Setup, Eligibilities and Roles of the Board of Examiners
  1. Upon receipt of the Form GSB/2B, the D/SGO or GS shall set up a BoE. The Setup of the BoE involves the appointment of a Chair and two External Examiners.
  2. The D/SRC Chair shall be responsible for the nomination of the BoE Chair, in consultation with the Chief Supervisor, for the approval of the HoD/DoS.
  3. The PolyU Chief Supervisor and the Chief Supervisor of the partner institution (if applicable) shall be members of the BoE but shall not be the BoE Chair. They are required to attend the oral examination. (A Chief Supervisor who has left PolyU may also be a member of the BoE, subject to the approval of the GSB Chair.)
  4. In the event that the HoD/DoS is one of the supervisors of the RPg student, the Faculty Dean/SB Chair or his/her nominee shall be the BoE Chair. In the case where both the HoD/DoS and the Faculty Dean/SB Chair are the supervisors, the GSB Chair or his/her nominee shall be the BoE Chair.
  5. The BoE Chair shall be a PolyU staff member at the Associate Professor level or above, or the equivalent; have successful supervision experience at postgraduate level at PolyU or elsewhere, and must be from a broadly related discipline. The main duties of the BoE Chair are (i) to uphold the integrity of the exam process and (ii) to act as a gatekeeper to ensure the quality of the thesis.
  6. There shall be two external examiners who are not members of PolyU or the partner institution (if applicable) and both shall:
    • have successful PhD supervision experience as Chief Supervisors;
    • normally be at the Associate Professor level or above, or the equivalent;
    • have appropriate expertise related to the RPg programme;
    • be independent and operate at arm’s length with the RPg student and his/her Supervisor(s), e.g. must NOT have acted previously as the RPg student’s supervisor or have joint publications with RPg student’s supervisor(s);
    • be in a position to be impartial;
    • preferably not affiliate to the same academic department of the same university.
  7. The supervisor(s), including the Chief Supervisor of the partner institution (if applicable), shall nominate at least two external examiners with supporting information including a brief CV of each suggested external examiner with a list of his/her publications. The nomination of external examiners will be endorsed by the BoE Chair and approved by the FRC/SB Chair. In the event that the BoE Chair is FRC/SB Chair, the nomination of external examiners will be approved by the GSB Chair.
  8. Special approval is required from the BoE Chair and the FRC/SB Chair if:
    • qualifications of nominated external examiners deviate from the above stipulations;
    • external examiner(s) of a lower rank has to be appointed because appropriate expertise is not available at the levels of seniority specified above. However, the external examiner(s) to be nominated should have an appropriate scholarly record of distinction in the relevant field.
  9. In case a nominee holds an “Honorary” academic title, the nomination will have to be approved by the GSB Chair.
  10. External Examiners are normally given two weeks to reply the invitation. In the event that they do not accept the invitation, a replacement external examiner will be invited or re-nomination of external examiners for replacement will be required.