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理大兩項目獲研資局主題研究計劃支持 實踐可持續影響力

香港理工大學(理大)兩個科研項目在2024/25年度研究資助局主題研究計劃中,合共獲批超過1億港元資助。理大連年獲得顯著資助支持,展開具有影響力的跨學科研究,以卓越的科研實力和創新專長,為香港長遠發展策略作出貢獻。   理大時裝及紡織學院紡織科技講座教授、智能可穿戴系统研究院院長陶肖明教授帶領的項目,「多感仿真可穿戴裝置機理和關鍵技術的研究」,獲資助約6240萬港元。   理大設計學院兼電子計算學系Johan Hoorn教授,帶領的項目,「香港社區壓力緩解:大型語言模型賦能社交機器人的戰略性研究」,獲資助約4090萬港元。   理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授表示︰「理大的兩項獲資助項目,具備廣泛應用潛力,並貼切地為社會帶來裨益,充分展示了理大卓越的跨學科研究實力。理大在主題研究計劃屢獲佳績,支持我們致力於為香港長遠發展作出重要貢獻。我們將繼續透過拓展嶄新及尖端的科研項目,為世界創造福祉,引領建設更美好的未來。」 陶教授的項目將引領全球帶來重大的科技影響,首創多感仿真可穿戴裝置,可傳遞類混合氣味和觸覺,提供更身臨其境的體驗。該項目發揮了理大團隊的多學科專長和跨領域科研的卓越優勢,包括在柔性材料、物聯網(IoT)、可穿戴系統和生物醫學應用、電子織物、人工智慧、聲學和信號處理方面取得的豐碩成果。   這項研究產生的影響遠不止於開發新型裝置,更有可能從根本上撼動元宇宙、虛擬和增強現實技術的發展,還將廣泛為社會、產業發展以及人類生活帶動創新,包括醫療保健、智慧城市、藝術技術、機器人、教育、體育、時尚與紡織以及個人防護等。   Hoorn 教授的項目旨在緩解香港社區壓力, 面對61%人口經歷壓力、焦慮、情緒低落和負面情緒,該研究將利用大型語言模型訓練社交機器人,並結合本地化、文化和個人數據,提供可能被忽視的個人心理護理,從而填補醫療保健系統的不足。   項目會開發社交機器人、連接至手機應用程式的虛擬化身,以及研發新的分布式計算、可擴展性和隱私保護軟件架構。項目衍生的創新成果,將可惠及香港的在職人口,令多個行業受益,包括護理專業人員、社會工作者等。項目擬建立一個線上平台, 予人工智能和機器人開發人員延伸應用,除了護理領域,亦可滿足教育、酒店和娛樂等其他應用需求。 理大在2024/25年度主題研究計劃獲資助項目︰ 項目統籌者 陶肖明教授 時裝及紡織學院紡織科技講座教授 智能可穿戴研究中心總監 項目名稱 多感仿真可穿戴裝置機理和關鍵技術的研究 摘要 本項目通過研究多感官模擬可穿戴裝置,揭示人類混合氣味嗅覺和多感觸覺模擬的運行機制,開發相關關鍵技術及其應用。 項目將首創纖維集合體結構的仿生機制及其驅動裝置,用於複製混合氣和觸覺。透過建立人工智慧模型和控制模擬設備的演算法,將感測器獲得的測量訊號聯繫起來,提供更身臨其境的沉浸式體驗。 該設備研發目標包括︰ 通過人工智慧控制的感知和模擬混合氣味的嗅覺模擬設備; 通過改變其硬度、尺寸、表面形態和熱性質、可感知和調節作用力和溫度的織物觸覺模擬器; 可穿戴的基於織物的聲學聽診器,連續檢測人體內臟器官產生的聲音,包括位置和強度等。   這不僅有可能從根本上影響元宇宙技術發展,還影響醫療保健、物聯網、藝術科技、機器人、體育、時尚、紡織業等多個行業領域。 批准預算* 6237.8萬港元   項目統籌者 Johan Hoorn教授 設計學院兼電子計算學系教授 項目名稱 香港社區壓力緩解:大型語言模型賦能社交機器人的戰略性研究 摘要 本項目將開發人性化居家社交機器人,內置大型語言模型(LLM),以本地化、文化和個人數據為基礎,為香港精神健康服務不足的人群提供定制的心理健康支援。另外,會配置適用於移動應用程式的螢幕虛擬助理(Avatar)。   研發的新軟件架構將實現分散式計算、可擴展性和隱私保護,還將制定協定測試、邏輯符號AI和設計指南,探索創新方法和功能。並將經由本地社區進行實地評估,以助建立溝通模型,能夠預測和識別壓力或情緒低落的跡象,其後通過富情理的對話、求助信息或轉介專業護理等方式進行干預。 長遠而言,本項目有望減輕香港公共心理健康系統的負擔,同時通過人工智慧驅動方式,便利市民更好地自我管理身心健康。   香港勞動人口,尤其是護理專業人員和社工都將從中受益。透過為AI和機器人開發者建立及開放線上平台,可惠及更多領域,如教育、酒店、娛樂等延伸應用。 批准預算* 4089.9萬港元 *研資局提供資助金額的 90%,其餘 10% 將由協調大學提供。 ***完***  




