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PolyU-developed anti-virus 3D printing material featured on TV programme

PolyU-developed anti-virus 3D printing material featured on TV programme

28 Mar, 2022


AiDLab aims to utilise creative innovation with AI technology for greater good

The Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab) at PolyU is working on applying the AI gesture recognition technology on the illuminating Polymeric Optical Fibre textiles. The gestures posed by users would be recorded by the sensors on the textile and analysed by the AI computer, and the textiles would emit different colours according to different gestures after analysis. The research team hopes to apply this technology on various areas, such as multi-sensory treatment to help children with special educational needs and dementia patients. 文匯報 人工智能手部識別系統應用光纖布料 14 March 2022

14 Mar, 2022


PolyU develops world’s first coronavirus-killing 3D printing material

Researchers from PolyU have developed the world’s first 3D printing material with a surface that can kill the coronavirus and can be used to produce low-cost, durable lift buttons and door handles to reduce infection risks. Dr Chris Lo Kwan-yu, Associate Professor of PolyU's Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC), who led the research team, said they found the material could still kill 70% of the COVID-19 virus and other viruses/bacteria in two minutes, and almost eliminate them in 20 minutes. The team announced it would collaborate with the Sham Shui Po District Office to make doorknob protective covers for more than 100 poorly maintained buildings that lacked any management organisations. They would also consider applying the material to primary and secondary schools, health care facilities, and public transport. Professor Kan Chi-wai of ITC said the disinfection components of the material were embedded in the products rather than coated on the surface, preventing daily cleaning from compromising its antiviral performance. Dr Amber Chiou Jia-chi, Assistant professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, said it could also kill virus variants because it physically attacked viruses’ membranes, regardless of what proteins they contained. Press release PolyU develops novel anti-virus 3D printing material that terminates over 90% of COVID-19 in 10 minutes 理大研發全新防病毒三維打印物料十分鐘殺滅逾九成新冠病毒 (Chinese) 無綫新聞 理大研發聲稱能殺滅新冠病毒物料可製手柄等 冀未來廣泛使用 13 January 2022 Now TV 理工大學研發出三維打印物料可殺滅表面病毒 13 January 2022 有線電視 3D打印材料混抗菌劑 兩分鐘滅七成病毒 電梯按鈕濕地公園實測一年無損壞 13 January 2022 香港電台 理大研發出三維打印物料可殺滅表面新冠病毒及細菌等 13 January 2022 SCMP Coronavirus killer material developed in 3D printing project by Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University paves way for new lift buttons, door handles 13 January 2022 東方日報 理大研抗菌塑膠物料 20分鐘可殺99.2%病毒 14 January 2022 明報 理大研製3D打印物料 10分鐘殺九成新冠病毒 14 January 2022 am730 防疫抗疫|理大研防新冠物料 10分鐘殺逾九成病毒 14 January 2022 大公報 理大首创抗新冠3D打印物料 14 January 2022 香港01 理大研防病毒塑膠 10分鐘殺逾9成新冠病毒 可製手柄、電梯按鈕 13 January 2022 Xinhua Net Hong Kong researchers say they develop novel material able to kill COVID-19 virus 13 January 2022 新华网 香港理大研发全新物料 可有效杀灭表面新冠病毒 13 January 2022 台灣蘋果日報 門把、按鈕都適用!香港理工大學研發物料可滅新冠病毒 13 January 2022

14 Jan, 2022


PolyU AiDLab showcased in 14th Five-year Plan TV feature

The Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab), a new InnoHK research centre jointly founded by PolyU and the Royal College of Art (RCA), United Kingdom, was showcased in a programme about the National 14th Five-year Plan by the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, which was aired on TVB Jade yesterday (8 January). Prof. Calvin Wong, Centre Director of AiDLab, introduced the centre’s cutting-edge research and explained how international collaborations would provide opportunities for local talents to joint top-notch research projects. TVB 「十四五」規劃新遠景 (16’45”) 10 January 2022

10 Jan, 2022


PolyU invests HK$400m in new interdisciplinary research institutes for improving people’s lives

Prof. Wing-tak Wong, PolyU’s Deputy President and Provost, said in an interview that the University will invest HK$400 million in the next three years in 15 new research institutes and centres for areas like smart city, wearable smart devices and Chinese medicine. Prof. Wong said the research will focus on people’s key daily life issues like clothing and food, with an emphasis on addressing societal challenges. One of the institutes established lately is the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood). Dr Wong Ka-hing, Director of RiFood and Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, told media that RiFood is currently conducting a research on the efficacies of traditional Chinese dietary supplements like bird's nest and sea cucumbers. Another research undergoing at RiFood is how to convert food waste into 3D printing materials with nanotechnology. The institute is also conducting projects about AI food authentication and food sustainability. 香港經濟日報 A10 理大未來食品研究院探索食品科學 盼培養可持續糧食系統 13 December 2021 晴報 P08 理大未來食品研究院 拆解補品營養謎團 製成全球首個「金絲燕」基因圖譜 13 December 2021

13 Dec, 2021


PolyU scholar wins Croucher Innovation Award 2021

Dr Franco Leung King-chi, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at PolyU, was presented the Croucher Innovation Award 2021 organised by the Croucher Foundation yesterday (8 December) in recognition of his excellent scientific research achievements.

