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PolyU wins Two “TechConnect Global Innovation Awards” — Snatching Accolades in the US Two Years in a row

17 May 2018

PolyU showcases its latest innovations at the TechConnect World. Dr KAN Chi-wai (third from right) and Dr Terence LAU (third from left) have exchanges with potential collaborators in industry and academic fields

Professor HAO Jianhua, Professor & Associate Head (right), and Ms TSE Mei-yan, Department of Applied Physics (left)

Composite multilayers capacitors with colossal permittivity for electronics and energy storage applications

Dr KAN Chi-wai, Associate Professor, The Institute of Textiles and Clothing

Low cost flame retardant treatment for cotton with co-catalyst system

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) brings glory to Hong Kong again by winning two "Global Innovation Awards" at TechConnect World Conference and Expo 2018 staged in the United States. It is the second year in a row that PolyU research teams snatch the accolades in the world's largest multi-sector summit for accelerating development and commercialization of innovations.

The two PolyU winning innovations are [please refer to Annex for project details]:-

  • Composite multilayers capacitors with colossal permittivity for electronics and energy storage applications

      — Professor HAO Jianhua, Professor & Associate Head, and Ms TSE Mei-yan, Department of Applied Physics

  • Low cost flame retardant treatment for cotton with co-catalyst system

      — Dr KAN Chi-wai, Associate Professor, The Institute of Textiles and Clothing

Dr Terence LAU, Director of Innovation and Technology Development of PolyU, said the awards received over two years are "recognition of the efforts, dedication and achievements of our research faculty members". "The University will continue to push the frontiers of innovation by nurturing a culture inducive to high impact multi-disciplinary projects. Our research endeavours will continue to contribute to our society and mankind."

TechConnect grants awards to the top 15% of innovations submitted, with assessment based on the potential positive impact the submitted technology will have on a specific industry sector. Around 500 submissions from about 180 organisations were received this year. Among them, 25 are presented with global awards designated for non-US-federal-funded innovations across the world. Another 55 national awards are granted to innovations with US federal funding. The award receivers include many global-renowned institutions and premier research centres, such as Stanford University, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), Argonne National Laboratory, IBM Research, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, etc.

[For details, please refer to TechConnect official website: ]

The PolyU delegation received the awards in person at the TechConnect World Conference and Expo 2018 held in Anaheim, California. At the 20th-anniversary event held from 13 to 16 May, PolyU showcased a total of 15 innovations to numerous members from the industry, government and academia sectors around the world. Besides attending various exchange sessions PolyU delegates also explored product development and cooperation opportunities with various industry end-users, multinational companies and academic institutions to strive for applying the innovations for bringing greater impacts to the world.

理大科研成果揚威國際 連續第二年獲「TechConnect全球創新獎」 (Chinese)

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