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  • Differential Scaling
    Changes scale by reducing/expanding in the x and/or y direction.
  • Diffraction
    Wave Property. Occurs when wave encounters an obstacle or slit, where waves bend around the obstacle.
  • Diffraction Grating
    An optical component with a periodic structure, consisting of a surface with fine paralled grooves ruled across it.
  • Diffuse Reflection
    The reflection of light from a surface such that an incident ray is reflected at many angles rather than at just one angle as in the case of specular reflection
  • Digital City
    Applys the information technology methods to present the past history, current situation and future trend through digital network.
  • Digital Elevation Model
    A digital model or three-dimension model representing a terrain's surface generated from terrain elevation data, model of elevation (heights) of Earth generally with reference to sea level.
  • Digital Enhancement Technique
    To improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the apparent distinction between the features in the scene.
  • Digital Level
    Levelling instrument capable of electronically scanning a coded staff, allowing data to be automatically collected, has automatic compensators.
  • Digital Line Graph
    Digital representations of point, line and polygon features.
  • Digital Number
    Integer represents the intensity value,the average radiance measured in each pixel.
  • Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
    Digitized image from remote sensing where displacements caused by tilt and terrain have been removed.
  • Digital Surface Model
    Model of surfaces on Earth.
  • Digital Terrain Model
    A topographic digital model of the terrain relief which can be processed by computer program, model of Earth's terrain similar to DEM.
  • Digitizer
    Device for converting hard copy into digital format by tracing around the boundary of the interested region.
  • Digitizing
    Method of transforming analogue data to digital format.
  • Dilution of Precision
    An indication of the strength of GPS network configuration, where a high DOP value generally means a closer cluster of GPS satellites and a lower level of precision. Types: 1) PDOP: Position 2) GDOP: Geometric 3) RDOP: Relative 4) HDOP: Horizontal 5) VDOP: Vertical 6) TDOP: Time
  • DIME
    Dual Independent Map Encoding
  • DIME Model
    Diplomacy, Information, Military, Economics model
  • Dipolar Loss
    Coefficient to tanδ.
  • Direct Connection
    Where transmitter is directly connected to the target to allow continuous flow of current between the transmitter and the target, transmitter is grounded.
  • Direct Current
    Electric current flowing in one direction only.
  • Direct Observation
    Observations/measurements taken on site through instruments.
  • Direct Transformation
    Directly finding the relationship between two projection point in a rectangular coordinate system.
  • Direct Translation
    Data Exchange, where there is direct conversion of data between two different systems.
  • Direction
    Cardinal points/direction (North, South, East, West) and/or reference directions (up, down, left, right).
  • Directional First Differencing
    An enhancement technique aims to emphasize in image data.
  • Directivity
    Focus ability of the antenna.
  • Discipline
    Branch of knowledge studied, training in a particular branch of subjects.
  • Discrepancy
    The difference in two observed values of same quantity.
  • Discrete Entities
    Singular, stand-alone entities of data.
  • Discrete Features
    Opposite to Continuous Features, they are spatial features that are individually distinguiable.
  • Discriminant Function
    A statistical analysis functions used to predict a categorical dependent variable by one or more continuous or binary independent variables.
  • Discuss
    Ability to clearly express opinions, ideas, knowledge and understanding regarding concepts within the field of study.
  • Dish Antennas
    Dish-shaped parabolic antenna, mostly used in broadcasts and data transmission.
  • Disjoint
    The situation that two sets have no common elements.
  • Disjunctive Kriging
    Kriging that uses a function of the value for interpolation.
  • Displacement
    Map generalization technique, moving (displacing) elements of the map so that it does not interfere with one-another.
  • Dissolution
    Map Generalization technique, to dissolve element.
  • Dissolve
    GIS operation to remove boundaries between features of the same attribute.
  • Distance Decay
    The effect of change of distance on cultural or spatial interactions between two area.
  • Distance-Dependant Biases
    Biases resulting from Ionospheric, Tropospheric, and orbital errors.
  • Disto
    Refectorless EDM to measure distance in short range.
  • Distortion (Patterns)
    The alteration of the original shape .
  • Distortion by Ink Spread
    Distortion due to spread of ink during printing, may often lead to misinterpretation of points/areas and illegibility of fine print.
  • Distributed Database
    A type of database storages data in multiple computer lacated in the one physical location or dispersed through a network.
  • Distributed Database System
    Where database (data storage) is not attached to processing unit (i.e., where location of database is different from data processing), the whole database can be physically located at a different area or protions of the database can be stored at multiple locations.
  • Distribution Information
    Metadata category, information about how to obtain data.
  • Ditering
    Introducing digital noise into the system.
  • Dithering
    Process that arranges colour pixels on screen in such a way that gives a wider variety (shades) of colour.
  • Diurnal Tide
    When a single high tide and single low tide occuring each day when the moon is farthest from the equator.