Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 May ; 6, Jun (Except 13, 20, 27 Jun)
Time 1800-1930
Name EX240520 Yoga Dance Class
Venue S508

Suitable for beginners, this class combines the benefits of dance and yoga, introduces yoga movements with beautiful music and simple dances. It may help increasing the flexibility of the body, improving cardiopulmonary function at the same time. Make your yoga experience more fun and enriching!

*If the attendance rate of the successful applicant falls below 60%, they will regrettably be ineligible to enroll in any regular exercise classes during the next round w


Fee $360 (Member)   $480 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2024-04-02
Instructor Ms Chingyee Chau