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PolyU research to develop green technologies are supported by Green Tech Fund

Three PolyU research projects have been approved in the first round application of the Green Tech Fund with topics focus on decarbonisation, green transport, energy saving and efficiency. The research teams have explored new approaches with their research competence to develop various green solutions to address environmental challenges.  The three funded projects are as follows, The team led by Prof. Dan TSANG, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering develops innovative designs and science-informed manufacturing technologies for the cutting-edge production of biochar-enhanced construction materials for sustainable waste management and long-term decarbonisation. The pioneer products will include biochar partition block and biochar porous paver. This project “The Biochar-enhanced Construction Materials for Sustainable Waste Management and Decarbonisation” receives a HK$8.8 million grant.  Dr. Lawrence LEE, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, has developed a new thermos (electro) chemical method to collect cathode materials from used LIBs to simplify the current procedure, reduce the use/leak of hazardous chemicals, and significantly lower the cost. This project “Recycling of Waste Lithium-ion Batteries as Highly Active Fuel Cell Catalysts” receives a HK$2.8 million grant.   The project “A Safe, Efficient and Facile Approach for Hydrogen Storage and Generation: Catalytic Hydrolysis of Solid-state Hydrogen Storage Materials” receives a HK$3.3 million grant for development. Dr. ZHENG Guangping, Department of Mechanical Engineering has developed a safe and efficient approach for hydrogen storage and efficient catalysts for hydrogen generation, that help solve the pivot issue of hydrogen storage and transportation by using solid-state materials. The technique developed in this project for hydrogen storage and generation will make the widespread utilization of hydrogen energy possible.  The Green Tech Fund of HK$200 million was set up by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2020 to provide better and more focused funding support for research and development projects which can help Hong Kong decarbonise and enhance environmental protection towards its goal of carbon neutrality before 2050.  




Two PolyU data-driven intelligent research projects awarded Smart Traffic Fund

Two projects led by PolyU researchers awarded Smart Traffic Fund with a total amount of HK$6.9 million. These projects which embrace innovative ideas and technology advancement are designed to develop practical solutions for building a sustainable and smart city.   Network-wide Traffic Speed-Flow Estimator Led by Ir Prof. William LAM Hing-keung, Chair Professor of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The project proposes a model-based data-driven approach to develop a network-wide traffic speed-flow estimator for estimating traffic speeds and traffic flows simultaneously.   Investigation of an Online Data-driven Intelligent Automation Platform for Drivers Considering the Psychological Condition Instability and Behaviours for a Sustainable and Safe Transportation System Led by Dr. Kam Hung NG, Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering. The project aims to develop an online data-driven risk-taking behavioural prediction mechanism by identifying the driver’s psychological condition instability using intelligent automation techniques.   The Smart Traffic Fund is a funding initiated by the Transport Department to support local organisations or enterprises for conducting research and application of innovation and technology with the objectives of enhancing commuting convenience, enhancing efficiency of the road network or road space, and improving driving safety. HK$1 billion have been earmarked for the Fund which commences operation in 2020-21, with an aim to support I&T projects for promoting smart mobility in Hong Kong.





(2022年2月14日更新) 谢谢大家热烈参与! 我们相信虎年好事陆续有来!为了与更多理大师生分享大学85周年的喜悦,「虎年送礼」活动将即日延长至2022年2月28日。 快些分享给同事朋友!一起参加吧! ----------------------------------------------- 祝大家虎年快乐! 我们准备了「虎年送礼」活动,各位理大教职员及同学只需做齐以下步骤,就可以获得理大 85 周年礼品乙份! 您只需要: - 追踪我们的 Facebook 专页@polyurio - 赞好这篇文章 - 在本文「留言」标记 2 位朋友 - 截图已追踪@polyurio的页面,并把图像私讯给我们 截止日期为2022年2月14日,礼品先到先得! 我们会于活动完结后通知您领取礼品的详情! 如有任何争议,RIO保留最终决定权。





