Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 8, 22, 29 May ; 5, 12, 19, 26 Jun (Except 1, 15 May)
Time 1845-1945
Name EX240518 Body Slim Dance (Lower Body)
Venue S508

Body Slim Dancing Class is a vibrant, sensual and a powerful cardio workout. This class is choreographed to music, and is designed to improve muscle tone, coordination and flexibility through movement and increase your core training by adding agility, fast pace mixture of various techniques, which contains boxing, jazz, Latin, and belly all roll into one. This is a fun and friendly class for all level of students to de-stress and detox.

*If the attendance rate of the successful applicant falls below 60%, they will regrettably be ineligible to enroll in any regular exercise classes during the next round which requires a lottery.

Fee $315 (Member)   $420 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2024-04-02
Instructor Ms Winnie Lau