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Student Ambassador: Joe

Major: BSc (Hons) in Radiography

Transferred from: Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Something about me:

Hi!! I am Joe from Radiography and articulated from HKCC. Welcome!!

After working so hard to earn yourself a place in PolyU, you must be so excited to start a new life in PolyU.

As PolyU is a new environment for you, it is common that you will have some problems. And here we are, the SYA project!! You can contact me for whatever you need, and I will try my best to help. Not only for some school-related problems, you can also find me if you like to have some chitchat or play LOL.

I am sure you will integrate into the PolyU family very smoothly, just don't be shy! It is our job to help you!!


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