Latest News and Achievements of APSS (Dec 2023 issue)
Professional Appointments
Prof. Sylvia CHEN Accepted as Fellow with Prestigious Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Prof. Sylvia CHEN (Associate Dean of FHSS, Associate Director of Mental Health Research Centre, and Chair Professor of APSS), has been accepted as the Fellow with the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). With over 7,500 members, SPSP is the world's largest organization in the field. Prof. CHEN acceptance acknowledges her exceptional contributions to leadership, research, pedagogy, and advocacy in personality and social psychology.
Dr Rodney CHU Joins Learning and Teaching Committee and PolyU Staff Association in Key Academic Role
Dr Rodney CHU, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS, has been appointed as a member of the Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) of PolyU under the category of “academic staff members appointed by the LTC Chair” for the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025. He has also been elected as the Chairman of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Association, effective from 27 November 2023.
Prof. Juan CHEN, Professor of APSS, has accepted the appointment as a member of the Faculty Staffing Committee (FSC).
Project /Grant Award
APSS Project on Digital Social Capital Secures Funding from Community Investment and Inclusion Fund APSS received funding from Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) for the project titled "Digital Social Capital: Its Formation and Deployment of an Indigenous Framework for Hong Kong Communities. PI: Prof. Ben KU, Professor of APSS Co-Is: Prof. Yuk Chung CHAN (former Professor of APSS), Dr Denny HO Kwok Leung (Senior Project Fellow of APSS and former Associate Professor of APSS) and Ms Sui Kan YIP (Associate Director of China and Global Development Network) Funding amount: HKD 3,999,000 Project period: 01 Dec 2023 - 30 Nov 2026 Project summary: The project aims to identify and understand the formation process and features of digital social capital in Hong Kong communities through practice research. Partnering with 10 CIIF funded projects, the project will hold workshops to discuss global and local developments, types and features of digital social capital, and robustly analyse and record its formation process in the Hong Kong context.
Impact Assessment of the Strive and Rise Programme (Second Batch of Students, December 2023) Another five-year funding scheme is to assess the impact of a government initiated project with the aim of helping children from underprivileged families broaden their horizons, reinforce their self-confidence, develop a positive outlook on life, set goals for their future and strive to upward mobility. PI: Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS Co-PIs: Dr Jacky NG, Assistant Professor of APSS, Dr Raymond TAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS, and Dr Kong YAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS Funding amount: HKD 2,000,000 Project period: 01 Dec 2023 - 30 Nov 2028 Please visit the website of the Strive and Rise Programme for further
Congratulations to Prof. Daniel SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), Chair Professor of APSS, and Li and Fung Endowed Professor in Service Leadership Education for achieving the No. 1 lifetime ranking among all scholars worldwide in Social Work on the ScholarGPS list of Highly Ranked Scholars™. The list honours the most productive authors whose works are of profound impact and of utmost quality.
Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2023 We are delighted to announce the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2023. Recognition in all four award categories has been received. These prestigious awards celebrate the remarkable contributions of our dedicated faculty and department members in the areas of teaching, research, scholarly activities, and knowledge transfer.
Faculty Awards in Teaching:
Faculty Awards in Research & Scholarly Activities:
Faculty Awards in Knowledge Transfer:
Congratulations to all the awarded teams on their well-deserved recognition! |
Faculty Prize for Outstanding Achievement 2023 We are delighted to learn that the team led by Prof. Xue BAI was awarded the Faculty Prize for Outstanding Achievement 2023.
