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This is a 4-year full-time programme leading to a registrable qualification as required by the Occupational Therapists Board of Hong Kong. Our programme is recognised by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) for training practitioners to international standards. 

Year One of the programme includes compulsory university subjects such as Freshman Seminar for Broad Discipline in Health Science and fundamental language subjects, and Foundation Subjects such as Human Physiology, Human Anatomy, Functional Anatomy, and Foundation Psychology for Rehabilitation Professionals. The Core Subject of occupational therapy is introduced in the OT Theory and Process I.
Year Two of the programme includes Foundation Subjects in occupational therapy such as Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Psychology, Clinical Sciences and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The core occupational therapy discipline is introduced in the subjects, such as Human Occupations and OT Foundations in Human Performance and Enabling Occupation in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.

Year Three of the programme emphasises core occupational therapy disciplines: Psychosocial Practice, Medical & Neurorehabilitation, Developmental Conditions, Environmental Issues and Assistive Technology.

Year Four of the programme extends to applied subjects such as Aging and Geriatric Practice, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc. There is also a capstone project and a service-learning subject in the final year.

Clinical education is an important component in the programme. It is delivered through clinical placement in various settings in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and overseas. Students are required to undertake 1,000 hours of clinical placement throughout the programme in five blocks.


Information on the subjects offered can be obtained

