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理大研冷凍水滴自主噴射機制 實現低成本除冰技術應用

文匯報(Wen Wei Po)

16 Jan, 2025



星島日報(Sing Tao Daily)

16 Jan, 2025


理大工業中心一站式培育科研落地 不斷革新適應社會需要


6 Jan, 2025


漢華中學及理大學生揚威亞洲 藉AI奪Asia Digital Challenge銀獎

香港經濟日報 (Hong Kong Economic Times)

10 Dec, 2024

20241209 (1)

PolyU and China Southern Power Grid collaborate to advance innovation in the energy sector of the Greater Bay Area

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and China Southern Power Grid Company (CSG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 5 December to establish a strategic collaboration in areas including new power systems, green and low-carbon technologies, and joint talent development. The partnership aims to support energy development and green transition in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Witnessed by Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Mr LIU Qihong, Director and Deputy Party Secretary of CSG, the MoU was signed by Prof. CHUNG Chi-yung, Head of PolyU Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  and Mr ZHAN Xiaohui, Assistant General Manager and Director of Human Resources Department of CSG. Prof. Christopher Chao said,“PolyU is committed to addressing major social, technological, and scientific challenges through interdisciplinary research and innovation. With a strong foundation and extensive experience in the fields of energy and power systems research, PolyU will work closely with CSG, a major state-owned enterprise with significant strengths in power system construction and technological innovation. This partnership will leverage the expertise of both parties to accelerate the translation of scientific research outcomes, promote high-quality development in the energy and power sector of the GBA, and contribute to achieving the Nation’s ‘dual-carbon’ goals.” Mr Liu Qihong remarked, “This partnership will drive innovation in the energy industry of the GBA and the Nation by establishing joint talent development and deepening integration in technological innovation. CSG looks forward to working with PolyU to tackle challenges, advance the construction of new power systems, accelerate the digital transformation of the sector, and support sustainable development in the GBA.” The collaboration will focus on several key areas: Talent Development: Establish a joint talent development base to nurture master’s and doctoral students in engineering with international perspectives, as well as industry leaders, fostering the development of multidisciplinary talent. Technological Innovation: Focus on cutting-edge areas such as new power system construction, power artificial intelligence, and smart grid technologies, and jointly undertake fundamental research and technological breakthroughs. Knowledge Exchange: Regularly organise high-level forums, innovation competitions, and exchange activities to promote regional and international technological collaboration and knowledge sharing. Educational Resource Sharing: Collaborate on the development of innovative courses in smart grid technologies, advancing the internationalisation and practical application of curricula in related fields. Looking ahead, PolyU and CSG will deepen their cooperation in low-carbon energy innovation and new power system construction, striving to position the GBA as a global leader in green innovation and development.   Attending guests visited PolyU’s Research Centre for Electric Vehicles to understand PolyU’s latest research projects on electric vehicles.   From PolyU Media Release (English) | (Chinese)]   Related News Articles: 理大與南方電網簽備忘錄 推動大灣區能源領域合作創新[點新聞 (Dot Dot News)]; (English) 理大與南方電網簽備忘錄 推動大灣區能源領域合作創新[大公報 (Ta Kung Pao)] 理大與南方電網簽署合作備忘錄 推動大灣區能源領域合作[香港商報網 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)] 理大與南方電網簽備忘錄 推動大灣區能源領域合作創新[香港新聞社 (HKong)] 港理大與南方電網攜手推動大灣區能源合作創新[香港新聞網 (Hong Kong China News Agency)] 香港理工大学与南方电网签署合作备忘录,助力大湾区绿色转型[新浪网 (Sina)] 香港理工大学与南方电网签署合作备忘录,助力大湾区绿色转型[搜狐 (Sohu)] 香港理工大学与南方电网签署合作备忘录,助力大湾区绿色转型[腾讯 (qq)]     

9 Dec, 2024


智慧體育設施未普及 辦虛擬比賽增誘因 寓鍛煉於遊戲 創新科技助全民運動

星島 (Sing Tao Daily)

