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別出「深」裁 2023 - 時裝設計比賽 Thread of Creativity Design Competition

Thread of creativity

助你展開理想人生 踏上時装設計之
別出「深」裁 2023 是一個由 亞洲新一代創意設計協會 主辦的時裝設計比賽,藉此鼓勵16 29歲的年青一代積極投身時裝設計行業發揮所長,透過比賽展現新世代的膽識、創意與才藝,從而選拔出具有潛力的本地年青設計師。別出「深」裁 2023 將會繼續邀請業內重量級星級導師指導参賽者,用無窮的想像力實踐創意作品。比賽將會包括工作坊拍攝,除了紀錄參賽過程之外,還希望給予對時尚界充滿夢想的年青人一個機會,把舞台呈現觀眾面前,在這裡接受挑戰累積經驗,幫助他們找到職業發展的方向,逐步建立屬於自己的時裝事業。

Begin your journey in fashion design and your ideal future
Thread of Creativity is a fashion design competition aiming to encourage Hong Kong younger generation aged between 16 to 29 and who are passionate about fashion design, to engage and participate in the fashion design industry. This competition is organised by the Asian New Generation Creativity Design Association. Through this competition, the contestants will be able to present the best of their courage, creativity, as well as talents. Our renowned mentors will guide these contestants to create masterpieces with creative designs and unlimited imaginations in order to spread positivity. The selected contestants will be challenged by different tasks and the process will be documented to provide these young designers an opportunity to overcome challenges, gain experiences and navigate their career pathway to gradually building their own label.


  • 冠軍 Overall Winner:價港幣 10,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD10,000  & certificate
  • 亞軍 First Runner-up:價港幣 5,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD5,000 & certificate
  • 季軍 Second Runner-up:價港幣 3,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD3,000 & certificate
  • 最具創意Best Creativity Award:價港幣 1,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD1,000 & certificate 
  • 最具商業潛力Best Marketability Award:價港幣 1,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD1,000 & certificate
  • 最貼合主題Best Fit-to-theme Award:價港幣 1,000元禮券及Cash coupon valued at HKD1,000 & certificate

截止日 Application deadline

16 June 2023 6pm (HK time)


Application and details:


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