Faculty Prize in Teaching:
Congratulation to the awarded team! |
Two APSS Programmes Received Funding from PolyU Belt and Road Funding Scheme Two APSS programmes, namely the “International Exchange Programme for Social Sciences Students” and We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Xue BAI, Professor of APSS and Dr Raymond TAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS for their dedicated efforts and valuable contribution! |
Dr Jenny CHAN and Dr Karita KAN received grant from PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (DPFS) 2023 Postdoctoral Fellow: Dr Xiaotian LI (PhD, The University of Hong Kong [ORCID] Project title: Algorithmic precarity in cultural work? Exploring the dynamics of platformisation, algorithmic control, and aspirational labour in China Funding Scheme: PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme Project duration: 36 months Project description: This project aims to investigate the actual algorithmic architecture developed by platform companies and how cultural workers perceive, interpret, and respond to platform algorithms in the context of a digitalising China. The researcher will conduct digital and on-the-ground ethnographies to learn about the subjectivity and entrepreneurialism of video content creators. The first-hand findings will illuminate how companies, such as Xiaohongshu and Bilibili, compete to motivate and discipline cultural workers to enhance their work performance, hence the extraction of labor value.
PI: Dr Karita KAN, Associate Professor of APSS Postdoctoral Fellow: Dr Meiling WU (PhD, University College London, UK [ORCID] Project title: Social Justice in Land Acquisition for Housing Development: The Case of China Funding Scheme: PolyU Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme Project duration: 36 months Project Description: Dr Meiling WU's research investigates the dynamic relationship between social justice, institutional advancement, and public participation in the Global South. Drawing on case studies in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, China. The project will combine the study of interactional, procedural, and distributive dimensions to explore how social justice is achieved in the process of land acquisition for housing development in peri-urban China. |
Dr Jenny CHAN, Associate Professor of APSS, published her sole-authored article entitled “Class, Labour Conflict, and Workers’ Organisation” in The Economic and Labour Relations Review (September 2023, Cambridge University Press). Dr CHAN also coedited, with Maurizio Atzeni Devi Sacchetto, a special issue for the Global Labour Journal (September 2023, the official journal of the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Labour Movements). Weblink reference: ELRR: |
Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Honorary Professor of APSS and Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, have been appointed as one of Book Series Editors of the Advancing Social Work Education and Scholarship, SpringerBriefs Series.
Media Report
Dr Camilla LO Interviewed by Media on Student Mental Health
A survey by Dr Camilla LO Kin-ming, Assistant Professor of APSS, and scholars from other institutions, found that about one eighth of secondary and primary school students had online gaming disorder, and about half of them exhibited symptoms of moderate to severe depression.
(Photo of Ada LAM Yee Ching was captured by Sky Post at PolyU campus)
APSS Social Work Student Shared Views about the Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme
The University has granted more than HK$13 million to over 410 outstanding undergraduate students to undertake research projects under the Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS) since its launch in 2021/22. Miss Ada LAM Yee Ching, who is studying in the BA (Hons) in Social Work programme, said that the programme focuses more on practical knowledge than on research. However, participating in URIS has given her the opportunity to study the impact of online courses on the learning of college students during the epidemic. Through discussions and guidance from advisors and tutors, she can master more academic writing and integrity knowledge, and has the opportunity to independently plan progress and process questionnaire data. She said, "Research is actually very interesting. It is not like imparting knowledge one-way through reading. Instead, you can find interesting topics by yourself to achieve your own mastery." Online coverage: Sky Post P10": HK01:
PolyU Graduates' Average Salary Increases by 5.9% in 2022, with Department of Applied Social Sciences Seeing the Largest Leap
According to a survey on graduates’ employment, the average salary of PolyU graduates in 2022 reached HK$22,827 per month, increased by 5.9% from HK$21,557 comparing to the previous year. Graduates of Department of Applied Social Sciences saw the largest leap, with 14.6% to HK$19,912 (Ming Pao Daily News A04)
Online coverage: Ming Pao Daily News -
Prof. Eric Chui analyses rising trend of young offenders
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology at PolyU, told SCMP why more young offenders are getting involved in money laundering and fraud cases.