由中國紡織工業聯合會主辦,中國紡織工業聯合會科技髮展部、中國貿易促進委員會紡織行業分會共同打造的“新技術創新空間”展區,在上海2024中國國際紡織麵料及輔料(春夏)博覽會亮相。此次“新技術創新空間”展區麵積爲225平方米,共邀請了國內11所高校14個團隊及國家先進功能纖維創新中心、10家重點企業進行展示。展區以 “智慧創造、智能紡織”爲主題,展示了近幾年我國在智能紡織品領域研究取得的成就,展示了“智能運動”“智慧防護”“智慧醫療康養”等方麵的最新成果。 中國紡聯會長孫瑞哲,中國紡聯原會長王天凱、原副會長許坤元,工業和信息化部消費品司一級巡視員曹學軍,中國工程院院士、東華大學校長俞建勇,中國紡聯黨委副書記陳偉康,副會長徐迎新、李陵申、閻岩等參觀了展區。孫瑞哲在參觀時表示,這些創新産品和技術不僅代表了紡織科技領域的最新成果,也爲行業未來的髮展指明了方向。 香港理工大學智能可穿戴系统研究院陶肖明教授團隊及其孵化科技企业展出了織物智能交互繫統、定製化醫用壓力襪及其評估壓力的智能仿生變形腿模型、智能運動恢複穿戴繫統、肢體肌肉運動監測繫統、帕金森輔助智能穿戴繫統及安全環保型抗菌材料等多項智能紡織技術與創新産品。 織物智能交互繫統實現了對視覺、聽覺、觸覺等感知方式和織物結構的無縫集成,可用於健康和醫療領域、智能家居、交互娛樂等用途。 定製化醫用壓力襪及其評估壓力的智能仿生變形腿模型基於三維人體掃描數據中提取的關鍵參數,應用自主設計的CAD/CIM技術,可使患者穿着更舒適,提高患者對穿着醫用壓力襪的依從性。 智能運動恢複穿戴繫統是便攜、智能、個性化的可穿戴繫統,可以在10秒內實現5℃-40℃的溫度範圍內切換,且溫度分佈均勻,同時施加壓力。該繫統可使運動員在比賽間隙中快速恢複,提高運動成績。 肢體肌肉運動監測繫統可以實時、連續地測量關節角度和骨骼肌厚度變化,再配合以建立的生物力學模型,可以估測運動員的骨骼肌在運動中的收縮力,應用於康複和運動訓練領域。 帕金森輔助智能穿戴繫統能實時準確地識別異常步態,並及時進行提示,有效提昇帕金森症患者的行動能力,改善患者生活質量。 元罡柔性感測儀實現男性健康管理新突破 元罡(廣州)智能科技有限公司緻力於通過智能化穿戴醫療,實現人體生理參數採集與分析,爲用戶提供精準的健康管理數據和輔助診療依據。公司本次展出了首款産品“柔性感測儀”,採用世界前沿的“柔性織物應變傳感器”,運用人工智能算法和數據分析引擎,可實時和長期監測男性生理功能參數。該産品實現了遠程居家監測,且穿戴舒適、數據準確、簡單易用、費用低廉,醫生可根據分析監測數據製定個性化診療方案,是男性健康管理領域的一大創新突破。 智康科技帶來智能瑜伽褲 廣州智康科技開髮有限公司是集智能穿戴産品研髮、設計、生産於一體的高科技企業。公司的專業研髮團隊來自材料、傳感技術、康複醫學、軟件開髮等領域的資深專業人士,依托完全自主創新的柔性大應變織物傳感核心技術,曆經3年産品研髮,全新推出創新專利産品“智能呼吸帶”和“智能瑜伽褲”。産品實現呼吸訓練數據實時可視化,可實時麵對麵指導、遠程指導,亦可自我練習矯正,大幅提昇各類運動和康複訓練的質量和效率,讓訓練更科學。 益曜科技展出安全環保型抗菌材料 香港理工大學孵化企業益曜科技有限公司 展出了基於聚羥基烷酸酯(PHAs)的安全環保型抗菌材料。該類材料可完全生物降解、無毒,可對金黃葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、白色唸珠菌、耐藥細菌、新型冠狀病毒,以及H1N1和H3N2病毒的殺滅率超過99.99%,可用作醫療衛生用品、服裝及家用紡織品的整理劑。與目前商業化的抗菌劑相比,這種新型PHAs材料在生物安全性、生物可降解性、穩定性、低碳排放和成本效益方麵,都具有明顯的優勢,可爲人們帶來更綠色、健康和安全的生活。    