28 Nov, 2024

20241121 Aerospace Innovation Research Summit-01

理大舉辦航天航空科技創新高峰會 正式成立「低空經濟研究中心」 助力國家發展新質生產力

香港理工大學(理大)今日於校園舉行「航天航空科技創新高峰會」,匯聚航天航空技術和創新領域的政商領袖、研究人員和業界人士,在各個專題分組論壇上分別聚焦深空探測、火箭和衛星技術、新太空經濟、低空經濟、初創機遇等重要議題,共同分享最新的科研成果和技術突破,探討創新航天方案,吸引近千名全球學者和業界人士參與,超過50位講者分享他們對航天航空科技的真知灼見與研究成果。 開幕典禮上,中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部長吳程女士、香港特別行政區政府創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉女士、理大校長滕錦光教授、國際宇航聯盟執行總監 Dr Christian FEICHTINGER、中國國家航天局衛星數據與應用國際合作中心綜合管理部部長李婷婷女士、立法會議員李浩然議員、邱達根議員、洪雯議員、尚海龍議員、黃錦輝議員,港區全國人大代表楊德斌先生,以及理大副校長(研究及創新)趙汝恒教授為活動揭開序幕。中國工程院院士、中國探月工程總設計師吳偉仁教授,以及聯合國外層空間事務廳總監Ms Aarti HOLLA-MAINI亦通過視頻致辭祝賀峰會順利舉行。 滕錦光教授致歡迎辭時表示:「理大致力於促進航天領域的國際交流與合作。去年,理大成為香港首個加入國際宇航聯盟的高等教育機構,該聯盟擁有來自全球77個國家、超過500家領先企業會員。上月,理大科研團隊也在意大利米蘭舉辦的國際宇航大會展示了七項前沿研究項目。理大在QS世界大學排名中位列第57位,並以創新型世界一流大學為定位,將繼續運用我們在科學、工程和研究方面的實力,為航天領域的發展作出更多貢獻。」 高峰會下午的五個專題分組論壇,分別以「探索企業家如何利用科研成果把握太空經濟機遇」、「香港低空經濟發展」、「工程—低軌道衛星和火箭」、「太空探索:科技與科學」及「太空商業化」為主題,促進與會者就技術創新及發展、行業趨勢及應用等範疇交流意見。 專題分組論壇另一亮點為理大與兩個業界夥伴簽署合作備忘錄。在「太空商業化」論壇,理大與創星匯(香港)有限公司簽署合作備忘錄,旨在推動太空科技的發展,並將合作創立一個「航天產業發展加速器」,為新太空經濟及相關產業培育未來人才。 推動低空經濟人才培育、學術研究和技術轉移 在「香港低空經濟發展」論壇,理大與大灣區低空經濟聯盟簽署合作備忘錄,就促進低空經濟領域的創新與實踐、推動相關學術研究和技術轉移開展合作。同場,理大舉辦低空經濟研究中心成立儀式,邀請到立法會議員兼大灣區低空經濟聯盟創會會長葛珮帆議員、大灣區低空經濟聯盟創會副會長、智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士主禮。  理大低空經濟研究中心舉行成立儀式,理大亦已開設低空經濟碩士課程,將於2025年9月開課。 趙汝恒教授致辭時指:「低空經濟正是國家大力推動的新興產業,作為發展新質生產力的引擎之一,理大積極支持低空經濟相關技術的發展,包括城市景觀中的無人機包裹遞送和無人機運輸系統。在人才培訓方面,理大亦將於2025年9月開辦低空經濟碩士課程,獨特的跨學科課程兼顧技術研究及商業營運,教學內容涵蓋航空硬件方面的飛機設計,至民航軟件方面,包括空域管理、航道規劃、貨物以及人流運輸,全面培育低空經濟所需的專業人才。」 理大低空經濟研究中心匯集來自航空及民航工程學系、土地測量及資訊學系、工業及系統工程學系、物流及航運學系的專家學者,專注於兩個關鍵領域:基礎設施部署與低空空域營運,以及智能感知與控制技術的開發。第一個領域旨在有效設計和管理低空空域,確保其安全高效的使用。第二個領域則聚焦於開發先進技術,確保飛行器能夠在低空空域中,即使在挑戰性的情況下,也能安全飛行。研究中心目前已展開研究低空空中交通管理、利用無人機運輸貨物等項目。透過應用研究,理大低空經濟研究中心將提出針對在香港使用無人機的操作守則,並聯同理大科技及創新政策研究中心提出修改或制定新法規的政策建議。  航天航空科技創新高峰會展現理大在多個領域的跨學科科研實力和優勢,理大將繼續發揮自身的影響力,與高等教育界、研究機構和業界夥伴緊密合作,以教育、科研和知識轉移為社會帶來有價值的創新。   From PolyU Media Release (English) | (Chinese)     Related News Articles: 聯盟與理大簽備忘錄推動低空經濟發展 葛珮帆冀培育更多人才 [東網 (Oriental Daily News)] 推動無人機貨運 理大低空經濟碩士課程招生 [明報 (Ming Pao)] 理大設跨學科中心 攻低空經濟 [信報財經新聞 (Hong Kong Economic Journal)] (subscription required) 理大明年辦碩士培訓低空經濟人才 [星島頭條 (Headline Daily)] 理大設低空經濟研究中心 支持無人機物流 [大公報 (Ta Kung Pao)] 理大舉辦航天航空科技創新高峰會 成立「低空經濟研究中心」[文匯報 (Wen Wei Po)]  理大舉行低空經濟發展論壇 成立低空經濟研究中心 [香港商報網 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)] 大灣區低空經濟聯盟與理大簽署合作備忘錄 推動低空經濟發展 [巴士的報 (Bastille Post)] 理大簽備忘錄培訓低空經濟人才 明年9月開辦碩士課程 [點新聞 (Dot Dot News)] 香港理工大学举办高峰会 聚焦航天航空科技创新 [人民日报海外版 (People’s Daily Overseas Edition)] 香港理工大学成立“低空经济研究中心”,2025年将开设相关课程 [21世纪经济 (The 21st Century Business Herald)]  

