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20250123 Congrats to Jack and Shirley_Banner_SC


理大康复治疗科科系两位助理教授(研究)张嘉祺博士及张慧博士荣获2023医疗卫生研究基金(HMRF) 的奖学金。 张嘉祺博士将透过创新的脑机接口(Brain−Computer Interface,简称BCI)促进中风康复,利用神经反馈来增强运动恢复。这笔奖学金将支持张博士到德国接受神经回馈培训,以及在香港进行临床试验,期望为个人化的神经康复建立新的基准。 张慧博士将研究巴金森症患者的冷漠征状,利用先进的影像技术来重点研究脑干和皮质下皮质通路。她的研究期望能发现新的治疗策略,并改进巴金森症患者的进展预测。 两位学者获奖突显了本学系对推动创新医疗保健的承诺。




香港理工大学(理大)康复治疗科学系于2025年1月9日举办了物理治疗学及职业治疗学硕士课程的开学典礼。典礼承蒙社会福利署助理署长(康复及医务社会服务)梁绮莉女士拨冗出席主礼,彰显了这两个课程在未来康复治疗服务中的重要性。   信兴教育及慈善基金康复科学教授、神经康复治疗学讲座教授及康复治疗科学系系主任彭耀宗教授在典礼上致辞,回顾这两个硕士课程的由来及发展,并强调了物理治疗师和职业治疗师在提供基层健康服务中的付出及贡献,更指出了这些专业人士在全球医疗保健中日益受到认可。   活动的一大亮点是由彭耀宗教授带领同学们宣读誓辞,共同承诺维护未来职业的价值观和道德标准。宣誓仪式标志着他们专业旅程的新篇章,也体现了他们以爱心和诚信服务大众的奉献精神。   在社会福利署的培训资助计划下,康复治疗科学系自2012年起来年开办两年制全日制入门级物理治疗学及职业治疗学硕士课程,并自2021年起改为每年开办。这两个硕士课程旨在培训未来的物理治疗师和职业治疗师,以应对社会对康复治疗服务的庞大需求。


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香港理工大学(理大)康复治疗科学系与无锡市精神卫生中心 / 无锡市中心康复医院签署谅解备忘录。这项合作旨在建立人员交流和学术研究合作框架。 出席见证签署仪式的嘉宾为理大领导层包括校董会主席林大辉博士、校长滕锦光教授、协理副校长(内地研究拓展)董澄教授、无锡市政府副市长秦咏薪先生、无锡市委统战部副部长、市侨办主任赵俊明以及无锡市卫生健康委员会主任笪学荣先生。该谅解备忘录由理大信兴教育及慈善基金康复科学教授、神经康复治疗学讲座教授及康复治疗科学系系主任、神经科学中心实验室主任彭耀宗教授与无锡市中心康复医院院长殷崎涛先生签署。 此次合作期望为学生和研究人员创造宝贵的机会,提升康复治疗科学领域的培训和学习体验。透过结合双方的优势和专业知识,该谅解备忘录将促进学术发展,推动创新研究,并支持康复治疗领域的专业发展。    


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香港理工大学康复治疗科学系与澳洲昆士兰大学健康与行为科学学院属下的健康与康复治疗科学学院早前签署谅解备忘录,正式确立合作关系。 这份谅解备忘录的内容涵盖在科研、教与学,以及学生交流计划,为未来双方的合作奠定基础。透过共享专业知识和资源,双方旨在推动物理治疗和职业治疗领域的发展,丰富学生的学习体验,扩阔全球视野。  



Inaugural Conference on Teaching and Learning Innovations Explores Advancements in Rehabilitation Sciences Education