Interview of IWEAR team led by Prof. Xiaoming Tao and Prof. Margaret Mak on Now TV: Introducing a Wearable Device to Aid Parkinson's Patients in Overcoming Walking Difficulties (only English version is available)

Prof. Xiaoming TAO and Prof. Margaret MAK of IWEAR were invited by Now TV to discuss a groundbreaking wearable device designed to assist Parkinson's patients in overcoming walking difficulties. The complete interview can be viewed by clicking on the following link:



IWEAR hosted the annual retreat (only English version is available)


Dr Fu Guangwei


        2023年11月,利民先进纺科技青年學者壽大華博士代表香港理工大學在蘇州承辦第十三屆中國紡織學術年會·青年學者論壇。中國紡織學術年會是中國紡織工程學會全力搭建的高端學術交流、高層次創新人才表彰、優秀科研成果發佈的權威平臺,多次入選中國科協《重要學術會議指南》目錄,著力為參會者構建主會場、專題分會場、特色論壇、表彰獎勵、展覽展示等五大模組的專業性學術會議體系,自2011年起已成功召開12屆。        論壇以“從基礎研究到應用轉化”为主题,聚焦推動紡織健康、智慧和運動領域的尖端科技交流和轉化,吸引了近200名青年學者、醫生和企業家及代表參加。中國紡織工程學會理事長、中國紡織工業聯合會檢測中心主任、國家紡織面料館董事長伏廣偉為論壇開幕致辭,香港理工大學時裝及紡織學院院長Cho Erin教授致歡迎詞,科技部中國科學技術交流中心港澳臺處處長管海波為論壇作主旨報告。會上,來自哈佛大學、北京大學、清華大學、復旦大學、香港理工大學、東南大學、東華大學、江南大學、青島大學、安徽工程大學以及亞瑟士(中國)、盛澤青商會、全棉時代、361度、蕉下、翔步紡織科技等單位企業代表彙聚一堂。圍繞“智慧可穿戴、健康新材料和綠色可持續”,與會代表深入探討了聯合研發、融合轉化和共創共用模式等方面的合作機會。論壇的舉辦不僅加強了產學研合作,還為跨領域協同發展開啟了新的篇章。        會議主題報告環節由香港理工大學博士生導師壽大華和遠也科技創始人、哈佛大學博士丁也擔任主持。北京大學第三醫院運動醫學科副教授劉玉雷、復旦大學研究員陳培甯、北京清華長庚醫院皮膚科主任醫師黃晨昱、東南大學能源與環境學院教授趙東亮、哈佛大學博士丁也、東華大學教授游正偉、亞瑟士(中國)商貿有限公司服飾研發負責人孫玉婷以及香港理工大學勵學青年學者席壽大華進行了主題彙報,介紹了智慧可穿戴與先進紡織科技、運動醫學臨床實踐與紡織工程、織物顯示器件與集成系統、力生物學和機械治療學、熱濕管理的功能織物、智慧可穿戴機器人、仿生彈性體纖維器件以及高性能纖維運動服飾等領域的最新科研進展及應用轉化。在會議現場,參會代表和報告嘉賓們展開了多輪熱烈而深入的互動交流,分享了各自的專業知識和經驗。  



