanding researchers who adhere to promoting and accelerating scientific and technological innovation in the field of vibration engineering.   The project aims to develop cutting-edge machine learning methods for full-field measurement and modal identification, damage detection, reliability evaluation, and decision-making in the operational maintenance of bridges. These innovative techniques help enable accurate health diagnosis and cost-effective operation maintenance strategies for bridge structures. For more details of the award, please refer to

14 Jan, 2024


PolyU tops RGC Research Impact Fund exercise, with three projects led by RISUD researchers

Five PolyU projects have been granted a total funding of HK$20.9 million from the Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2023/24 of the Research Grants Council (RGC). Three of the funded projects are led by RISUD researchers and cover diverse research areas. The RIF supports universities to undertake impactful and translational research projects, and to develop research collaborations with government departments, business and industry, and research institutes. Successful projects are granted funding of up to HK$10 million per project for a period of three to five years. Congratulations to Prof. LENG, Prof. ZHU and Dr LIU.   Project Coordinator Project Prof. LENG Zhen (Member of RISUD) Durable Low-carbon Asphalt Pavement Built with Recycled Waste Polyolefin Plastics through Reactive Extrusion Dr LIU Xintao (Member of RISUD) An AI-enabled Geospatial Platform for Smart Facility Management and Smart Mobility of People with Disabilities Prof. ZHU Songye (Member of RISUD) Digital Twin-enabled Intelligent Assessment and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbine Structures in a Life-cycle Context   Further reading: Online coverage: Hong Kong Economic Times - (subscription required) Headline Daily - GBA Biz Tech Magazine - Net Ease -  

9 Jan, 2024


Three RISUD Scholars Awarded RGC Collaborative Research Fund

In the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2023/24 exercise of the Research Grant Committee (RGC), PolyU has 9 projects granted with a total of HK$55.491 million from the Collaborative Research Project Grant (CRPG), ranking first among Hong Kong universities in the amount of CRPG funding awarded; and 2 projects granted with a total of $9.435 million from the Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG). Among them, three CRPG projects led by RISUD researchers. Congratulations to Prof. CAO, Prof. WANG and Prof. XIA. Name of PC Research Project Prof. CAO Jiannong (Executive Committee Member of RISUD) Heterogeneity-aware collaborative edge AI acceleration Prof. WANG Yuhong (Member of RISUD) Improving the health and stability of roadside trees in compact urban development through novel road systems and tree root “training” Prof XIA Yong (Member of RISUD) Towards future climate-resilient sea-crossing bridges via intelligent learning of long-term real monitoring data  

8 Jan, 2024


RISUD member receives funding for project on long-span bridge health monitoring

The project “Digital Twin-based Long-span Bridge Health Monitoring” led by Prof. Yong XIA, member of RISUD, Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the project has secured funding of approximately HK$13.4 million for a duration of 24 months. The project aims to develop a digital twin-based long-span bridge health monitoring platform. The Tsing Ma Bridge will serve as the testbed for this project, focusing on the development of an automatic traffic monitoring system, a bridge fatigue damage assessment and prediction system, a vehicle-barrier collision monitoring system and a vehicle safety assessment system in high winds. Sensors on the bridges, cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, finite element analysis and Bridge Information Modelling will be integrated into the monitoring platform to enhance the efficiency of the road network and road space, as well as to improve driving safety. Press release: English -; Chinese - Online coverage: Oriental Daily News - Yahoo HK -

14 Dec, 2023


The International Expert Workshop on Volatile Organic Compounds 2023 was successfully held

The International Expert Workshop on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 2023 was successfully held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) from 28 November to 3 December 2023. The Workshop brought around 110 researchers access the globe to deliver plenary presentations and share their valuable insights on frontier topics. This workshop was co-organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Geotechnical Division (HKIE-GD) and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (PolyU-CEE). The workshop was supported by ASCE Greater China Section, Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) of PolyU.

3 Dec, 2023

Prof Jerry YAN delivers keynote on energy transition at international conference

Prof. Jerry YAN delivers keynote on energy transition at international conference

Prof. Jerry YAN Jinyue, Executive Committee Member of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) and Chair Professor of Energy and Buildings, at the International Conference on New Energy Science and Electrification of Transportation held on 31 October 2023 in Xiong’an, China, delivered a keynote presentation titled “Energy Nexus: Research and Innovations without Borders — Inter-disciplinary research on energy transition”. Prof. YAN said that there are two sides of energy transition, one is by increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources, and the other is by targeting at the distributed energy generation and storage of end-users. In addition, Prof. YAN pointed out that energy systems involve multiple fields and so, future energy innovation is an interdisciplinary field, involving not only engineering, but also other disciplines. Online coverage: Xinhua Net - 光明網 - Toutiao -

1 Nov, 2023


53 RISUD Scholars ranked in the World’s Top 2% most-cited Scientists by Stanford University

Fifty three RISUD Scholars Ranked World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2023 according to a recent index compiled by Stanford University. The latest ranking compiled by Stanford University covers over 100,000 top scientists across the globe. The database grouped scientists under 22 subject fields and 174 sub-fields, and the ranking was compiled based on indicators of research publications, including information on citations, individual’s scientific research output, co-authorship and a composite indicator for career-long citation impact up to the end of 2022. Congratulations to our top scientists who commit to benefiting the world by their research excellence! This achievement recognizes their contribution and influence in their own areas of specialty. As per the data published by Elsevier on 4 October 2023 (version 6):  

24 Oct, 2023


PolyU harnesses satellite tech for research and application

In a media interview, Prof. Charles Wong, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, member of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) and Professor of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, and Dr Xu Bing, Assistant Professor of the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, introduced the use of satellite technology donated by the Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group in the University’s research and application, including promoting the development of smart cities and enhancing navigation services. (Ming Pao Daily News A08, Hong Kong Economic Times A18, Sing Tao Daily F01, Wen Wei Po A02, Lion Rock Daily P02)   Online coverage: Ming Pao Daily News - Hong Kong Economic Times - (subscription required) Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - Wen Wei Po -; Ta Kung Pao - Hong Kong Commercial Daily -

22 Sep, 2023

b Addressing groundlevel ozone pollution with synergistic control

Insightful study published in renowned journal: Addressing ozone pollution challenges with synergistic control

An international research team led by PolyU scholars has published a ground-breaking perspective article in the prestigious journal One Earth. The study focuses on combating ground-level ozone pollution, a pressing environmental issue affecting human health, crop yields, and global climate change. The team, comprising 30 scholars from 10 countries, proposes a synergistic control approach between ozone and climate to address the challenges of rising tropospheric ozone levels. Prof. GUO Hai and Prof. WANG Tao from the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) are one of the corresponding authors and co-authors, respectively. The research highlights the alarming increase in warm-season ozone pollution over the past decade. Key regions, including Mainland China, the United States, and Europe, have experienced significant ozone rises, posing challenges in pollution control due to changing emissions and the influence of climate warming. The study emphasises the need for a comprehensive strategy that integrates ozone and climate control, prioritising both human and ecosystem health. By connecting emissions, mechanisms and policies, this approach offers a remarkable solution to mitigate ozone pollution while fostering international collaboration for a low-carbon future. For more details, read the full article in One Earth journal. URL: #PolyU #PolyImpact #PolyUResearch#OzonePollution#ClimateChange #PAIR #interdisciplinaryresearch

19 Sep, 2023

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