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Breaking News! 📣

We are honored and thrilled to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Access, Diversity & Inclusion Award by QS Reimagine Education through our Enhancing Visibility for Vertical-Transfer Students (i.e., senior-year admission students) and Credit Transfer Information!
This remarkable accomplishment stands as a pivotal milestone for our SYA project, exemplifying its exceptional recognition and global prominence in the international arena.

To learn more about the impact of this global competition, please visit https://www.reimagine-education.com

#QSReimagine #EdTech #Innovation

@QS Quacquarelli Symonds

SYA Website: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/syaproject/
CICIS (Cross Institutional Credit-transfer Information System): https://cicis.polyu.edu.hk/
Instagram: hkpolyusyaproj