IWEAR hosted the PAIR Conference with theme of Intelligent Wearable Systems.

The Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-IWEAR) hosted the PAIR Conference on 10 May 2023, with theme of Intelligent Wearable Systems. The conference was attended by experts, researchers, and professionals from various fields. The whole conference featured talks by eight speakers' presentation, two panel discussion, and one poster presentaion section.   The first speaker, Prof. Dinggang SHEN, founding dean from the School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University, presented on the topic of Fast Development and Deployment of AI Techniques for Real Medical Applications. The second speaker, Prof. Feng YAN, ADoRI of IWEAR and Chair Professor of Organic Electronics from Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented on the topic of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Sensing Applications. The thrid speaker, Prof. Yang CHAI, Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Professor of Department of Applied Physics, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University presented on the topic of Retina-inspired Vision Sensors. The fourth speaker, Dr Xinge YU, Associate Professor of Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, presented on the topic of Intelligent Skin Electronics for Healthcare Monitoring and XR. The fifth speaker, Prof. ZHENG Zijian, ADoRI of IWEAR and Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Science, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented on the topic of Textile Composite Electrodes for Extreme-Flexible Batteries and Beyond. The sixth speaker, Prof. Robert YOUNG, Professor of Polymer Science and Technology, Department of Materials, The University of Manchester, presented on top of Multifunctional Nanocomposites: Achievements and Prospects. The seventh speaker, Dr Lin SHU, Senior Engineer of Associate Head, School of Future Technology, South China University of Technology, presented on topic of Research and Application of Wearable Physiological and Psychological Computing Technology. The eighth speaker, Prof. Wei ZENG, Professor of Institute of Chemical Engineering, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, presented on topic of Ionic Thermoelectric Generator with a Giant Output Power Density and High Energy Density Enabled by Synergy of Thermodiffusion and Redox-pair Transfer Effect.   After the experts' sharing on the theme of Intelligent Wearable Systems, Dr Olga BUBNOVA, Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, presented on topic of Publishing in Nature Portfolio – from Nature Research journals to Nature Reviews journals. After, the other panel discussion on the topic pf Challenges and Opportunities of Intelligent Wearable Systems was held, with Prof. Feng YAN, Prof. Wei ZENG, and Dr Lin SHU as main speakers and Prof. Xiaoming TAO as moderator. At the end of the conference, there was the poster presentation section. Overall, the conference was a great success, providing a platform for experts and researchers to share their knowledge and experiences on intelligent wearable systems. The Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems will continue to organise similar events in the future, to continue promoting research and development in the field.    




