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  • Chroma
    Graphic quality related to the hue of a colour, it is the degree of intensity of a colour.
  • Chromatic Aberration
    Defects in lens where it results in the failure to focus.
  • CIO
    Conventional International Origin
  • CIPP
    Cured In-Place Pipe
  • Circular Error Probable
    Measure of horizontal precision.
  • Circular Mode
    Marine Positioning based on simultaneous distance observations from two or more known stations using ranging methods.
  • Circular Polarization
    Polarization of EM wave in which direction of electric field is changed into a rotary manner without changing the strength. Type: 1) Left Hand Circular Polarized 2) Right Hand Circular Polarized
  • Circumscribed Circle
    Circle that passes through the vertices of the polygon the Circumscribed Circle belonged to.
  • CL Code
    Civil-Long Code
  • Clarke 1866 Ellipsoid
    Reference ellipsoid used as a basis for North American Datum 1927 (NAD27), it is based on measurements taken in Europe, India, Peru, Russia, and South Africa.
  • Class
    Class in survey refers to the planned and/or achieved precision in the survey network, affect by: 1) Survey Design 2) Survey Practice 3) Equipment 4) Adjustment/Reduction Method
  • Classes
    Objects/features/data with similar attributes.
  • Classification
    Map Generalization technique where symbols/features/data are ordered/scaled/sorted by attributes.
  • Clear understanding
    Clearly understand issues and able to identify the difference with others.
  • Client
    Computers/Machines in the network that requests data/process.
  • Client-Server Architecture
    Network architecture where there are Clients request data/processes from Servers, the majority of the processing work will be done on the Client side.
  • Client-Server Computing Model
    Computing distribution where tasks and/or workloads are distributed between service providers (servers) and service requesters (clients)
  • Client-Server Distributed Database System
    Distributed Database System using Client-Server architecture.
  • Climatic Maps
    Map showing geographical distribution of climatic factors (e.g., rainfall) occuring within a set time period.
  • Clip
    GIS operation that can create a new layer of data from an extracted portion, process of selecting features within a defined boundary.
  • Clock Drift
    When time between the clocks (oscillators) does not run at the same speed.
  • Closed Traverse
    Traverses that are mathematically closed but can be geometrically opened or closed and must start and end on a point with high order of positional accuracy.
  • Closest Facility
    Analysis technique that computes facilities located closest to a selected location based on shortest path.
  • Cloud Computing
    Practice of using a network of computer servers to store, manage, and process data.
  • Cluster Analysis
    The task of organizing a set of objectsin the same group,called a cluster,whose members are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters).
  • Cluster Tolerance
    Distance tolerance between vertices, vertices within cluster tolerance are snapped together during validation.
  • Clustering
    See description on Unsupervised Classification.
  • Clutter
    Unrelated signals that are different to the target scattering but occur on the same display.
  • CM Code
    Civil-Moderate Code
  • CMAS
    Circular Map Accuracy Standard
  • CMG
    Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Orange, Green
  • CNSS
    Compass Navigation Satellite System
  • Co-Phase Line
    Lines on tidal charts showing degrees/time units.
  • Co-Range Line
    Lines on tidal charts showing amplitudes/heights of tides.
  • Coastal Zone Color Scanner
    Particularly designed to measure the color and temperature of the coastal zones of oceans.
  • Code Chip
    Binary sequence generated from code generator, with amplitude values of +1 or -1.
  • Code Division Multiple Access
    Channel access technique for use in radio communication.
  • Code Phase
    Measurements based on C/A Code,
  • Code Tracking Loop
    Feedback loop used by receivers to generate and match incoming codes from GPS satellites.
  • Coefficient Matrix
    Matrix consisting of coefficients of variables in a set of linear equations.
  • Coherence
    Able to logically and rationally express comments and ideas.
  • Coherent Modulated Carrier Waves
    When two modulated carrier waves reach the same phase angle at exactly the same time.
  • Cokriging
    Interpolation technique that uses secondary variables correlated with primary variable of interest for interpolation, giving a better prediction.
  • Collapsing
    Reducing the dimension of a map element (e.g., Line-->Point, Area-->Point, Area-->Line).
  • Collimation Error
    Type of systematic error, it is the angular difference between the line of sight and the horizontal.
  • Collinearity
    A property of a set of points that lies on a single line.
  • Color Space Transformation
    To transfer the color from one space system(e.g. RGB) to another color space system(e.g. Intensity-Hue-Saturation) to display the color
  • Color Temperature
    The temperature of an blackbody radiates lights of comparable hue to that of the light source.
  • Color Vision Theory
    There are two theories explain color vision theory, trichromatic theory of color vision and opponent process of color vision.