Research Student List
Name | Degree Enrolled | Research Project Title/Area | Chief Supervisor | Study Mode |
CAI Yihui | PhD | Optimizing Intermittent Theta-burst Stimulation Parameters for Mild cognitive impairment: A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial |
Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
CHAN Ka Siu | PhD | Neural and Computational Mechanisms underlying Information Sampling in Multiple-Choice Decision Making
Prof. Bolton Chau
CHAN Kam Kwan
PhD | The Effectiveness of AI-Enhanced Animal Therapy in Elderly Care Facilities to Facilitate the Health Monitoring
Prof. Peter Ng
CHAN Nga Huen | PhD
Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Cognitive Function and Upper Limb Motor Function in People with Chronic Stroke | Prof. Shamay Ng
Full-time |
CHAN Ngai Man Jackie | PhD
Light for Major Depression: Investigating Low-energy Laser Photobiomodulation's Effects on Neurogenesis and Depression-like Behaviors
Prof. Benson Lau
Full-time |
CHAN Wai Ying | PhD | Predicting the Spine Curve Progression and Examining the Effects of Exercises on Paraspinal Muscle Asymmetry in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis | Prof. Arnold Wong
Full-time |
CHANG Rui | PhD | Pain Perception, Brain Activity, and Management in Individuals with Chronic Pain and Insomnia
Prof. Arnold Wong
Full-time |
CHEN Shuqi
PhD | To be determined | Prof. Annie Leong
Full-time |
CHEN Yawen
PhD | Cortical Activities and Efficacy of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Freezing of Gait in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease |
Prof. Meizhen Huang
Full-time |
CHEN Yilin
PhD | Neural Entrainment to Dance on Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Their Children |
Prof. Karen Liu
Full-time |
PhD | Effects of MT2 on Cancer-induced Cachexia | Prof. Benson Lau
Full-time |
CHENG Tong | PhD | Investigation of Neural Mechanism underlying Antidepressant Effects of Single-bout of Physical Exercise: The Involvement of Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Prof. Sonata Yau
PhD | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Improving Psychological Functions of Parents and Children with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Prof. Arnold Wong
PhD | The use of Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms to Quantity Multi-modal Means for Argumentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Daily Activities for People with Cerebral Palsy
Prof. Kenneth Fong
Full-time |
DIAO Yingxiu
PhD | Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training on Muscle Strength and Physical Function for Stroke-Related Sarcopenia |
Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
EGUIA Ma Kathlynne Fernandez | PhD | Inside-Out: Facilitating the Use of Focus Instructions and Feedback in Telehealth Physiotherapy for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Prof. Thomson Wong
Full-time |
PhD | To be determined | Prof. Annie Leong
Full-time |
FAN Tianxiang | PhD | In Search of an Optimal Light-emitting Diode (LED) Wavelength and Energy Density for Improvement of Joint Homeostasis in People with Early Knee Osteoarthritis | Prof. Amy Fu | Full-time |
FAN Wei | PhD | Effects of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation on Upper-limb Movements, Functions, and Neural Activity in People with Parkinson's Disease
Prof. Kenneth Fong
Full-time |
FONG Ho Kee Howard
PhD | Golf -18 – Golf Injury Prevention Program
Prof. Arnold Wong
FORMOLO Douglas Affonso | PhD | Physical Exercise as a Rapid Antidepressant Intervention: A Circuit-based Investigation of its Mechanisms of Action |
Prof. Sonata Yau
FU Yumiao
PhD | Effect of Virtual-based Natural Environment on the Cognition in Older Adults |
Prof. Davynn Tan
Full-time |
FUNG Cheuk Chin | PhD | Understanding the Mechanism between Weight Stigma and Unhealthy Behavior: What is the Role of Self-regulation? | Prof. Benson Lau
Part-time |
FUNG Kai Hang | PhD
Protective Effect of Aerobic Exercise to Cigarette Smoke and its Associated Mechanisms | Prof. Shirley Ngai
GAO Grace | PhD | Development and Investigation of The Effects of Exoskeleton Technologies for Healthcare Workers in Reducing the Risk of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) |
Prof. Billy So
Full-time |
HE Jiali | PhD | An Integration of Tai Chi (TC) and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Sleep Disturbance in Older Adults | Prof. Hector Tsang
HO Yuen Wah | PhD | The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Cognitive Behavioural Programme on Post-Stroke Fatigue: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial | Prof. Shamay Ng | Part-time |
HU Huiling | PhD | Development of an AI-driven Work Capacity Evaluation System (AI-WCES) for People with Disabilities in Mainland China |
Prof. Peter Ng
HUANG Fan | PhD | Brain Characteristics, Pain Intensity and Cognitive Functions in Older People with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain and the Effect of Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation on Various Clinical Outcomes in This Population
Prof. Arnold Wong
Full-time |
HUANG Jiebin | PhD | Investigation on Physical Factors Leading to the Development and Aggregation of Early Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis in People after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery | Prof. Amy Fu | Part-time
HUANG Quting | PhD | Kinematics and Neuroimaging Investigation of the Impact of Internal Model on Hand Movement in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder | Prof. Will Chien
Full-time |
HUANG Tinghuai
PhD | Effect of Self-Initiated Perturbation-Based Balance Training on the Postural Stability of Community-Dwelling Older Adults with an Increased Risk of Falling: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Prof. Charlotte Tsang
Full-time |
HUSSAIN Akhlaq | PhD | Investigation of Mechanisms Underlying Cognitive Impairment Induced by Chronic Exposure to Air Pollutant Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) in a Mouse Model | Prof. Sonata Yau
Full-time |
JIANG Jiaxin
PhD | Efficacy of Cerebellar Non-invasive Brain Stimulation on Motor Performance in Individuals with Stroke |
Prof. Meizhen Huang
Full-time |
JIN Minxia | PhD | Predicting Illness Trajectories in Fully Remitted Major Depression using Concurrent TBS/fNIRS | Prof. Georg Kranz
Full-time |
KHAN Mohammad Jobair | PhD | Dual Task Intervention to Improve Balance and Reduce Falls in Community-dwelling Older Adults
Prof. Stanley John Winser
KWOK Man Ying | PhD | The Effect of Aquatic High Intensity Interval Training (AHIIT) on Cardiometabolic Health in Women | Prof. Billy So
LAM Wai Hon
PhD | To be determined | Prof. Yvonne Han
LAM Wai Man Vera
PhD | Investigating the Effects of Temporal Interference Stimulation (TIS) on Cognitive Performance and Functional Outcomes in Adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Prof. Georg Kranz
LAM Wing Yeung Jimmy
The Effects of Maternal Gestational Inflammation on Brain and Behaviors in the Offspring | Prof. Benjamin Yee
LAU Chung Man
PhD | To be determined | Prof. Benson Lau
LEE Kwok Wing
The Mechanism and Efficacy of Auriculotherapy in Chronic Low Back Pain, Sleep, and Cognitive Level on Athletes
Prof. Amy Fu
Full-time |
LI Duo | PhD | The Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms Underlying Prosociality in Older Adults | Prof. David Shum | Full-time |
LI Jiaqi
PhD | Individualized Exercise Prescription with a Data-driven Approach in Individuals with Stroke
Prof. Patrick Kwong
Full-time |
LI Xun | PhD | Brain Activity during Cognitive-motor Dual-Tasking and Effects of Dual-task Balance and Mobility Training after Stroke |
Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
LI Wai Leuk
Investigating Decision-Making Capacities of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adulthood: A fMRI study | Prof. Bolton Chau
Part-time |
LI Yutong
PhD | Effects of an Innovative TCM-based Tui Jing Therapy on Psychological and Neurophysiological Functions in Depression | Prof. Hector Tsang | Full-time |
LIANG Guoshi
To be determined
Prof. Freddy Lam
LIN Guohui
The Interaction between Sleep and the Stress Response Systems in Athletes: Implications for Sleep, Pain, and Depression Management
Prof. Arnold Wong
LIN Tianze | PhD | Towards a 'Pharmacodynamic' Marker for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Augment Concurrent TMS/Fmri with Behavioural Tasks Modulating Functional Connectivity of Interest
Prof. Georg Kranz
LIN Yulu
PhD | Mindfulness-Based Dance Movement Therapy for Emotional Disorders in Adolescent Girls: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness |
Prof. Richard Xu
LIU Qijing
PhD | Cortical Activity and Efficacy of Combined Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and Step Training in Older Adults with Mild Dementia | Prof. Wayne Chan
LIU Teng | PhD | To be determined |
Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
LIU Zhaoxue | PhD | The Effectiveness of a Novel Non-invasive Biofeedback Device for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women | Prof. Priya Kannan
Full-time |
LUO Lingyi
To be determined
Prof. Philip Ho
MA Zonghao | MPhil
Exercise Protects against PM2.5-Induced Depressive Phenotype via Preventing the Leakage of Blood-Brain Barrier
Prof. Sonata Yau
Full-time |
MAK Ho Lun Raymond
PhD | The Effectiveness of Injury Prevention Programs for Elite Swimming Athletes
Prof. Billy So
Full-time |
MONTAYRE Jasmine Cubilo
PhD | A Co-designed Primary Health Care Service Delivery System to Assist Healthcare Professionals in Supporting Ageing Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Prof. Karen Liu
NG Chit Yui Jeffrey
Characterizing Lumbar Disc Degeneration Using Texture Analysis
Prof. Arnold Wong
PAN Hong | PhD | Randomized Controlled Trial of Upper Limb Training with Mirror Therapy (MT) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) to Improve Upper Limb Functions in Patients with Sub-acute Stroke | Prof. Shamay Ng | Full-time |
QIN Ping
PhD | Precision Rehabilitation in Mental Health
Prof. Georg Kranz
Full-time |
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Improving Lower Limb Function in Stroke Patients
Prof. Shamay Ng
Full-time |
RAO Leiyi
To be determined
Prof. Maggie Xin
REN Longjun | PhD
Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation Combined with Task-oriented Training on Upper Limb Function and Cognitive Outcomes of People with Stroke
Prof. Shamay Ng
Full-time |
SO Wing Yee Winnie | PhD | The Behavioural and Neural Mechanisms Underlying Social Cognition in Younger and Older Adults
Prof. David Shum | Full-time |
SU Shan | PhD | An Investigation into Structured Exercise Program for Promoting Aerobic Capacity in Community Elders with Knee Osteoarthritis | Prof. Amy Fu
Full-time |
SUI You Xin | PhD | Optimization of Metaplasticity-based Transcranial Magnetic Brain Stimulation for Poststroke Motor Rehabilitation
Prof. Kenneth Fong | Full-time |
SUN Wen | PhD | Testing the Effects and the Underlying Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Qigong in Depressed Older Adults with Chronic Diseases: A Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial | Prof. Hector Tsang | Part-time
SZE Hui Hei Corliss
The Health Status of Adolescents with Congenital Diseases (Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (AUTISM)) in Hong Kong and the Effectiveness of a Karate Intervention to Improve the Attention and Balance Skills of the above Selected Population in Hong Kong
Prof. Clare Yu
Full-time |
TAM Ka Yan
PhD | Performance-based Assessment and Training on Executive Functioning for School-age Children | Prof. Kenneth Fong | Part-time
TO Yuen Lam
Neurocomputational Mechanisms of Human Decision Making Involving Counterfactual Choice Learning |
Prof. Bolton Chau
Full-time |
TSE Cho Kwan | PhD | Relationships Between Mahjong Playing and Cognitive, Psychological and Functional Abilities | Prof. David Shum | Full-time |
WAN Ziyu
To be determined
Prof. Peter Ng
PhD | Psychophysiological Mechanism of TCM-based Intervention to Reduce Daily Sedentary Behavior and Improve Wellness among Office Workers | Prof. Hector Tsang | Full-time |
To be determined
Prof. Shirley Ngai
WANG Hanjie | PhD | Age-related Changes in Hippocampus-dependent Processes underlying Scene Construction and Spatial Learning | Prof. Benjamin Yee | Part-time
PhD | Investigating the Augmenting Effects of Multisensory Co-stimulation for Therapeutic Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
Prof. Georg Kranz
Full-time |
WEI Yihao
Exploring the Mechanisms of Pulse Electromagnetic Field in Delaying the Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis
Prof. Arnold Wong
WENG Yiting | PhD | Cognitive, social and vocational functioning of young adults at familial risk for psychosis (FRP) and with early psychosis (EP) | Prof. Hector Tsang | Part-time
WONG Ka Lai | PhD | Development of a Home-based tDCS Program for the Treatment of Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Prof. Yvonne Han
Full-time |
Deep Learning Approach for Predicting the Risk of Onset and Recovery of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
Prof. Benson Lau
WU Jingyi
To be determined
Prof. Chun-Liang Hsu
XIA Weili
PhD | The Application of Concurrent Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Neuroimaging in Mental Health Research |
Prof. Georg Kranz
Full-time |
XU Chen
PhD | Physiological Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Individuals with Chronic Stroke |
Prof. Meizhen Huang
Full-time |
YANG Bohao
The Neurological Consequence of Electronic Cigarettes Exposure in Adolescent Animal Model
Prof. Benson Lau
YEUNG Yin Kwan | PhD | Creating an AI-Enabled Case Manager for Work Injury Case Management: Key Information Extraction and Risk Assessment | Prof. Peter Ng
Part-time |
YU Hoi Ming | PhD | Exploring Task Activations and Brain Networks in Ecological Prospective Memory Performance among Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: an MRI Study
Prof. David Shum | Full-time |
YU Jiasui |
Apelin Mediates Exercise-induced Antidepressant and Potential Neurological Benefits in Obese Mice | Prof. Sonata Yau
YUAN Huanling | PhD | Auditory Sensitivity Processing in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Psychophysiological Study | Prof. Cynthia Lai
YUAN Yarou |
PhD | The Effect of COGMOTION Training Combined with tDCS on Cognitive-motor Interference and Related Brain Activity in Stroke Patients | Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
ZHANG Bingbing | PhD | Testing the Neuromodulatory Effects of Theta-burst Stimulation | Prof. Georg Kranz
Part-time |
ZHANG Tianjiao |
PhD | Neurophysiological and Behavioral Effects of Perturbation-Based Balance Training on Reducing Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults |
Prof. Charlotte Tsang
Full-time |
ZHENG Kangyong | PhD | The Impacts of Chronic Low Back Pain on the Balance Performance of Older People and the Effects of High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Balance Control in this Population |
Prof. Arnold Wong
Full-time |
ZHOU Fengming | PhD | Explore the Association between the Function of Lumbopelvic Region Muscles and Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Athletes | Prof. Amy Fu | Full-time |
ZHUANG Jingwen |
PhD | Brain Activity during Cognitive-motor Dual-tasking in People with or without Stroke |
Prof. Marco Pang
Full-time |
PhD | To be determined |
Prof. Jessie Lin
Full-time |