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理大未來食品研究院兩位成員獲選為「2022 年最廣獲徵引研究人員」

恭喜本院成員曾超華教授以及余嘉明博士獲科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)選為「2022 年最廣獲徵引研究人員」(Highly Cited Researchers 2022)。此項殊榮代表他們的學術著作在其研究範疇極具影響力,獲國際學者廣泛徵引。 本年共有 6,938 名來自 69 個國家和地區、不同研究領域的學者獲此殊榮。科睿唯安是根據科學家過去 10 年所發表,並在 Web of Science 引文數據庫中,被引用次數高踞同學科、同發表年份前 1% 的論文數量,而遴選出全球具有重大和廣泛影響的頂尖科學家名單。 本年度香港理工大學(理大)共有十二位學者(包括兩位理大前教員)獲選為「2022 年最廣獲徵引研究人員」,入選學者之多名列全港第三。余嘉明博士於本年度成功入選跨領域範疇,於眾多榮譽入選學者之中,曾超華教授更特別地同時入選工程學和環境及生態學共兩個範疇。


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RiFood members participated in F&B trade show and fisheries forum

RiFood members participated in the Fisheries Innovative and Technological Forum and the FoodSmart Conference and Expo for the Food and Beverage Trade 2022 Dr Kevin Kwok, Associate Director of Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood), and Prof. Dan Tsang, Member of RiFood, shared on the topic of new technologies for aquaculture and upcycling food waste respectively at the FoodSmart Conference and Expo for the Food and Beverage Trade 2022 held on 14 November 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.  The Institute also participated in the exhibition.  The Conference consists of plenary and breakout seminar sessions, with topics ranging from food waste separation, collection, treatment and pre-treatment technologies, AL & new technologies for F&B Trade, and experience sharing from F&B Trade. Exhibitors at the event showcased their latest technologies on food waste collection, treatment, and turning waste to energy/resources, innovative catering service and food waste management systems, development in sustainable food, environment-friendly cutlery, AI & new technologies for the F&B Trade, and health and safe environment. The Environmental Protection Department also shared relevant policy initiatives such as MSW charging and regulation of disposable plastic tableware. On 15 November 2022, Dr Kwok spoke on the supplements to improve fish health at The Fisheries Innovative and Technological Forum held at the Hong Kong Science Park.    The Forum consists of keynote speeches about the evolving development of sustainable fisheries, including the application of semi-submersible truss cage farm technology, sustainable development on fisheries and aquatic ecosystems, promoting sustainable fisheries development in Hong Kong, and supplements to improve fish health. A panel discussion regarding the future transformation of sustainable aquaculture was held as well. Exhibitors also demonstrated their innovative technologies in fisheries. For more information about the show and forum: The Fisheries Innovative and Technological Forum: The FoodSmart Conference and Expo for the Food and Beverage Trade: Food Smart Partnership Programme (


website - Congratulations to Dr Wong Kahing

Congratulations to Dr WONG Ka-hing for being admitted as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and received the IAAM Scientist Award

Congratulations to Dr WONG Ka-hing, our RiFood Director, for being admitted as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and received the IAAM Scientist Award for his contribution to Applications of Nanotechnology. Invited by IAAM, Dr Wong has delivered a lecture entitled “Selenium nanoparticles functionalized by mushroom polysaccharide-protein complex: A novel nano-mineral for managing postmenopausal osteoporosis” at the European Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress on 28 -31 August 2022. P.S. The IAAM is a non-profit international organisation established to promote scientific research in the field of advanced materials. Researchers around the globe are united to share their insights and advancements in material science - to find solutions to critical problems through applying advanced materials.


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International Conference on Food Waste to Food Sustainability (FWFS 2022) successfully held (只提供英文版本)

(只提供英文版本) A two-day International Conference on Food Waste to Food Sustainability (FWFS 2022), hosted by the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), was held successfully on 24-25 August 2022. Thirty-nine world-renowned academics were invited as keynote speakers to present their recent research findings on a diverse range of topics related to the conference theme. The Conference attracted over 500 online participants from 25 countries and regions. At the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, shared how the COVID-19 has been driving the transformation in different aspects of the global food system, from food waste management, food security, nutrition, public health to food policy. Prof. Chao pointed out that need for an interdisciplinary research platform to fulfil the food demand of the entire population and highlighted some of the remarkable achievements of and contributions from RiFood. Prof. Qingyan Chen, Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR), introduced the Academy and RiFood to the audience. He used the product development of traditional tonic food as an example, to elucidate how interdisciplinary research integrates chemical analysis, nutrition, Chinese medicine, and food processing to achieve our goal of accessible and highly nutritious food. Interdisciplinary research is critical to bring impact to the development of Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and the World. The Conference received very positive feedback. On the first day, eight speakers from the US and Canada shared their research findings on food waste upcycling. On the second day, twenty-one speakers from Australia, China, Germany, Greece, Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Swiss, the US and the UK presented on topics such as sustainable food production, food security to respond to emerging climate and pandemic situation, bio-safety, and food policy and green finance. Dr Kahing Wong, Director of RiFood gave closing remarks and thanked all the online participants for their support in making the Conference a huge success.


