Facilities Booking FAQ
Queries on booking and using of our facilities and services?
A: Our facilities are acquired by UGC funding. We can still provide the services to you but we will charge the service for cost recovery purpose. Approach our Virtual Technical Hot Desk for more details.
A: Except for services using expensive tooling and consumables such as laser cutting, EDM wires, RP resins, most of the services rendered by IC to students are free of charge.
A: We recommend you to bring your own materials to do your project. We will not charge for your materials if you bring your own for fabrication and manufacturing. Normally our workshops will not sell materials to users. In some cases where materials are not easily acquired from the consumer market (e.g. special materials to fullfil our machine's requirement), you may use our workshop materials. A charge will be imposed.
A: Students who have undertaken IC hands-on learning activities should be able to do most of the fabrication or manufacturing. If students have not undertaken IC hands-on learning activities before, we can also offer a fabrication and manufacturing service. A charge will be imposed for such services. Contact our Virtual Technial Hot Desk for details.
A: If you can identify which workshop to use but not sure about which machine or technology will suit your needs best, you can contact our workshop for technical advice before making booking. If you are not confident which workshop, expertise or material to use, our Virtual Technical Hot Desk is able to offer you advice on which process, technology, equipment and material to use. You can also have a quick chat with us online to speed up your plan and work.
A: IC workshops and facilities are open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm and closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. Students or staff who have urgent and special needs may approach individual workshops to check the possibility of working after office hours and/or on holidays.
A: We will need to clarify and confirm with your project supervisor if there is cost and liability incurred (e.g. intellectual property).
A: Supporting students, researchers and departments is our top priority. Individual staff can also ask for our service for his/her personal interest if our time and resources allow us to do so. All charges (if any) will be borne by the individual staff member. Users are reminded not to infringe any intellectual property rights when doing their work. Users should not use our facilities and services to make commercial products.
Our workshops and facilities may be engaged in the delivery of curriculum teaching and project activities from time to time. Students from different disciplines who are busily devoted to their final year project may also have a high demand on our facilities. To ensure the lead time and completion date meet your schedule and target, you are strongly advised to follow the booking procedures and make your booking arrangement as soon as possible. Varying from the work nature, some workshops accept online booking while the others may want to further discuss with you on your work, specification, requirement, timeline before accepting your booking. Contact our technical stream or workshop to learn more on the support we can best offer.

Need Help?
Need to accomplish something but with no idea on which expertise, facility, process or material to work on. Can anyone offer me advice first?
Sure we can! Drop us a line for a quick chat now! Select your preferred communication channel: