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劉樹平教授領導的研究團隊研發高效能電催化二氧化碳還原系統 助減碳排放 促進邁向碳中和 ( 只有英文版本 )


We are delighted to share with you that Professor Daniel Lau, our RISE Management Committee member’s research team has a significant achievement - Develops high-efficiency CO2 electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals


It is a collaborative research led by Professor Lau, and consists of researchers from the University of Oxford, the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre of Taiwan and Jiangsu University. Recently, this research was published in Nature Energy and won a Gold Medal at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva in Switzerland.


Ethylene is one of the most in-demand chemicals globally and is mainly used in the manufacture of polymers. However, the production process of ethylene creates of a significant carbon footprint. The innovative system that can convert CO2 into ethylene can contribute to reducing carbon emissions and achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. (Ming Pao Daily News A08, Hong Kong Economic Journal A09, Wen Wei Po A13)


Press release:

English -; Chinese -


Online coverage:

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Ming Pao Daily News -

Hong Kong Economic Journal -

Wen Wei Po -

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WT News -

GBA Biz Tech Magazine - -

East Money -

研究部門 潘樂陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院