Online coverage: (subscription required)
Addresses Shortage of Ethnic Minority Social Workers in SCMP Article Dr Kong YAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS and Programmer Leader of BA (Hons) in Social Work, has shared his views on a SCMP article about the shortage of ethnic minority social workers. Dr YAM was aware of the importance of nurturing more social workers from the city's ethnic minority groups, but also acknowledged the language barrier that many applicants face. To address this, he suggested offering tailored support for ethnic minority applicants, including interviews conducted in English.
Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK Discusses Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder and Hong Kong Family Happiness on RTHK Radio and Delivered a Keynote Speech about Youth’s Mental Health on a Seminar
Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor of APSS, elaborated on the survey about the happiness of Hong Kong families in RTHK’s radio programme “Letter to Hong Kong” broadcast on 22 July 2023. The survey found that the happiness level of Hong Kong families has dropped to a three-year low, which Prof. SHEK attributed to “post-pandemic stress disorder”. (According to Oriental Daily News A02)
Online coverage: RTHK - Oriental Daily News -
Prof. SHEK also delivered a keynote speech about mental health of adolescents in a seminar held in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on 15 August 2023.
Online coverage: Hua Xing Shi Bao -
APSS Signed a MoU with Vietnam National University and Held a Successful International Conference on Social Work Without Barriers on 1st and 2nd August 2023
The international conference "Make a Difference – Social Work Without Barriers" successfully took place in Hanoi, Vietnam on 1st and 2nd of August 2023. It was organised by the China and Global Development Network (CGDN) of APSS and the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University (VNU).
The event attracted over 150 attendees from more than 20 countries, such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Laos, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand South Korea, and Vietnam. The discussions revolved around advancing social services for social development, with a focus on the ASEAN region. During the conference, the two universities signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on research and student activities in social work.
In the presence of witnesses from both universities, Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, and Dr Dao TRUONG, Vice-Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU, Hanoi, signed a MoU. Deputy Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Mr Nguyen Van HOI also witnessed the signing ceremony. Prof. Hoang Anh TUAN, Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU, highly appreciated the partnership with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the field of social work, thereby benefiting individuals and communities in the ASEAN region and beyond.
Amongst other distinguished speakers, Prof. Mona KHOURY from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Prof. Annamaria CAMPANIMI, President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), and Prof. Ben KU, Professor of APSS and Director of CGDN, gave their presentations on sustainability and social work education. The conference featured four plenary sessions and twelve parallel sessions. Over 50 presentations were made, covering various topics such as sustainable development in social work training, the role of social work in addressing social issues, managing change in high-risk societies, regional cooperation and development, and social development and welfare worldwide. The impact of climate change on vulnerable groups and the role of social work in promoting sustainable development were also discussed.
Online coverage: Dan Sinh - |
PolyU Study on Transitional Housing in Hong Kong Highlights Positive Impact on Families
PolyU's Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (JCDISI) has released interim findings from its study on effective transitional housing delivery in Hong Kong. The research project, funded by the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, focuses on the development of transitional housing to alleviate the housing crisis in the city. The study examines 35 projects utilising Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) technology, which accounts for 86% of the transitional housing units in Hong Kong.
Dr Raymond TAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS and Co-investigators of the study conducted interviews with tenants in transitional housing projects. He said, “A major merit of transitional housing is its enhancement of the tenants’ well-being through creating supportive neighbourhoods.
For details of the project, please refer to:Interim findings and policy recommendations of “Study on Effective Transitional Housing Delivery in Hong Kong"
Extended reading:
A Successful Collaboration with the Hong Kong PHAB Association to Evaluate the Service Impact of “Project LEGEND”
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied (PHAB) Association, a research team from APSS (including Prof. Eric CHUI, Dr Yammy CHAK, Dr Herrick WONG, and Dr Kong YAM) conducted an evaluation study on the service impact of the Hong Kong Jockey Club's "Project LEGEND". This initiative aimed to support the personal and career development of young individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and/or Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD).
A press conference was held on 26 August 2023 at PolyU to disseminate the findings from the evaluation study. The study results showed that Project LEGEND was well-received by various stakeholders.
