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伍教授是一位註冊物理治療師, 現任康復治療科學系教授。伍教授分別於澳洲悉尼大學及香港理工大學獲得物理治療應用科學碩士學位及哲學博士學位。她於加入香港理工大學前, 曾於本地及海外醫療機構, 從事物理治療專科的臨床工作。

伍教授一直積極參與康復治療學的科研, 並致力發表科研文章, 主要探討腦神經康復, 特別針對中風患者的康復治療。她目前主要研究方向是探討適切的科學測試, 用以評估腦神經疾病患者的活動功能, 並研究不同的治療方法, 改善及促進中風康復治療的成效。

伍教授是一位充滿熱誠和敬業的教師, 致力教育及指導物理治療學系的本科學生、碩士及博士研究生。她分別於2009/2010年及2015/2016年兩次獲得康復治療科學系的傑出教學獎, 更於2015/2016年獲得醫療及社會科學院的傑出表現/教學獎。她曾被委任為物理治療師管理委員會註冊考試的評審員, 現時為物理治療師註冊委員會的成員。


•    Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
•    Master of Applied Sciences, The University of Sydney
•    Diploma in Acupuncture and Moxibustion, The Jinan University
•    Post-Experience Certificate in Peripheral Manipulation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
•    Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


•    Registered Physiotherapist


  • 中風患者的活動障礙
  • 中風的康復治療


  • Ho LYW, Lai CKY, Ng SSM.* Contribution of sleep quality to fatigue following stroke: a cross-sectional study. BMC Neurology 2021; 21(1) 151 (* corresponding author)
  • Ho LYW, Lai CKY, Ng SSM.* Testing the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Neurological Fatigue Index-Stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation 2021; 35: 1329-1340 (* corresponding author)
  • Ho LYW, Ng SMS.* Non-pharmacological interventions for fatigue in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and Ageing 2020; 49:341-351. (* corresponding author)
  • Ng SSM,* Liu TW, Kwong PWH, Choy HM, Fong TYK, Lee JYC, Tan YL, Tong GYH, Wong CCY, Lai CYY, Tse MMY. Psychometric testing of the falls risks for older people in the community screening tool (FROP-Com Screen) for community-dwelling people with stroke. PloS One 2020; 15 (5): e0233045 (* corresponding author)
  • Liu TW, Ng GYF, Chung RCK, Ng SSM.* Decreasing fear of falling in chronic stroke survivors through cognitive behavior therapy and task-oriented balance training. Stroke 2019; 50:148-154 (* corresponding author)
  • Chen PM, Kwong PWH, Lai CKY, Ng SSM.* Comparison of bilateral and unilateral upper limb training in people with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS one 2019 May 23;14 (5): e0216357 (* corresponding author)
  • Liu TW, NG SSM.* Assessing the fall risks of community-dwelling stroke survivors using the Short-form Physiological Profile Assessment (S-PPA). PLOS one; 2019 May 21;14 (5): e0216769. (* corresponding author)
  • Liu TW, NG SSM.* The reliability and validity of the Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly for assessing fear and activity avoidance among stroke survivors. PLOS One 2019 April 1; 14 (4): e0214796 (* corresponding author)
  • Ng SSM,* Tse MMY, Tam EWC, Lai CYY. The psychometric properties of the Toe Tap Test in people with stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation 2019; 41;2817-2825 (* corresponding author)
  • Liu TW, Ng GYF, Chung RCK, Ng SSM.* Cognitive behavioral therapy for fear of falling among older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and Ageing 2018; 47: 520-527 (* corresponding author)

