Residence Requirement

Residence provides RPg students with an opportunity to become immersed in the intellectual environment of PolyU. Also included in the residence are periods during which students’ research requires off-campus field or non-PolyU laboratory work. All RPg students must fulfil the residence requirement before thesis submission.

For all regular RPg students (except the Collaborative PhD/Dual PhD students whose specific residence requirements for these programmes are available in Appendix 1) Admitted from the 2016/17 cohort onwards Despite of the mode of study, the residence requirement for an MPhil degree is 2 regular semesters; and that for a PhD degree is 3 regular semesters if a relevant research Master’s degree is earned prior to entering the programme, but 4 regular semesters if it is not.

In addition to the residence requirement, FT RPg students are required to be on campus full-time and consequently in such geographical proximity as to be able to participate fully in PolyU activities associated with the RPg programme.

Where an RPg student needs to conduct his/her research outside Hong Kong, adequate supervision arrangements must be proposed by the Chief Supervisor and approved by the D/SRC for study periods spent outside Hong Kong.

Leave taken by the RPg students during their studies at PolyU will be counted towards their residence requirement of PolyU.
Admitted in or before the 2015/16 cohort

All RPg students must spend at least 12 months, in aggregate, of their studies at PolyU.