Online coverage: |
(Photo captured from HK01)
APSS Scholar Expressed Views on Japan’s Discharge of Treated Radioactive Water
Dr Chengpang LEE, Assistant Professor of APSS, analysed the logic behind the discharge of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean by Japan and why Taiwan remains silent over the issue.
Online coverage: HK01 -
(Sing Pao A06)
Dr Jessica LI Shares Cyberbullying Prevention Strategies as Survey Shows High Youth Participation
Almost one third of young people in Hong Kong have engaged in cyberbullying, according to a survey by the Hong Kong Playground Association. Dr Jessica LI, Associate Professor of APSS, shared how to prevent adolescents from being bullied in cyberspace.
PolyU Jointly Finds Over 50% Students in Macau Engage in Addictive Behaviour
A survey conducted by the Bosco Youth Service Network in conjunction with APSS and St John’s Cathedral Counselling Service found that 56.6% and 59.3% of secondary school and university students in Macau respectively have engaged in addictive behaviour, such as e-sports gambling. Dr Camilla LO Kin Ming, Assistant Professor of APSS, was invited to the press conference to release their joint survey result on 13 September 2023.
Online coverage: The Macau Post Daily - Macau Daily - -
Prof. Eric CHUI Delivered Keynote Speech on Promoting Minors' Wellbeing
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, delivered a keynote speech in a symposium about promoting minors’ wellbeing at the 10th China Charity Fair.
News report: |
APSS Scholar Shared on Belt and Road Initiative
Prof. Qinhua XU, Honorary Professor of APSS, penned an op-ed in Wen Wei Po about the benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative and how to deal with the international naysayers discrediting the Initiative. (Wen Wei Po A15)
Online coverage: Wen Wei Po -
Dr Angel LAI Shared on Radio Programme
Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor of APSS, shared insights into the needs of adolescents with SEN in the working environment in a radio programme.
Read more:
(Photo captured from Oriental Daily News) Gamblers and Family are Poorer in Financial Literacy, Study Finds
A study jointly conducted by APSS and the Zion Social Service has found that gamblers as well as their partners and family members have poorer financial literacy in general. Nonetheless, gamblers’ partners and family members are more self-disciplined in terms of financial literacy. Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, suggested that it might be because they’re being tormented by gambling themselves.
Online coverage: Oriental Daily News - Ming Pao Daily News -
(Photo captured from Now TV)
Dr Raymond TAM, Senior Teaching Fellow of APSS, elaborated the study about gambling and financial literacy jointly conducted by APSS and the Zion Social Service on Now TV’s programme “News Magazine”.
Watch the video now: (part 2)
Prof. Eric CHUI Expounds upon Investor Behaviour Study
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, was featured on Now TV’s programme “News Magazine” broadcast yesterday (12 Oct 2023) to elaborate on the study on investor behaviour in the virtual asset markets commissioned by the Investor and Financial Education Council.
Online coverage: Now TV - (part 1); (part 2)
Dr Angel LAI on Social Inclusion
Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor of APSS, shared insights into the contributions of ethnic minorities to the society in a forum about social inclusion took place on 21 October 2023.
Online coverage: Hong Kong Economic Times -
PolyU Joins Samaritan Befrienders to Provide Training
PolyU will join efforts with the Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong to provide trainings to social work or psychology students to offer help to those in need through an online platform.
Online coverage: Ming Pao Daily News - Wen Wei Po -
APSS's sociology subject has been ranked between 51-75, and the psychology subject has been ranked between 151-200 in the ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.
(Hong Kong Commercial Daily print only)
Prof. Qinhua XU, Honorary Professor of APSS, discussed the roles Shenzhen and Hong Kong play in the Belt and Road Initiative in an interview with Hong Kong Commercial Daily.
(Photo captured from Wen Wei Po)
In a media interview, Prof. XU talked about Hong Kong’s role amid the country’s development and in the technology application and translation market in the Greater Bay Area, as well as the prospect of the city’s economy.
