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Congratulations to Prof. Eric Tsui on receiving the Excellence Award on ELearning by the World Education Congress

Prof. Eric Tsui was recently being conferred an Excellence Award on ELearning by the World Education Congress because of his leadership and contribution to the field of Education. In announcing the award, the Jury and Council of Board Members cited the position that Professor Tsui occupied in the fraternity is strategic and iconic; he is a thinker, a doer, a role model and a believer in change. This award is presented especially to those people who can make a difference to the lives of others for the quality of their work rural reach, outlook and ability to contribute value of social change. The award consists of a trophy and a citation.  

26 Jul, 2019

Staff Achievement


ISE Students won the Champion and 2nd Runner-up Award in “2019 International Joint Design Workshop” by Tianjin University

Students of BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM), Miss Wong Man Ki and Miss Tong Pui Sze, won the champion and 2nd runner-up award in “2019 International Joint Design Workshop”. The workshop is organized by Tianjin University and sponsored by CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd. There are totally nine universities participating in the joint design workshop: Nanyang Technology University, Chiba University, National Cheng Kung University, Queen’s University Belfast, Chongbuk National University, Tianjin University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Huo Design (Canada) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and School of Design). The theme of the presentation is “future travel tool design”. The group of Miss Wong Man Ki participated in, won the champion award, with design concept “Non-transfer Rail Transportation”. The group that Miss Tong Pui Sze joined, won the 2nd runner-up award, with concept of “Intelligent Rail Transit”. During the workshop, students from different universities carried out theme design activities in groups. The joint design workshop provides a platform for students to exchange idea and it helps to cultivate international design talents.

24 Jul, 2019

Student Achievement



由香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系主辦,維期7個月的「全港中小學產品設計大賽2018-19」於5月25日正式圓滿結束。是次比賽吸引超過100間中小學校共300多支隊伍報名參與,反應熱烈。比賽共設有「小學組」和「中學組」兩個組別,題目貼近生活所需,分別為「環保或節能產品」、「穿戴科技」及「衛生保健或復康產品」,讓各位同學根據興趣發揮所長。 參賽同學在比賽開始時需要提交產品計劃書,在評審團進行初步輪選後,一共有90支隊伍成功入圍。入圍後,隊伍需再提交產品報告書、2分鐘產品演示視頻及展示海報作產品介紹。理大與協辦機構DTSL提供一連十場工作坊,以協助入圍隊伍學習各方面的產品設計知識,例如3D繪圖及打印技巧、編程及感應器使用、基本電子電路設計以及介紹鐳射切割機和創意剪裁機製作作品等等。因此,學生除了發揮STEM知識外,亦可學習不同產品設計技巧,獲益良多,而對小學生而言更是重大突破,跳出課本內學習的內容,極具挑戰性。 作品展示及頒獎典禮當日場面熱鬧,評審團包括香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系專家、資訊科技教育領袖協會以及香港電腦教育學會等代表。評判會按照參賽隊伍的產品計劃書及報告書、匯報視頻、海報、產品功能及外形設計評分。而所有組別的製成品展示於理大校園內,讓評審們逐一檢閱,並由負責設計作品的同學們現身解說,令評審更清楚作品功能、設計理念及市場推廣策略。 中學組由香港培道中學的「智能調節康復支架」奪得全場總冠軍,而最佳外觀獎及最佳創意獎分別由嘉諾撒聖家書院的「智能復康裝置」及崇真書院的「無障智能帽」獲得。小學組則由瑪利曼小學的「Smart Pyjamas」獲得全場總冠軍,而同校的另一隊伍「Happy Wash」亦於「衛生保健或復康產品」中取得冠軍,成績彪炳。此外,佛教林炳炎紀念學校的「寶寶睡眠體溫感測被子」和荃灣商會學校的「多功能便攜式冷風機」分別取得最佳外觀獎及最佳創意獎。 其他入圍隊伍作品都費盡心思,靈活運用所學到的知識,實用之餘亦十分美觀,令一眾評審嘆為觀止。例如針對環保議題而設的智能除釘機、盡用廢舊電池充電器及智能節水淋浴裝置等,貼合生活所需,能達至真正的「綠色生活」方式。是次比賽讓同學充分實踐STEM教學的實際用途及意義,活學活用科技為生活帶來的便利。 香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系系主任陳鏡昌教授表示,今年是連續第三年舉辦全港中小學產品設計大賽,透過學習創新科技知識及鼓勵創意設計,能提升同學對於產品設計及科技的興趣,亦有助未來投身各行各業。科技議題是近年熱門的項目主題,透過同學研發貼近生活的科技產品,充分體驗創新科技的重要性。 網址:

17 Jul, 2019



ISE Students won the 1st-Runner Up Award in the “HKIE – MI Student Project Competition 2018-19” by HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division

Mr Wenqiang Li from BSc (Hons) Enterprise Engineering with Management programme won the 1st-Runner Up Award in the “HKIE – MI Student Project Competition 2018-19” organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – Manufacturing & Industrial (MI) Division. Title of the awarded project is “Deep Learning Application for Automatic Detection of Myocardial Infarction based on ECG Signals” which is supervised by Dr Y.M. Tang. This competition aims to encourage students to stretch their intellectual and practical competence in the application of MI engineering technologies in real life cases. This awarded project aims to develop a deep learning application for automatic detection of myocardial infarction based on ECG signals, which is performed with the support of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Industrial Centre (IC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

16 Jul, 2019

Student Achievement

3rd University Summer Youth Programme with (co-organized with UNESCO HK 香港聯合國教科文組織協會)

Building on the success of the previous years, ISE Department is going to organize the 3rd University Summer Youth Programme with UNESCO HK (香港聯合國教科文組織協會) in July 2019. Students can choose their preferred topic out of four projects according to their interest. 擴增實境程式設計(AR)和產品設計 Augmented Reality (AR) and Product Design Lego 機械程式設計(進階) Lego Programming (Advanced) 智能企業-物聯網(IoT)的應用 IoT Application for Smart Enterprise 人工智能應用初探 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications Training, interactive workshops, campus visit, company visit and activities for non-thematic learning will be arranged. For more details, please visit the event website at:           

15 Jul, 2019



ISE Research Student won the Outstanding Award in the “CA Paper Award Competition 2018/19 – Postgraduate level” co-organized by HKIE CAD and InstrMC Hong Kong Section

ISE Research Student Mr. Keung Kin Lok, Dicky won the Outstanding Award in the “CA Paper Award Competition 2018/19 – Postgraduate level” organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division (CAD) and co-organized by the Institute of Measurement and Control (InstrMC), Hong Kong Section. The paper awarded is titled as “A Centralised Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System with Digital Twin Architecture assisted in a real-world Robotic Warehouse” which is supervised by Dr. Carman Lee. This Competition aims to promote the Control, Automation & Instrumentation technologies and to encourage young or potential engineers and technologies. Due to world’s fast-paced, customer-driven e-commerce economy, customers’ demand management and natures of large assortments of small quantities in e-commerce industries become critical to the success of e-commerce business. This awarded paper aims at providing a proactive decision making on warehouse management via Digital Twin along with integrations of computational intelligence, robotics, wireless sensing technology and physical processes in a fulfilment system.

20 May, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE Students won the second place in “Young Engineers Programme 2018/2019” by HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division

Students of BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management (EEM), Miss Ip Wing Yan, Mr. Kong Zi Git and Mr. Tsang Wai Cheong together with Mr. Tong Chi Fung and Miss Tsoi Sin Yu, who are students from BEng (Hons) in Industrial and Systems Engineering and BEng (Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing formed a team to join “Young Engineering Programme 2018/2019” organized by Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Manufacturing & Industrial Division and won the second place award for a group project title of “Warehouse Management – Centralized Warehouse Management System” which is supervised by Dr. Carman Lee. This programme aims to give Manufacturing-and-Industrial (MI) related students an opportunity to apply MI knowledge and techniques and advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoTs), robots, mobile applications, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics for developing feasible and practical solutions for various MI problems. This year’s project area is related to “Cyber-physical Systems” in industrial applications. Our ISE students proposed a project titled “Warehouse Management – Centralized Warehouse Management System” which focus on optimizing the warehouse operation of the ASM Long Gang Factory. The system aims to provide automated just-in-time logistics which linked up autonomous mobile robot and operators with AR glasses through the Internet and real-time routing solutions will be generated automatically.

