Continuing Study Beyond Normal Study Period

If an RPg student is unable to complete his/her studies within the normal study period, he/she shall notify the D/SRC Chair via the PolyU Chief Supervisor and the Chief Supervisor of the partner institution (if applicable), in writing before the normal study period expires, indicating the reasons and the expected completion date, which should fall within the maximum period of study. The D/SRC Chair shall act on the Chief Supervisor’s recommendations to approve or disapprove the RPg student’s request for continuing his/her studies beyond the normal period of study (but within the maximum period of study), and inform the D/SGOs or the GS of his/her decision.

If the student fails to obtain the D/SRC Chair’s approval for continuing his/her study beyond the normal study period, the D/SRC should report the decision of de-registration or the date by which the student has to complete his/her study within his/her maximum study period to GS. The D/SGOs or the GS shall update the decision or the date in the Research Information System (RIS)/Student Record System (SRS) as appropriate.

Any RPg student who fails to submit his/her thesis to the relevant offices by the end of the normal period of study is required to pay a continuation fee regardless of whether or not he/she is a scholarship holder.