Online coverage: Wen Wei Po - Bauhinia -;
Investors tend to overestimate their investment acumen - APSS survey finds
A survey conducted by APSS showed investors tend to use mental shortcuts to select easily available information for processing and tend to overestimate their investment acumen. It also found that the young generation demonstrated a stronger interest in virtual assets. Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS said that as in other types of investments the judgement and decision to invest in virtual assets should not rely solely on “mental shortcuts”.
Online coverage: Now TV - SCMP - required) Oriental Daily News - Ming Pao Daily News - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Hong Kong Economic Times - Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - Ta Kung Pao -; Hong Kong Commercial Daily - Economic Digest - ETNet - Online Interview: |
Talks and Events
APSS Co-organises Symposium on Active Ageing and Family Solidarity
The Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (RCGFS) organized the "Symposium on Active Ageing and Family Solidarity (積極樂齡與家庭共融研討會)" in hybrid format on July 3, 2023. The event had approximately 200 participants and featured the dissemination of the study and latest results of the "Panel Study of Active Ageing and Society (樂齡與社會追蹤研究)," funded by ZeShan Foundation. Prof. Xue BAI, Professor of APSS, Director of RCGFS invited Dr LOBO Louie, an expert in exercise and physical education in Hong Kong, gave a professional talk about elderly health exercise at the symposium. The event was graced by esteemed guests, including Ms. Irene SO and Ms. LAI Tsz Kwan from ZeShan Foundation, Prof. David H.K. SHUM, Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Chair Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Prof. Elsie YAN, Associate Head and Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. |
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), Prof. Ben KU, Professor of APSS and Director of China and Global Development Network, and Mr. Peng WU, a Ph.D. student of APSS visited Peking University and Tsinghua University on 4 July 2023 to discuss potential dual degree collaborations and exchange views on institutional development. APSS delegates were warmly welcomed by colleagues from Peking University, including Prof. Neng LIU, Prof. Fengzhi MA, Dr Shengming YIN, Prof. Yuegen XIONG, Dr Suo DENG, and Dr Lijuan WU, and colleagues from the Peking University - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China Social Work Research Centre in Beijing. Prof. CHUI and Prof. KU also met with Prof. Hairong YAN, former APSS colleague and currently Professor of Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, to discuss closer collaboration between PolyU and Tsinghua University. |
Warm Welcome to APSS Freshmen
Programme Leaders and Academic Advisors were delighted to meet with new students in the break-out sessions. Furthermore, colleagues from the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Global Engagement Office joined the occasion to introduce information necessary for their university life. Representatives of the 30th APSS Student Association also shared their experiences and learning tips with the participants.
The Orientation for students of Taught Postgraduate programmes (TPg) was also held on 29 August 2023. Prof. Eric CHUI, Dr Qiaobing WU, Associate Head, Associate Professor and Postgraduate Programme Leader, and other colleagues welcomed all freshmen as they embark on their postgraduate journeys at APSS. A total of 220+ students attended the TPg orientation.
Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme 2023 Closing Ceremony
The closing ceremony of the Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme 2023 organised by Global Engagement Office (GEO) was successfully held on 18 August 2023. This programme provides secondary school students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of a chosen research topic and to nurture their analytical and research skills between April and August 2023.
Our colleagues have been mentors for six individual projects, more details could be found below:
Online coverage: Oriental Daily News - Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - Wen Wei Po - HK01 -
A Warm Welcome to our New Cohort of Research Postgraduate Students
The Research Postgraduate Programme Orientation was taken place on 14 September 2023. Several colleagues welcome all new research postgraduate students who have just started their journey with us.
