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The lattice lightsheet technique was developed by the Nobel laureate Eric Betzig (Science 346 (6208), 1257998 (2014)) to achieve gentle, high-speed volumetric imaging of cells and small embryos.  The technique uses optical lattices to create ultrathin laser lightsheet to improve axial resolution and has since proved to be a power tool for live imaging.

The Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7 (LSS7) Microscope at the ULS is a highly-automated and easy-to-use system. The specially designed inverted configuration allows researchers to use such common sample carriers as 35 mm coverglass bottom petri dishes, 8-well chambered coverglasses, or coverglass bottom multi-well plates. The LLS7 system is equipped with 2 scientific-grade CMOS cameras, enabling researcher to perform simultaneous dual-channel imaging at speed up to 3 volume scans per second. Since the laser lightsheet selectively excites an ultrathin plane within the sample at a time, live imaging could be performed for hours or even days with virtually no phototoxicity. Typical sample types include adherent and suspension cells, 3D cultures (e.g., spheroids and small organoids), as well as small animal embryos (such as zebrafish, C. elegans and Drosophila embryos).




Dr. Michael Yuen

Senior Scientific Officer

Dr. Alan Leung

Scientific Officer

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