The First Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Innovations in Rehabilitation Sciences took place on 9–10 December 2024. Organised by the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with the Institute for Higher Education Research and Development, this 1.5-day conference brought together about 500 participants, including renowned scholars, educators, researchers, and students ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate level, to explore and share advancements in rehabilitation sciences education. Highlighting Collaborative Visions Under the theme "Collaborative Visions: Enhancing Rehabilitation through Education and Research", this inaugural conference served as a platform to foster dialogue and creativity. It showcased new approaches in education and research that aim to drive critical advancements in rehabilitation sciences. This event not only underscored the importance of collaboration but also highlighted the Department’s educational philosophy, which values "student-staff partnerships". This partnership approach is pivotal in creating an enriching learning environment, encouraging students to take ownership of their educational journeys, and equipping them with the critical, analytical skills required to face future challenges in clinical practice. Keynote Addresses On Day 1, the conference commenced an opening ceremony, followed by an inspiring keynote speech by Prof. Richard Windle, Faculty Deputy Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and Digital Learning Director from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham. Prof. Windle delivered an insightful presentation titled “Healthy Scepticism: How Health Sciences Education Taught Higher Education to be Digital.” His keynote delved into the approaches used to develop digital learning solutions tailored to evolving pedagogical needs, from creating accessible multimedia resources to designing AI-supported simulated digital placements. On Day 2, Prof. Hu Xiangen, Director of the Institute for Higher Education Research and Development (IHERD), Director of the Educational Research Centre (ERC), and Chair Professor of Learning Sciences and Technologies at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented the second keynote address. Titled “Empowering Rehabilitation Sciences Education with Generative AI: Unlocking Conceptual Understanding through Natural Language”, Prof. Hu's presentation captivated the audience by illustrating how generative AI can enhance conceptual understanding and elevate the pedagogical approach in rehabilitation sciences. Engaging Parallel Sessions The conference featured vibrant parallel sessions that allowed attendees to immerse themselves in educational research, innovative solutions, and clinical applications. Academic staff Contributions: Faculty members of the Department showcased cutting-edge educational research demonstrating their adoption of evidence-based teaching methodologies that are shaping the future of rehabilitation education. Student Contributions: Undergraduate and postgraduate students presented their final year research projects which provides practical solutions to solve clinical questions which contributes to the evidence-based clinical practices. In addition, the research postgraduate students presented their innovative pioneering research projects which generates new knowledge contributing to life sciences.  The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences extends its deepest gratitude to all keynote speakers, presenters, participants, students, and organising committee members for their contributions in making this inaugural conference an overwhelming success. With such a strong start, this event promises to continue as a pivotal forum for collaboration and growth in the years to come.    


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一年级学生宣誓仪式 标志对专业之承诺

香港理工大学康复治疗科学系于2024年11月19日举办了一年级学生宣誓仪式,标志著本学系的物理治疗和职业治疗学生展开他们的专业旅程。 活动由康复治疗科学系系主任彭耀宗教授致辞开始,紧接由香港物理治疗学会主席胡存孝先生及香港职业治疗学会前任主席郑慧慈女士分别向一众新同学介绍物理治疗和职业治疗专业。 活动的一大亮点是由彭耀宗教授带领同学们宣读及签署誓辞,共同承诺维护未来职业的价值观和原则。 本学系欢迎一众新生加入我们的大家庭,亦乐见他们迈出了进入物理治疗和职业治疗专业领域的第一步。宣誓仪式不仅翻开了他们专业旅程新一页,也标志著他们以爱心和诚信服务大众的奉献精神。




作为山东省与香港的人材交流项目,香港理工大学(理大)与位于青岛的康复大学于2024年11月5日,于「鲁港高校人才交流对接曁山东高校人才招聘会」上签署谅解备忘录。 康复治疗科学系将代表理大牵头执行这项计划,建立稳健的合作框架。此谅解备忘录旨在推动专业建设、促进师生交流、推进转化研究并支持建立附属医院。我们希望通过这些努力,促进两地康复治疗的发展,造福全国人民。 我们期待这次合作将为康复治疗科学领域带来的积极影响。


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本学系学者及学生于HKPA Conference 2024凯旋而归

在最近由香港物理治疗学会主办的HKPA Conference 2024上,很高兴地本学系的多名学者和学生取得的杰出成绩,囊括多个重要奖项: 口头报告奖 金奖:苏俊龙博士 银奖:李璕女士 Rapid-5 演讲奖 金奖:李乐真博士 海报展示奖 金奖:梁国世先生 银奖:Tiev MILLER 博士 铜奖:李乐真博士 恭喜所有得奖者获奖。他们的成功不仅证明了他们个人的努力,也突显了本学系在物理治疗领域的卓越成就。


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 香港理工大学(理大)康复治疗科学系与韩国延世大学物理治疗学系及职业治疗学系于2024年10月30日签署谅解备忘录。签署仪式在延世大学未来校园举行,标志着两校促进国际合作的重要里程碑。 此谅解备忘录建立了跨关键领域的合作框架,包括研究、教学人员和学生交流以及学术和文化活动。 此次合作可望丰富两校的学术和专业领域,促进物理治疗和职业治疗领域的合作和共同发展。