As always, our colleagues look forward to helping our students achieve and succeed, and wish them all the very best during their time with APSS! |
Head of APSS Presents Keynote Speech at The 10th China Charity Fair in Shenzhen
Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, was invited by The Shenzhen Social Work College (深圳經濟特區社會工作院), to delivered a keynote speech at The 10th China Charity Fair (第十屆中國公益慈善項目交流展示會) on 15 September 2023 in Shenzhen. The Fair, known as the "Charity Exhibition," brought together professionals and organisations in the philanthropy and charity sectors. Prof. CHUI’s speech focused on "The Strive and Rise Programme: An Initiative to Lift Underprivileged Students out of Intergenerational Poverty in Hong Kong." and highlighted the programme objectives and the positive impacts on mentee’s life planning, capacity building and financial planning.
More details: |
Successful Conference Explores Practice Research and Social Capital Development in Social Work
The conference “Practice Research - The Process of Developing Social Capital by Social Workers’ Conference: Consolidation and Looking ahead” (實踐研究 - 社工建立社會資本的過程」: 總結與展望研討會) was successfully held on 3 November 2023. It brought together researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders who were involved in a three-year project, funded by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF), titled “Evaluation as Learning Tools: Practice Research for the PRH (Public Rental Housing) Projects”.
PolyU Information Day 2023
PolyU Information Day was successfully held in-person on 21 October 2023. Three APSS Information Seminars were very well received by prospective students and their parents. An appreciation lunch with student volunteers and administrative staff who have supported the PolyU Information Day 2023 wholeheartedly was organised on 24 October 2023. Read more: PolyU Information Day 2023 | Department of Applied Social Sciences |
PolyU FHSS Congregation 2023: Celebrating Achievements and Inspiring Futures
Over 430 graduates from our Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate programmes gathered on 10 November 2023 for the 29th Congregation of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS). Congratulations were extended to all graduates for completing their studies successfully in the 2022/23 academic year.
Read more and see the awardees on the Dean's Honours List:
Proactive Planning and Preparing for Later Life: A Successful Research and Practice Event
On 17 November 2023, Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (RCGFS) held an event titled "Proactive Planning and Preparing for Later Life: Research and Practice", highlighted the importance of active preparation as individuals approach their later years. The event featured speakers who shared valuable insights on well-being and retirement planning.
By emphasising the significance of well-being and planning ahead, the event provided attendees with valuable insights and strategies for a successful transition into later life. |
PReCIT Hosts the Third Consul General Talk Series on Promoting Bangladesh-Hong Kong ICT Partnership
The third Consul General Talk Series was successfully held on 21 November 2023. It was hosted by the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), in collaboration with APSS and the Global Engagement Office. In the third Talk Series, Ms Israt ARA, the Consul General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong, gave a talk titled ‘Promoting partnership between Bangladesh and Hong Kong in ICT to create a knowledge-based economy’.
In the closing speech, Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS and Co-Director of PReCIT, expressed his sincere gratitude to the esteemed guests for their presence and involvement in the third Consul General Talk Series. |
Visiting Students Seminar 2023
Prof. Daniel SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), Chair Professor of APSS, and Li and Fung Endowed Professor in Service Leadership Education served as the moderator for the Visiting Students Seminar on the Development of Rural Adolescents in Mainland China. The seminar, held on 23 November 2023, featured three student speakers from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Mr. Gaoran CHEN, a master's student, Mr. Fengrui HUA, a PhD student, and Ms. Liping MU, also a PhD student, shared their insights on the topic. The event provided valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities faced by rural adolescents in China's development. |
Salon on "The Yes-and-No of DSW" and Alumni Reunion Dinner in Beijing
On 25 November 2023, the Peking University-PolyU China Social Work Research Centre (the Centre) hosted a salon titled "The Yes-and-No of DSW" (社會工作專業博士(DSW)的是與不是). Prof. Ben KU, DSW Programme Leader and Professor of APSS, introduced the aims and characteristics of Doctor of Social Work (DSW) programme.