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香港理工大學-香港益力多 腸道益生菌益生元與人類健康聯合研究實驗室 現正招募更年期女士進行研究

香港理工大學-香港益力多 腸道益生菌益生元與人類健康聯合研究實驗室 現正招募 更年期女士進行研究 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 香港女性的更年期年齡平均為51歲,絕經後隨著體內雌激素下降,導致外陰 及陰道黏膜組織退化,引起一連串外陰陰道萎縮(Vulvovaginal Atrophy) 的 絕經後病徵,例如陰部乾澀、痕癢、灼熱、行房刺痛、小便赤痛等。 陰道微生物群在維持陰道生態方面有重要的作用,陰道微生物群失衡或失調 可能與停經前或停經後婦女的不良婦科健康狀況有關,因此了解陰道微生物 群的組成、功能和變化有助於了解更年期狀況的病理生理學,並可用於預防 和治療更年期相關健康問題。 我們正與香港本地診所合作進行一項有關香港女性更年期陰道微生物群變化 的臨床醫學研究,藉此改善絕經後婦女的陰部困擾。如符合研究條件,將安 排由醫生進行初步評估,當中得到的數據將用作學術研究,期間所有費用全 免,個人資料絕對保密。名額有限,額滿即止。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 研究詳情及登記: 填寫以下報名表格或掃描QR Code: 查詢: WhatsApp/微信:6677 8743 電郵 備註:整個評估程序已通過香港理工大學倫理委員會的審批。


Website - RiFood featured on RTHK TV programme Hong Kong Connection _V2


未來食品研究所副院長及應用生物及化學科技學系助理教授郭穎軒博士,於 6 月 2 日在港台電視節目《鏗鏘集》中,介紹了未來食品研究所對植物肉的研究,解釋何謂“培植肉” ,為何會對未來食品至關重要,以及它們是如何製作。 請到 重溫節目 (1:30 - 16:52)


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未來食品研究院副院長邱家琪博士及其團隊進行的研究發現,初生剖腹產嬰兒腸道內幾乎不存在雙歧桿菌 -- 一種普遍被醫學界認為可協助嬰幼兒建立良好免疫力以及保持腸道健康、能夠保護嬰兒免受腸道及免疫系統相關疾病的益生菌種。 邱博士及其研究團隊收集了70個初生嬰兒出生後兩周內的糞便樣本進行研究,發現來自剖腹產嬰兒的樣本中幾乎不存在雙歧桿菌。相比之下,採自順產及以母乳餵哺嬰兒的 37個糞便樣本,則全部發現該益生菌種達至水平。而早前研究有指出母乳中亦可能含有雙歧桿菌,母乳餵養或可補充剖腹產嬰兒的腸內益菌。 邱博士亦表示本港多達三成八的嬰兒是經由剖腹方式出生,對於剖腹產嬰兒在建立早期腸道微生物組成方面值得關注。(東方日報A11, am730 A06, 晴報P14, 文滙報A10) *是次研究由達能紐迪希亞公司委託進行   Online coverage 線上報導: 有線新聞 - 東方網 - 星島網 - am730 - 頭條日報 - 文滙報 - HK01 - 巴士的報 -



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海產養殖現代化及可持續發展培訓 2022

[Chinese only] #支持本地漁農【海產養殖現代化及可持續發展培訓2022】 第二屆「海產養殖現代化及可持續發展培訓」即將招生啦! 香港理工大學未來食品研究院在漁業持續發展基金嘅資助下,利用署方喺東龍洲嘅現代化海產養殖示範場進行海產養殖現代化同可持續發展計劃,為各位有意從事本地海產養殖人士提供養殖技術理論同實習課程。第一屆培訓已經完滿結束,如果您有興趣參加第二屆培訓,學習現代化海產養殖嘅知識同技術,兼想得到實戰經驗,請掃描海報上的QR code又或者電郵至查詢。



PAIR 成員加入聯合國訓練研究所 (UNITAR) 母乳餵哺專家委員會

中醫藥創新研究中心主任、未來食品研究院督導委員會會員及應用科學及紡織學院副院長黃文秀教授近日獲邀加入聯合國訓練研究所 (UNITAR) 母乳喂哺專家委員會。 該會主要目的是向全球母乳喂哺培訓提供技術諮詢,以加強運作並提高所在服務社區的影響。



理大投放四億元於新成立的跨學科高等研究院 以改善社會民生

理大常務及學務副校長黃永德於訪問時表示,大學於未來3年將投放4億元,推動高等研究院轄下的15所研究院及研究中心,當中涵蓋多個範疇,包括智慧城市、智能可穿戴系統及中醫藥等。 黃教授更表示,研究的課題均是社會民生重要議題,涉獵衣食住行,「理大特別強調研究要貼地及入屋,要對社會有用。」 「未來食品研究院」(RiFood) 是其中一所剛成立的研究院之一。RiFood院長兼應用生物及化學科技學系副教授黃家興博士於訪問中透露其研究團隊最近正研究中國傳統滋補食品如燕窩及海參相關的功效。 除此以外,「未來食品研究院」專注食品科學,研究包括透過納米技術將廚餘製成3D打印材料、發展人工智能食物鑑證以辨別有機菜等,最終目標協助培養出一個可持續的糧食系統,應對人口增長及氣候變化帶來的糧食危機。(經濟日報A10, 晴報P08)   Online coverage 線上報導: Hong Kong Economic Times 經濟日報 Sky Post 晴報  


