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  • Decile
    Data set divided into 10 categories.
  • Decimal Degree
    Angular measurements in DMS specified by decimal fractions oof Latitude and Longitude.
  • Decimal Places
    Number of digits after decimal point.
  • Decision Tree Classifier
    Decision Tree Classifier is a simple and wide-used classification approach.It poses a series of questions about the attributes of the test record step by step until a conclusion about the calss label of the record is reached.
  • Declination
    Angle between Magnetic North and True North.
  • Decorrelation Stretching
    A form of multi-image manipulation which is specially useful when displaying highly correlated multipectral data.
  • Deductive Model
    Model that represents the conclusion derived based on derivation from physical law and/or scientific theories.
  • Deflection Angle
    Horizontal angular deviation from straight line. + value = Clockwise direction - value = Counterclockwise direction
  • Deflection of Vertical
    Vertical departure of ellipsoid with respect to geoid.
  • Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
    1 Degree = 60 Minutes 1 Minutes = 60 Seconds 1 Full circle = 360ᵒ
  • Delaunay Triangulation
    Triangulation method for any set of points, where it minimizes the number of small angles and circumscribed circles.
  • Delay-Lock Loop
    Similar to PLL, it uses a variable phase (delay) block to lock onto the signal.
  • DEM
    Digital Elevation Model
  • Demarcation
    Dividing line, boundary limit.
  • Demodulator
    Module (circuit) used to convert signal back to a format understandable by rover receiver.
  • Demographic Adjustment
    Adjustments made to population estimates.
  • Demographic Data
    Data from census or other surveys regarding the population of the region.
  • Demonstrate
    Present results or abilities with supporting proof, show understanding of knowledge in field of study through action and/or words.
  • Densitometer
    Instrument used to measure density by shining light through film transparencies.
  • Density Slicing
    See description on Level Slicing.
  • Dependent Lines
    Usually the longest lines in a GPS network, they are often discarded as they usually contain many biases.
  • Depth of Field
    The distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that a camera can image with acceptable focus.
  • Derivative Analysis
    A powerful diagnostic tool used to enhance the interpretation from pumping tests.
  • Derive
    To be able to create new understanding from basic concepts and ideas.
  • Describe
    Able to define and roughly explain the basic and procedures used within field of study.
  • Descriptive Model
    Model describing existing conditions.
  • Descriptive Statistics
    Number used to summarize and describte data/information.
  • Design and Develop Ideas
    Ability to be innovative and expand on ideas, creating new ideas and knowledge within field of study.
  • Designated Symbols
    Grpahics with qualitative and/or quantitative attributes attached.
  • Deskewing
    A procedure to rotate a scanned image to compensate for skewing
  • Despreading
    Compression of Spread Spectrum Signals into smaller bandwidth by demodulating it with an identical wideband waveform.
  • Destriping
    Procedures developed to remove or relief the striping problem.
  • Detail Survey
    Survey used to determine and locate features (both man-made and natural depending on purpose of survey) on parcels of land/plots/property.
  • Detection Range
    Maximum distance where radar signal is useful for detection.
  • Detection Rate
    Percetage of total number of targes available.
  • Deterministic Interpolation
    Interpolation method that does not give assessment to errors of predicted values.
  • Deterministic Model
    Mathematical models without the presence of randomness.
  • Dewow
    Simplified low-cut/high-pass filter to reduce/eliminate noise.
  • DGPS
    Differential Global Positioning Satellite
  • Dielectric Constant
    Quantifying the ability for a material to store electrical (electromagnetic) energy.
  • Dielectric Loss
    Loss due to dissipation of electromagnetic energy.
  • Dielectric Material
    Material that does not conduct electricity (electric insulator) but can sustain an electric field (store electrical energy).
  • Difference
    Overlay method to identify area that falls within an identified criteria (A XOR B).
  • Differencing
    Simultaneous baseline solutions of combined measurements. Type: 1) Single Difference 2) Double Difference 3) Triple Difference
  • Differential Atmospheric Scattering
    Backscatter from atmospheric molecules and particles adds light to that reflected from ground features.
  • Differential Calculus
    Branch of mathematics concerned with application of derivatives and differentials.
  • Differential Correction
    Technique for improving positioning accuracy using two or more receivers, one stationary and another mobile/roving.
  • Differential GPS
    Enhancement to GPS method that uses at least two recievers (one stationary, one roving) by using GPS pseudoranges to compute positions, they can be highly subjected to atmospheric effects.
  • Differential Levelling
    Establishing difference in elevation between two or more points using a specified datum.
  • Differential Rectification
    A process ugenterates analog orthophotos from overlapping conventional photos