October 2015 - Volume 16, Issue 4
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Three SHTM faculty members were recently rewarded for excellent performance in their fields.

Dr Barry Mak received an SHTM Teaching Excellence Award for his proactive and student-centred philosophy using a wide range of active learning methodologies.
Dr Sam Kim, author and co-author of 13 refereed papers in a variety of prestigious international journals published in 2014-15, received an SHTM Research Excellence Award.
Dr Basak Denizci Guillet received an SHTM Service Excellence Award for her dedicated service to professional bodies and active participation in numerous fields, which has enhanced the School's image.
Professor Hanqin Qiu, received the John Wiley & Sons Award for Innovation in Teaching from the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE) at the 2015 Annual I-CHRIE Summer Conference and Marketplace held in Orlando, USA from 29 to 31 July. The prestigious award recognises Professor Qiu's continued pursuit of excellence in teaching as Chairman of the SHTM's Learning and Teaching Committee.
At the same conference, Professor Cathy Hsu was honoured as Reviewer of the Year for 2015 by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research in recognition of her outstanding contributions.
Miss Jeong-hyun Kim, a research student in the Doctor of Philosophy in Hotel and Tourism Management programme, received the Best Master's Thesis Award from Ewha Womans University for her thesis entitled "Comfort Food Perceptions and Emotional Responses: Comparison of Koreans and Non-Koreans".
To promote the social integration of people with and without disabilities while fostering barrier-free travel in Hong Kong, the School supported the "Barrier-Free Travel Day" organised by the Hong Kong Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied Association and the International Chinese Tourist Association. A pledging ceremony for 100 volunteers, including 25 SHTM undergraduate students, was held at the SHTM premises on 5 September 2015. The volunteers undertook one day of training to learn how to handle persons with disabilities during travel, then they worked with handicapped people enjoying the day at Hong Kong Disneyland on 6 September.

The SHTM celebrates World Tourism Day annually by organising its own Dress Orange Day. This year, the day was held on 30 September, with SHTM staff and students wearing orange, the School's colour, to show support and demonstrate unity. Staff and students were invited to take part in the Orange Selfie, Most Orange Student, Most Orange Staff and Most Orange Class Competitions. The winners were:
  • Most Orange Student - Ms Lisa Yip
  • Most Orange Staff - Ms Gloria Lung
  • Most Orange Class - HTM581 Research Method (MSc in International Wine Management) led by Dr Catherine Cheung
  • Orange Selfie Competition/Facebook - Miss Krusty Li was the winning contestant and Miss Vanessa Au-Yeung was the winning voter
  • Orange Selfie Competition/Instagram - Miss Lo Man-yee was the winning contestant
Dr Andrew Chan won the 2015 Literati Award for an Outstanding Paper in the Journal of Services Marketing for his paper entitled "Time Buying and Time Saving: Effects on Service Convenience and the Shopping Experience at the Mall". The paper was selected by the editors to be the best paper published in the journal during 2014.
Dr Catherine Cheung was recently honoured by the Emerald Publishing Group, with her co-authored paper entitled "From Hotel Career Management to Employees' Career Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Career Competency", published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management during 2012, receiving a Citation of Excellence 2015 award.

This e-newsletter is issued by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
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