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Vision and Mission

The Research Centre for Future (Caring) Mobility represents a vision of Interdisciplinary, Cutting-edge, STEAM (STEM+Art & Design) and Innovative Design Approach Emphasising on Living, Caring and Well-being under various scenarios of mobility.

The Centre is determined to tackle the ‘wicked’ real-world challenges such as the future caring in transportation, transit UX, communication and integration of personal information in mobility, automobile cybersecurity, smart city fluidity & liveabilityUX in emerging transport modes such as versatile & on-demand transport, wellbeing aspects in connected and autonomous vehicles. Benefits by such a unique vision, this Centre will be first in the world to focus on blurring various mobility related boundaries to vision the future of ‘caring-moving 關愛移動 ’, the research and design outcomes will significantly contribute to Hong Kong, GBA, and the region.

To carry out high-impact research, this RC will create a unique platform empowering visionary design-led innovations, emphasis on the potential economic, social health and wellbeing benefits in mobility innovation, and design practical, innovative, user-friendly caring-mobility solutions. The new generation of researchers, designers and innovators in this area will also benefit from this platform through a genuine design-led innovation approach, which focusing on the end-users’ evolving and unmet needs from both caring and mobility perspectives, alongside specialised technological knowledge.

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