Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May ; 7, 14, 21 Jun (Except 28 Jun)
Time 1300-1400
Name EX240512 Slim Yoga
Venue S121

Slim yoga incorporates yoga and fitness, which focuses on controlling both the posture and the breath.  Like all physical activities especially core training and twisting, it helps to releases toxins through sweat and burns more calories than most traditional forms of yoga. Therefore, it can help losing weight and improving the shape of your body.

*If the attendance rate of the successful applicant falls below 60%, they will regrettably be ineligible to enroll in any regular exercise classes during the next round which requires a lottery.

Fee $400 (Member)   $520 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2024-04-02
Instructor Ms Esther Lam