(只有英文版本)Prof. Yang CHAI, a member of RI-IWEAR, collaborated with the researchers at Yonsei University in Korea and published an article entitled “Optoelectronic graded neurons for bioinspired in-sensor motion perception” in Nature Nanotechnology.    The motion perception by conventional machine vision usually occupies abundant computation resources, which greatly restricts its application at edge terminals. To perceive the dynamic motion at sensory terminals, it demands the hardware that can conduct visual processing in a more efficient way. Flying insects can agilely detect the motion with a tiny visual system (~800 photoreceptors and 10^5 neurons in the brain), which inspires us to emulate the characteristics with hardware devices for in-sensor motion perception.   One of the reasons for the agile visual system of flying insect is its graded neural structure, which exhibits much higher information transmission rate (>1000 bit/s) than that of spiking neuron (~300 bit/s) and allows to fuse spatiotemporal information at sensory terminals. Prof. Chai’s team adopted MoS2 phototransistor to emulate the non-spiking graded neurons of insect vision systems. The charge dynamics of the shallow trapping centres in MoS2 phototransistors mimic the characteristics of graded neurons, exhibiting multilevel response and volatile feature.   The optoelectronic graded neuron array can directly perceive different types of motion. The bioinspired sensor array can detect trajectories in the visual field with very economical hardware devices, allowing the efficient perception of the direction of the moving objects. By modulating the charge dynamics of the shallow trapping centres in MoS2 phototransistor, the bioinspired sensor array can recognize the motion with a temporal resolution ranging from 10^1 to 10^6 ms.   The bioinspired sensors have potential applications in robotics and artificial intelligence. For example, it could be used to develop more efficient and robots with better motion perception abilities by detecting and responding to the moving objects in the surrounding environment.




(只有英文版本)Preservation of growth factor sensitivity and bioactivity (e.g., bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)) postimmobilization to tissue engineering scaffolds remains a great challenge. Dr Xin ZHAO, member of RI-IWEAR, collaborated with Prof. Zijian ZHENG, Associate Director of RI-IWEAR developed a stable and soft surface modification strategy to address this issue. BMP-2 (a model growth factor) is covalently immobilized onto homogeneous poly (glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) polymer brushes which are grafted onto substrate surfaces (Au, quartz glass, silica wafer, or common biomaterials) via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. This surface modification method multiplies the functionalized interfacial area; it is simple, fast, gentle, and has little effect on the loaded protein owing to the cilia motility. The immobilized BMP-2 (i-BMP-2) on the surface of homogeneous PGMA polymer brushes exhibits excellent bioactivity (⁓87% bioactivity of free BMP-2 in vitro and 20%–50% higher than scaffolds with free BMP-2 in vivo), with conformation and secondary structure well-preserved after covalent immobilization and ethanol sterilization. Moreover, the osteogenic activity of i-BMP-2 on the nanoline pattern (PGMA-poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)) shows ⁓110% bioactivity of free BMP-2. This is superior compared to conventional protein covalent immobilization strategies in terms of both bioactivity preservation and therapeutic efficacy. PGMA polymer brushes can be used to modify surfaces of different tissueengineered scaffolds, which facilitates in situ immobilization of growth factors, and accelerates repair of a wide range of tissue types. This research was published in Bioactive Materials, Volume 24, June 2023.




熱烈恭賀智能可穿戴系統研究院院長陶肖明教授,獲特種纖維複合材料國家重點實驗室委任為顧問,任期由2023年4月起,為期5年。   特種纖維複合材料國家重點實驗室旨在針對國家特種纖維複合材料行業發展中急需解決的關鍵技術和共性技術問題,開展應用基礎研究、性能測試及評價技術研究。


Jinjiang delegation visits_17


(只有英文版本)The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the city government of Jinjiang have come to an agreement to jointly establish the PolyU-Jinjiang Research Institute to strengthen research collaboration among industry, academia, and research organisations to drive development along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The signing ceremony of the agreement was held On 17 February at the PolyU campus.   Before the signing ceremony, the delegation of leaders from the Jinjiang government and businesses visited the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-IWEAR). The delegation was warmly welcomed by Prof. Xiaoming TAO, Director of RI-IWEAR, along with other members of the institute.   During the visit, the delegation was given an introduction of the latest developments in intelligent wearable systems. They were also briefed on the institute’s research projects, including the development of smart clothing for healthcare and sports, as well as the use of big data and artificial intelligence in wearable technology.   The delegation expressed great interest in the research being carried out at the institute and saw the potential for collaboration with businesses in Jinjiang. They also spoke highly of PolyU’s reputation as a leading research institution in the field of wearable technology. Overall, the visit was a success in promoting greater collaboration and knowledge sharing between PolyU and businesses in Jinjiang.


