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InnoHK R&D Centres | Research and Innovation Office
InnoHK is a major initiative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to develop Hong Kong as the hub for global research collaboration. This ...
InnoHK R&D Centres | Research and Innovation Office
InnoHK is a major initiative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to develop Hong Kong as the hub for global research collaboration. This ...
InnoHK Launch Ceremony | Research and Innovation Office
InnoHK Launch Ceremony ... We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site without changing your privacy settings, ...
PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters | Research and Innovation Office
In support of the Hong Kong government's new initiative, InnoHK Clusters, which aims to develop Hong Kong as a hub for global research collaboration, Th...
Prof Jin-Guang Teng’s Visit to the three PolyU’s InnoHK Research Centres
The President, Prof Jin-Guang Teng visited the three PolyU's InnoHK Research Centres on 25 May 2022 for a tour of the laboratories and advanced research...
Technology & Collaborative Platform | Research and Innovation Office
AIR@InnoHK focuses on the development of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics technologies, while Health@InnoHK focuses on all types of healthcare-related ...
Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU visited InnoHK Research Centres
Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU visited InnoHK Research Centres ... We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing ...
Jinjiang Government Delegation visited PolyU InnoHK R&D Centres
In collaboration with the Royal College of Art, UK, PolyU established the AiDLab under the AIR@InnoHK cluster to integrate innovative AI technologies into ...
Jinjiang Government Delegation visited PolyU InnoHK R&D Centres
In collaboration with the Royal College of Art, UK, PolyU established the AiDLab under the AIR@InnoHK cluster to integrate innovative AI technologies into ...
Prof Jin-Guang Teng’s Visit to the three PolyU’s InnoHK Research Centres
Prof Jin-Guang Teng's Visit to the three PolyU's InnoHK Research Centres ; WILL3532 · WILL3546 · WILL3552 ; WILL3568 · WILL3739 · WILL3774 ; WILL3809 · WILL3818.