19 Nov, 2024

PolyU Cola for 20241114 news clippings

理大校友林浩諾活用創新科技推動智能製造 實現新型工業化

明報 (Ming Pao)

14 Nov, 2024


Congratulations to Prof. Benny C.F. Cheung, the First Chinese Scholar Elected as a member of College of Fellows of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE Fellow)

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Benny C.F. Cheung, Chair Professor of Ultra-precision Machining and Metrology in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Director of State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology, and the Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Wenzhou Technology and Innovation Research Institute of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was elected as a member of College of Fellows of American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE Fellow) during the 39th ASPE Annual Meeting held in Houston. TX, USA on 7 November 2024. The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) strives to advance the arts, science, and technology of precision engineering. Election as a member to the College of Fellows of ASPE is highly prestigious honor that is intended to recognize and honor those exceptional members of the Society who have made outstanding contributions to the art and practice of Precision Engineering through original research, significant innovations and outreach or services to the profession. Prof. Cheung is recognized for his sustained and on-going advancements in cutting mechanics and surface generation mechanisms, modelling and simulation of ultra-precision machining processes, ultra-precision surface measurement, and the design and development of innovative ultra-precision machining processes and instrumentation. He is the First Chinese Scholar obtained this highly prestigious honors. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Cheung on this remarkable achievement.

11 Nov, 2024


“Belt and Road Advanced Programme in Power and Energy 2024” successfully completed