20 May, 2019

Student Achievement

ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (ISE科研揚威日內瓦國際發明展)

Silver Medal and 2 Special Merit Award 銀獎及兩項優異獎   Curvature-adaptive Multi-jet Freeform Polishing System for Precision Manufacturing 用於精密製造的曲率自適應多射流不規則曲面拋光系統 By Ir Professor Benny CHEUNG Chi-fai, 張志輝教授 Principal Investigator: Ir Professor Benny CHEUNG Chi-fai (3rd from left) 發明者:張志輝教授(左三)   Silver Medal 銀獎   An Industrial IoT-based Smart Robotic Logistics Management System 基於工業物聯網技術的智能機器化倉庫管理系統 By Dr Carman LEE Ka-man 李嘉敏博士   Video 影片(只具英文版): Principal Investigator: Dr Carman LEE Ka-man (left) 發明者:工業及系統工程學系李嘉敏博士(左)   Mobile robot controlled by advanced intelligent robotic algorithms 由先進智能機械人演算法控制的機械人   The 47th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, held from 10 to 14 April, has attracted over 800 exhibitors from more than 40 countries/regions. It was organized under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government, the State and the City of Geneva as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization. 「第四十七屆國際發明展」4月10日至14日在瑞士日內瓦舉行,吸引來自超過40個國家/地區的逾800個參展單位參與。發明展獲瑞士聯邦政府、日內瓦市政府和世界知識產權組織贊助。 (Source: PolyU Website)  

26 Apr, 2019


ISE team have developed a smart warehousing system to meet the needs of Industry 4.0

Source: PolyU Website ( ISE team have developed a smart robotic warehouse management system that revolutionises logistics operations by providing fully automated, unmanned and round-the-clock services.   Online shopping is ubiquitous in today’s digital age, and the rapid growth of e-commerce has fuelled a massive demand for third-party logistics services. Yet traditional logistics providers, with their low-technology and labour-intensive warehouses, are also lagging behind, due to labour shortage caused by ageing population.     The compact and flexible Autonomous Mobile Robot, utilising QR Code navigation technologies, has a maximum loading of 500 kg. It can easily move the entire storage rack, facilitating fast picking and replenishment.   To cope with this challenge, a team from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering led by Dr Carman Lee Ka-man collaborated with an industrial partner, RV Automation Technology Company Limited, to jointly develop a smart robotic warehouse management system that transforms traditional warehouses into contemporary, high-technology and unmanned logistics fulfilment centres. Developed under the funding support of the Innovation and Technology Commission, this revolutionary system combines the most advanced Industry 4.0 technologies – the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT), Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Cloud Computing – to improve the scalability, speed and efficiency of various stages of logistics operations, including warehouse management solutions, storage lockers and express services, etc. The system’s success is a shift from person-to-goods to goods-to-person in logistics operations. Workers no longer need to search for specific items to fulfil orders, as AMRs simply deliver the required goods in storage racks for fast picking and replenishment. Thanks to cutting-edge swarm robotics and optimisation algorithms, these AMRs also collaborate efficiently to fulfill a range of activities, including re-slotting, multi-deep storage and batch picking, etc.   Dr Carmen Lee (front middle) and her team   The practical value of this research project has already been demonstrated in the recently opened RobEx Centre, Hong Kong’s first fully automated and unmanned smart warehouse facility in Hong Kong Science Park. The smart robotics warehouse management system has been complimented for operating round-the-clock, maximising operational efficiency and reducing the need for physically demanding human labour. In addition, big data analysis helps to scale warehouse services to meet demand in peak hours and reduce human errors in parcel storage and delivery. In December 2018, this project won the Gold Award and Outstanding Automation Award at the Asia International Innovative Invention Awards. The system is expected not only to enhance the development of the logistics industry – a key pillar of Hong Kong’s economy, but also to help create a safer working environment for the industry.  

4 Apr, 2019



ISE student won the Recognition of Excellence in 2019 HUAWEI CLOUD AI Developer Contest

Competing with more than 60 teams, Mr. Lo Cheung Yu (Alex) who is studying in Enterprise Engineering with Management won the award of Recognition of Excellence in 2019 HUAWEI CLOUD AI Developer Contest. This Contest is co-organized with the Hong Kong Society of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (HKSAIR) and Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP). It is the first such program launched in Hong Kong for university students to improve their skills in applying AI and realize their ideas through development. In this contest, Mr. Lo utilizes HUAWEI CLOUD EI ModelArts, which was recently ranked number one in the world for its training time of image recognition, to develop small-sample learning models, train, and to be able to identify a large number of various foods and cuisine images. This contest provides a demonstration to ISE students on how AI applies to real-life scenarios when dealing with large amounts of data.

1 Apr, 2019

Student Achievement

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