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An Endowed Professorship is named in perpetuity after the donor or other designated honouree. In addition to serving faculty members of the University, internationally acclaimed scholars from the region and throughout the world are also welcome to join PolyU and be nominated for this prestigious title.

The name of the donor, or other honouree(s) as designated by donor, will be attached to a key academic post. The appointee will be listed and referred to in official documentation as, for example:

“Professor Leon Chan
[Donor’s Name] Professor in Artificial Intelligence”

Appointing a Scholar

Donor can designate a professorship in any academic area. PolyU will ensure appointments to the Endowed Professorship shall be made in accordance with established University procedures.

Recognising our Donors

Donors will be invited to attend a ceremony for the Inauguration of Endowed Professorships held to honour donors and the appointed professors. An unique gift of a pair of beautifully handcrafted Commemorative Chairs will be given to the donors as a mark of our appreciation for their generous donation. The appointed professor will carry the title of the endowed professorship in their business card, academic publications, presentations, and in public engagements and occasions, as appropriate. Donors are also regularly updated about the exciting progress of research and academic development that they have enabled.

Management of the Donation

The generous donation, together with a contribution from the University, will be used to set up a perpetual endowed fund. This will provide annual funding and support to the appointed professor for the further development of the research and designated area of the professorship.

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