MSW (China) Alumni and PhD Graduates Dinner in Beijing
A gathering dinner of Master of Social Work (China) programme and PhD graduates was held in Beijing on the same day to celebrate the achievements and friendships of the alumni. About 50 graduates from different classes of the Master of Social Work (China) programme, PhD graduates and PolyU faculty members, including Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Honorary Professor of APSS and Prof. Ben KU, attended the event. |
Staff Corner
Lunch Gathering Welcomes New Academics and Sets the Tone for the New Academic Year at APSS
Our Sociology, Anthropology and Philosophy Panel organised a welcoming lunch with two newly joined academics, Dr Vincent CHENG, Assistant Professor, and Dr John MOK, Research Assistant Professor on 14 September 2023.
More new members will be joining the APSS family in the near future, we wish them quick settling and enjoyable experience with students and colleagues here at PolyU! |
Student Corner
APSS Students Recognised for Outstanding Achievements: Memorial Awards and HSBC Greater Bay Area Scholarship Announced
Three Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development (MASPSD) students received Dr David Ip Memorial Award or Tang Kwong Leung Memorial Merit Award. One student from BA (Hons) in Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management (BAAASSM) received the HSBC Greater Bay Area Scholarship 2022/23.
Award name: HSBC Greater Bay Area Scholarship 2022/23 (1 award) Awardee: Mr Yuk Shing NGAI, BAAASSM "The approbation is a great acknowledgement of my growth in recent years, especially as I have transformed from a timid student to an active learner. I used to be the type who stayed in the valley and never ventured over the hill, but I have gradually become an adventurer who crosses boundaries. I trust that the Greater Bay Area is a land of opportunities, and I look forward to seizing every chance to accomplish my ambitions with the knowledge I have gained." Award name: Dr David Ip Memorial Award (1 award) Awardee: Mr Weidong JIN, MASPSD “I wish to give a million thanks to donor's family as well as the Department of Applied Social Sciences for recognising my scholarly achievements. I will live up to all the expectations, keep up the good work and give back to the community as much as I can. Thank you very much!”
Award name: Tang Kwong Leung Memorial Merit Award (2 awards) Awardee: Ms Hei Yin AU, MASPSD “I am honored and grateful to receive this Award. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the donor's family for their generosity in establishing this award. This recognition holds great significance to me and reinforces my commitment to making a positive impact in society through my future endeavors.” Awardee: Mr Ho Hin YU, MASPSD “I am honored to have been granted this Award which not only recognises my academic performance but also acknowledges and encourages the effort I have put into my learning journey over the past year. I genuinely believe that this Award will serve as inspiration for future students to strive for higher achievements continuously.”
Congratulation to these students of their latest scholarship award! |
APSS Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering for Inbound and Outbound Students
On 26 September 2023, APSS welcomed our inbound and outbound exchange students with a Mid-Autumn Festival gathering. Similar to last year, the gathering featured traditional lanterns, mooncakes, and discussions about the legends of these iconic objects.
Our outbound students led the discussions about the festive season and meaning behind Mid-Autumn Festival. They were also actively involved in listening to the inbound exchange students about their experiences so far of living and studying in Hong Kong, as well as sharing tips and ideas on how to make their stay in Hong Kong more enjoyable.
Overall, it was a wonderful cultural exchange, as our inbound exchange students enjoyed a taste of the festive season and made new friends. APSS hopes that our inbound exchange students would enjoy all that Hong Kong has to offer and make the most out of their journey with PolyU!
APSS DSW Student Receives Prestigious Hong Kong ICT Awards for Innovative Medication Management Solution
Mr Nick Jingqiang ZENG, a Doctor of Social Work (DSW) student at APSS, has been awarded the Student Innovation Grand Award and Student Innovation (Postgraduate or above) Gold Award at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023.
Mr Yin Ting TO, Research Student of APSS, has been elected as Student Representative for the Faculty Research Committee (HSS) for a term of one year from 1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024.
APSS Entry Scholarship for Self-financed Taught Postgraduate Programme 2023/24