9 Dec, 2021


AiDLab launched as pioneer in integration of AI and design

Founded jointly by PolyU and the Royal College of Art, UK, the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab) was officially launched on 4 November as one of the multiple research centres within the InnoHK research clusters.

16 Nov, 2021


PolyU establishes new research lab to pursue impactful research in probiotics and prebiotics

PolyU has received a donation of HK$2 million last month from Hong Kong Yakult Co. Ltd. to establish the world’s first Joint Research Laboratory for Probiotics and Prebiotics in Human Health to conduct research on areas like gut and brain health.   Dr William Tai Chi-shing, Executive Director of the Joint Lab, stated that the team is working on how different probiotics and prebiotics cure inflammatory bowel disease with mice. The preliminary results implied that probiotics could reduce some inflammatory factors almost by half and restore the impaired intestinal structure.   The Joint Lab is under the PolyU Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) newly established in May. Dr Wong Ka-hing, Director of RiFood, said that with the new Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem instrument acquired last year, they would be able to develop new solutions, such as medicines and supplements, for preventing and managing diseases with probiotics.  Topick 【益生菌治療】理大夥益力多創建實驗室 盼開發益生菌醫病新方案 20 October 2021 香港經濟日報 理大揭益生菌 助治療炎症腸炎 20 October 2021 晴報 獲捐200萬設實驗室 理大研益生菌療效 助治腸炎濕疹 20 October 2021 HK01 益力多捐二百萬予理大成立實驗室 研究應用益生菌及益生元治病 20 October 2021 六度網 【益生菌治療】理大與益力多合作共建實驗室 冀開發益生菌治療不同疾病新方案 20 October 2021

20 Oct, 2021


PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters

In support of the Hong Kong government’s InnoHK Clusters, PolyU has established three world-class research centres in collaboration with world-leading institutions, namely the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design, the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety, and the Centre for Eye and Vision Research, in a bid to bring together leading researchers from around the world to conduct impactful collaborative research in Hong Kong.   PolyU has also become the first local collaborating institution of the “Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences”. PolyU and the Chinese Academy of Sciences will further conduct in-depth research collaboration and academic exchange activities in frontier research in data science and artificial intelligence, to promote the development of the AI industry.   Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, Professor Wing-tak Wong stated that by partnering with world-acclaimed institutions to establish research centres in InnoHK’s research clusters, PolyU hopes to fully leverage each institution’s academic strengths to bring about significant research breakthroughs, and thereby create impactful technology that boosts the economy and brings benefits to society.   Details in English / 中文 新華財金社 理大進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平臺 設三所世界級科研中心 12 October 2021 XinHua Finance Agency PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters 12 October 2021 ETNet PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters 12 October 2021 BizWire Express PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters 12 October 2021 新浪網 香港理工大學進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 12 October 2021 騰訊 香港理工大學進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 12 October 2021 搜狐 理大進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 12 October 2021 大公報 理大進駐創新香港研發平台 12 October 2021 文匯報 【創科大踏步】InnoHK研發平台 爭港贏在起跑線 12 October 2021

12 Oct, 2021


Child prodigy talks about uni life at PolyU

Manson Ip Chun-yin, a mathematics prodigy who was enrolled at PolyU in 2019 at the age of 14, told the media in an interview that he has already got used to the campus life.   Manson said while he could handle the core subjects with ease, he had to catch up with Chinese and English as he only finished form 2 for these subjects. He also said long period of remote classes in past years has also affected his study to some extent.   To help him adapt to university life, the Department has formed a team which meets Manson regularly to understand and support his learning needs, as well as assigning a senior student to be a peer mentor to share advice and experience.   Dr Raymond Sze, Associate Professor and Programme Leader at the Department of Applied Mathematics, said the University values not only studying but also holistic education. It may not be good for students if they perform well at studying but find their university lives joyless.  香港01 神童升大學|數學神童葉振延14歲讀理大 嘆要上網課 早堂瞌眼瞓 30 September 2021 香港經濟日報 歷年神童輩出 9歲沈詩鈞最細 30 September 2021

13 Sep, 2021

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