The University is committed to providing high value-added education. In promoting quality learning and teaching, the University embraces the following beliefs:


adoption of an outcome-based approach to curriculum development, teaching, learning, assessment and quality assurance which helps ensure continual improvement of programme quality and student learning outcomes.

Robust quality assurance processes are essential in maintaining and enhancing programme standards.

Faculties/Schools/Departments take ownership, leadership and responsibility for assuring and enhancing programme and teaching quality.

The teaching team is the University’s greatest asset for quality education. The University is dedicated to fostering a culture of quality in which teaching excellence is suitably supported, recognized, and rewarded.


Students are essential partners in the pursuit of quality. The University values student inputs in the programme planning and evaluation processes as well as in the formulation of teaching and learning policies.

Programme curriculum and subject syllabus

The University provides a wide range of professionally oriented programmes in accordance with its committed role in higher education, and all programmes are delivered at an internationally competitive level. The Senate is the highest authority on all academic-related matters within the University and holds the ultimate responsibility for regulating the provision and ensuring the quality of academic programmes.

The University embraces a balanced approach to the development of all-round students with professional competence, emphasizing the importance of both formal curriculum and co-curriculum in achieving this objective.

The University ensures that the design of programmes and constituent subjects are conducive to students’ attainment of the desired learning outcomes by integrating the principles of outcome-based education into the planning, validation and review of academic programmes.

Academic standards and quality assurance

Mechanisms and processes for defining and maintaining academic standards are specified in the Guidelines and Regulations for Programme Planning, Validation and Management as well as the Handbook on Academic Regulations and Procedures. The framework features robust monitoring and review across different levels of operation, built-in mechanisms for soliciting external inputs, emphasis on using learning outcomes as the core design and review principle, robust assessment of student learning, and an annual review of programme effectiveness based on multiple sources of evidence.

The quality of academic programmes is assessed using various performance indicators (e.g. student-staff ratio, Student Feedback Questionnaire score, international learning experience, teaching and learning publications, etc.) and Annual Programme Review Reports are integrated into the departmental Annual Operation Plan to ensure that programme quality is effectively monitored and reviewed. Effectiveness of the quality assurance system for departments and programmes and the adequacy of academic regulations are regularly reviewed respectively by the Quality Assurance Committee (Academic Departments) and the Academic Planning and Regulations Committee under the Senate.

Quality enhancement

The University adopts a holistic approach to quality enhancement. The University believes that quality enhancement should be evidence-based and embedded into established structures and processes for quality assurance, where programme quality is closely monitored and reviewed.

The University values good teaching. The University commits substantial resources to supporting quality teaching as well as to the development of innovative teaching initiatives, makes available a wide range of professional development opportunities for teaching staff and recognizes teaching excellence.

The University values student feedback and participation in the quality enhancement processes. Students’ views on programme quality are collected through formal and informal channels and through their involvement in institutional committees.

Learning space development

The University is committed to providing suitable physical and virtual environments that enable the best use of innovative teaching approaches and technologies for an effective mix of different modes of learning, as well as to facilitate student-centred and collaborative learning. Guiding principles and standards for the design of learning space are stipulated in Modernizing Learning Spaces at PolyU: A Guide for Learning Space Needs, Design Principles & Standards.  




Related Documents

- Guidelines and Regulations for Programme Planning, Validation and Management (restricted access)
- Handbook on Academic Regulations and Procedures (restricted access)
- Terms of Reference and Composition of Quality Assurance Committee (Academic Departments)
- Terms of Reference and Composition of Academic Planning and Regulations Committee

Modernizing Learning Spaces at PolyU: A Guide for Learning Space Needs, Design Principles & Standards