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PolyU Scholars Hub



BSc (SWJTU), MSc (UM), PhD (HKU)



李博士致力於運用各種細胞及動物模型來研究血管生成異常在多種疾病中的病理機制,例如缺血性中風、柏金遜症、阿爾茲海默症和癌症。他同時擅長中藥有效活性成分的篩選及其相關藥理活性的鑒定。在其研究期間,李博士成功從中藥中發現了多種具有治療前景的生物活性分子,可被用於研發成為治療心血管疾病、神經退行性疾病和癌症的潛在靶點藥物。迄今為止,他已在藥理學或綜合和補充醫學  領域的頂級同行評審期刊上發表逾二十篇科學論文。

李博士現任Military Medical Research期刊青年編委,Frontiers in Pharmacology期刊審稿編輯,以及Phytomedicine、Chinese Medicine、Biochemical Pharmacology、Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines等科學期刊的特邀審稿人。他目前的研究側重於探索血管生成異常化在神經退行性疾病(例如柏金遜症、阿爾茲海默症)發展過程中的調節作用,通過靶向組織內異常血管,調節血管正常化,探索和開發治療神經系統疾病或癌症的有效策略。



  • Bachelor of Science, Southwest Jiaotong University
  • Master of Science in Chinese Medicinal Science, University of Macau
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong


  • 基於中醫藥治療神經退行性疾病的策略研究
  • 基於血管正常化療法治療腦部相關疾病及癌症的探索研究
  • 補充和替代醫學在康復科學領域中的應用

    • Wu YH, Li JJ, Zhong XM, Shi JF, Cheng YF, He CL, Li JX, Zou L, Fu CM, Chen MW, Zhang JM, & Gao HL. A pH-sensitive supramolecular nanosystem with chlorin e6 and triptolide co-delivery for chemo-photodynamic combination therapy. Asian Journal of PharmaceuticalSciences (in press). (Co-first author)
    • Liu ZY, Wu XP, Dai K, Li RK, Zhang JM, Sheng DK, Lee SMY, Leung GPH, Zhou GC, & Li JJ (2022). The new andrographolide derivative AGS-30 induces apoptosis in human colon cancer cells by activating a ROS-dependent JNK signalling pathway. Phytomedicine, 94: 153824. (Corresponding author)
    • Li JJ, Li RK, Wu XP, Hoo RLC, Lee SMY, Cheung TMY, Ho BSY, & Leung GPH (2021). Amauroderma rugosum protects PC12 cells against 6-OHDA-induced neurotoxicity through antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021: 6683270.
    • Shi JF, Li JJ, Li JX, Li RK, Wu XP, Gao F, Zou L, Mak WWS, Fu CM, Zhang JM*, & Leung GPH* (2021). Synergistic breast cancer suppression efficacy of doxorubicin by combination with glycyrrhetinic acid as an angiogenesis inhibitor. Phytomedicine, 81: 153408. (Co-first and corresponding author)
    • Luo YY, Li JJ, Hu YC, Gao F, Leung GPH, Geng FN, Fu CM, & Zhang JM (2020). Injectable thermoresponsive nano-hydrogel loading triptolide for the anti-breast cancer enhancement via localized treatment based on “Two Strikes” effects. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 10(11): 2227-2245. (Co-first author)
    • Li JJ, Li F, Tang F, Zhang JM, Li RK, Sheng DK, Lee SMY, Zhou GC, & Leung GPH (2020). AGS-30, an andrographolide derivative, suppresses tumor angiogenesis and growth in vitro and in vivo. Biochemical Pharmacology, 171: 113694.
    • Li JJ, Tang F, Li RK, Chen ZJ, Lee SMY, Fu CM, Zhang JM, & Leung GPH (2020). Dietary compound glycyrrhetinic acid suppresses tumor angiogenesis and growth by modulating anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic pathways in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 77: 108268.
    • Li JJ, Wu YH, Wang D, Zou L, Fu CM, Zhang JM, & Leung GPH (2019). Oridonin synergistically enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of doxorubicin against aggressive breast cancer via pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic effects. Pharmacological Research, 146: 104313.
    • Li JJ, Zhang JM, Zou L, Lee SMY, Yang C, Seto SW, & Leung GPH (2017). Pro-angiogenic effects of Ilexsaponin A1 on human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro and zebrafish in vivo. Phytomedicine, 36: 229-237.
    • Zhang JM, Li JJ, Shi Z, Yang Y, Xie X, Lee SMY, Wang YT, Leong KW, & Chen MW (2017). pH-sensitive polymeric nanoparticles for co-delivery of doxorubicin and curcumin to treat cancer via enhanced pro-apoptotic and antiangiogenic activities. Acta Biomaterialia, 58: 349-364. (Co-first author)