The “Belt and Road Advanced Programme in Power and Energy” (the Programme), co-organised for the seventh consecutive year by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) and The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited (HK Electric) concluded yesterday with a graduation ceremony. Themed “Low Carbon Transition: Latest Development of Green Energy”, this year’s Programme attracted 26 participants from 7 Belt and Road (B&R) countries and regions, including Chile, Mainland China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, and Zimbabwe. Over the course of the 13-day programme, participants engaged in various activities that included lectures, seminars, discussions, experience sharing sessions, as well as field trips in Mainland China and Hong Kong to gain valuable insights into the latest green energy development in the region. The Graduation Ceremony was officiated by Prof. H.C. MAN, Dean of the PolyU Faculty of Engineering; Mr LI Yong, Deputy Director of State Grid Hong Kong Representative Office; Mr WANG Lixin, Deputy President of State Grid Technology College; Ms Liang LI, Chairman of Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University; and Mr Francis C.Y. CHENG, HK Electric Managing Director. The success of the event was witnessed by a number of major partners who have dedicated tremendous support to the Programme, including Ir Frank CHAN, Vice President of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; Mrs Karina CONCHA, Consul General of Chile in Hong Kong; Mrs Alice MUDUMI, Acting Consul General of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong; Mr Petr LARIONOV, Attaché of the Consulate General of Russia in Hong Kong; and together with other senior executives of the co-organisers. Addressing the audience at the Ceremony, Prof. H.C. Man remarked, “PolyU has been actively contributing to the B&R Initiative in various capacities. As a founding member of the University Alliance of the Silk Road, we are part of a vibrant network of 150 universities across 37 countries, dedicated to promoting collaboration and development along this historic route. With the connections built upon the success of the Programme, we are looking forward to developing new initiatives that will further strengthen our collaborations and extend our networks in the region.” Mr Francis Cheng noted, “For HK Electric, a major milestone was achieved in March this year with the launch of L12, a new gas-fired generating unit. It is a testament to our commitment to reducing coal-fired generation. In line with this commitment, we have retired two old coal-fired units, L4 and L5 earlier this year, allowing us to increase our gas-fired generation to around 70% of our total electricity output. We are poised to progress to the next stage of our energy transition, as we continue to provide safe, reliable, green and affordable electricity to our customers. Currently, we are building a new gas-fired generating unit, L13, and at the same time reinforcing our existing infrastructure. We are glad to share with all the participants of this Programme the challenges we have overcome and those which lie ahead.” Mr Li Yong said, “China is committed to promoting the building of a shared future for mankind, encouraging countries to join hands and share each nation’s development outcomes. The State Grid Corporation of China, as the largest public utility enterprise in the world, actively practises the principles of establishing mutual consultations, setups, and shared benefits in the process of high-quality co-building of the B&R Initiative. We strive to promote the construction of a new power system and actively foster cooperation in the energy sector globally. We also hope that this Programme will become a cooperative platform for sharing and exchanging cutting-edge technologies in the field of electric power and energy, continuously assisting countries and regions along B&R to deepen cooperation and achieve win-win outcomes.” Mr Wang Lixin stated, “Since the proposal of B&R Initiative in 2013, its participating countries and regions have been vibrant hubs of cultural and technological exchanges, allowing different civilisations to learn from and respect each other, and enabling diverse perspectives to co-exist and integrate. Since its launch in 2018, the Porgramme has increasingly become a high-quality platform for international exchanges and interactions amongst electric-power talents, yielding fruitful results and demonstrating great vitality. I sincerely hope that everyone will continue to support and contribute to this platform, thereby further bolstering its reputation.” Ms Liang Li said, “This Programme has been held for seven consecutive years. Through in-depth cooperation among the four co-organisers, it has successfully established a platform that connects engineers, researchers, and managers in the electric power and energy sector while also creating favorable conditions for experience sharing on infrastructure construction and engineering technology research in the power and energy field. This project has not only significantly promoted technical exchanges among the participating organisations but also deepened the friendships among the participants. The four parties have agreed to further strengthen their cooperation and jointly envision the completion of a ten-year programme and then eye on further development, with the aim of co-creating a new digital grid and a better future for all mankind.” While many countries have drawn roadmaps to replace fossil fuel vehicles with electric vehicles, highlights of this year’s Programme included a keynote speech on “New Journey on Green Energy Revolution” by Prof. C.C. CHAN, Distinguished Chair Professor of Electric Vehicles and Smart Energy, and Director of the PolyU Electric Vehicle Research Center, who is also known as “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles”. Prof. Chan noted that the energy revolution refers to the transformation of energy generation, to enhance the efficiency of energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions through low-carbonisation, intelligentisation as well as the electrification and hydrogenation of end-use energy. He pointed out that the current new journey of electric vehicle revolution is from electrification to intelligence and internet connected vehicles. He also explained his theory that the integration of energy networks, information networks, and transportation networks and humanity networks would bring tremendous economic and ecological benefits to the society, addressing sustainability challenges facing the fourth industrial revolution, and hence the evolution from the fourth industrial revolution to fifth industrial revolution. Prof. C. C. Chan, who is also known as “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles”, gave a keynote speech on “New Journey on Green Energy Revolution”. Moreover, the Programme provided participants with the opportunity to visit advanced power facilities, including SGCC’s training facilities in Jinan, the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment in Xi’an, and HK Electric’s Lamma Power Station, Marsh Road Zone Substation and the Mobile Battery Energy Storage System in Hong Kong. These tours enabled them to explore cutting-edge technologies first-hand and gain a deeper understanding of energy management. Participants were also taken to Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) jointly established by PolyU and University of Maryland from the US at the Hong Kong Science Park, and introduced to an artificial intelligence (AI) model co-developed by HK Electric and CAiRS. The model evaluates the probability of cable failures by identifying and analysing their health condition, enabling the prediction of the risk of potential failures of these components. HK Electric reported that, with the introduction of the “Three-hypers Index” and other monitoring technologies, the number of abnormal incidents with high-voltage cables has dropped by 40% over the past few years. This shows that innovative technologies have significantly enhanced power supply reliability. This Programme is a pioneering cross-regional and multi-cultural university-industry collaboration and the first-of-its-kind in both Mainland China and Hong Kong. Since its inception in 2018, the Programme has attracted 830 industry professionals from 44 B&R countries and regions, facilitating more than 10,000 hours of exchanges, both online and offline training, as well as field trips.   From PolyU Media Release (English) | (Chinese)]   Related News Articles: 模擬屋苑停電 中電偕物管演練 [明報 (Ming Pao Daily News)] 「帶路電力研討」13天培訓結束 [信報財經新聞 (Hong Kong Economic Journal)] (subscription required) 「一帶一路電力及能源高級研討項目2024」圓滿結束 [香港商報網 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)]  13天培訓匯聚各地26位代表 2024一帶一路電力能源高管人才發展計劃圓滿結業 [巴士的報 (Bastille Post)] 「一帶一路電力及能源高管人才發展計劃2024」結束 [華富財經 (Quamnet)]   

6 Nov, 2024

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