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智能物聯網研究院開幕儀式 (只有英文版本)



To facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration for impactful research within PolyU with a view to addressing key societal challenges in areas where PolyU has significant strategic advantages or a significant strategic interest, the University has established seven new research institutes on 1 May 2021. Artificial Intelligence of Things is one of PolyU's strategic focus areas and Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things (RIAIoT) is one of the research institutes under PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR).
Prof. Jiannong Cao is the founding director of RIAIoT. Prof. Cao is also the Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Data Science, the Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing in the Department of Computing, the Dean of Graduate School, and the founding director and now the associate director of University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics (UBDA).
In the future, RIAIoT will organize international conferences and symposiums in areas related to AIoT, promoting our research and achievements and providing a forum for exchange of ideas with regional or international participants.

研究部門 人工智能物聯網研究院


Dr. Shan JIANG


