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Wong Sin Yi

The Bachelor of Science (Hons) Occupational Therapy (OT) programme provides holistic and diverse teaching to help students become competent occupational therapists. Among the various courses I took in my first year, my two favourites were OT Theory & Process I and Research Methods and Statistics. OT Theory & Process I not only introduces beliefs, ethics and processes related to occupational therapy, but also allows students to apply contemporary OT models to different cases to gain a comprehensive understanding of patients and patients’ lives. I cannot wait to apply the OT models that I have learned in a clinical placement. The other course, Research Methods and Statistics, allows students to appraise previous scientific research critically and interpret findings with relevance to clinical practice.

During my invaluable first year of study at PolyU, I learned to identify and select academic sources to support my point of view. Also, various group projects improved my leadership and communication skills, which are vital components of occupational therapy.