理大有十个研究项目获得研究资助局 (RGC) 三项资助计划的支持,分别为 2021/22年度研究影响基金 (Research Impact Fund) 、 2021/22年度协作研究金(Collaborative Research Fund),以及第二轮协作研究金与2019冠状病毒病及新型传染病相关的一次性研究计划 – 合作研究,合共获拨款 4,700 万元。研究影响基金鼓励本地大学进行更多具影响力及可转化作应用的研究项目,令更广泛的小区能够受惠。协作研究金旨在资助购置主要研究设施或设备,并鼓励学者进行更多跨学科的研究和合作。   获资助研究项目如下: 2021/22年度研究影响基金 – 两个项目共获拨款 880 万元 • 建筑环境及能源工程学系副教授魏敏晨博士 项目名称:深入探究视觉系统颜色匹配机制以研发高质量照明及影像系统 • 航空及民航工程学系副系主任及副教授、利民航空导航青年学者许立达博士 项目名称:针对智能交通系统的可靠多端点协和式GNSS定位   2021/22年度协作研究金 – 五个获资助项目(三个研究设施/设备资助及两个合作研究资助),共获拨款 2410 万元。 2021/22年度协作研究金 - 设施/设备 • 大数据分析中心实验室总监及应用数学系讲座教授陈小君教授 项目名称:用于大数据分析的高性能深度学习集群 • 生物医学工程学系副系主任(研究)杨莫教授 项目名称:用于活体成像和光遗传学研究的正置多光子荧光显微镜 • 应用科学及纺织学院院长、应用生物及化学科技学系化学科技讲座教授黄维扬教授 项目名称:用于分子和纳米功能材料研究的傅里叶变换电子顺磁共振光谱仪 2021/22年度协作研究金 - 合作研究 • 生物医学工程学系副教授赵昕博士 项目名称:具有仿生三重周期最小曲面结构的三维骨组织工程支架的构建及研究 • 土地测量及地理信息学系黄文声教授 项目名称:气候变化下香港植被碳固存的现况与趋势研究   第二轮协作研究金与2019冠状病毒病及新型传染病相关的一次性研究计划 – 合作研究 - 三个项目共获拨款 1,410 万元 • 土木及环境工程学系郭海教授 项目名称:通常的社交距离足以避免在室内环境中通过空气传播的呼气飞沫的感染吗? •设计学院助理教授施奕腾博士 项目名称:新冠病毒导致团队远距合作对设计师大脑同步性的影响与面对面合作模式之差异研究 • 土地测量及地理信息学系史文中教授 项目名称:2019冠状病毒病发病风险时空预测与实时预警




PolyU students won the first prize in Huawei ICT Competition Hong Kong SAR 2021-2022

Huawei ICT Competition is a prestigious ICT talent exchange event developed by Huawei for global college students to groom a healthy development of the ICT talent ecosystem - to "find young talents in the information and communication industry". Two PolyU’s teams won the First Prize and Potential Prize for their knowledge and outstanding performance. Polynomials team is passionate about big data, AI, cloud service, storage and geospatial technologies, and their applications in E-Commerce, Healthcare, IoT, and smart city. Through a comprehensive set of tutorials and guides on the Huawei iLeanringX platform, the team obtained in-depth knowledge on four kinds of state-of-the-art IT technologies as well as their evolutionary history and applications. Through two rounds of exams, the team stood out by winning the First Prize of the competition. Another team Babushka AI, on the other hand, also won the Potential Prize. They were the 8 teams selected for the finals from more than 300 people. With augmented knowledge and experiences, the teams wish to further enhance their practical abilities in the future and become the next generation workforce for the ICT ecosystem. First Prize team: Polynomials Team members:  Feng Yun Lin, Zhong Xiu Ming and Tang Man Kit (students from Department of Computing, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics,) Instructor: Dr. Yang XU, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Potential Prize team: Babushka AI Team members: LAM Ho Yin, Myrgyyassov Alisher and Dinesh Gautam (students from Department of Computing, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering) Instructor: Dr. Li Bo, Department of Computing According to Huawei, these local winning teams will be recommended to join the APAC regional competition, compete with other elite students within the region.



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PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award

PolyU is committed to research excellence, to address global challenges with innovation and to develop novel ideas to positively impact our community. We actively encourage multidisciplinary research and nurture young talents.  To this end, we have introduced the “PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award” to recognize our outstanding young researchers, who have demonstrated exceptional research achievements in their areas.  The awardees will have to be under the age of 35 by August 1st of the year of the award (Year 2022).  The assessment panel is made up of the President, the Deputy President & Provost, the Executive Vice President, and the Vice President (Research & Innovation). Up to five awardees may be selected from nine research areas.  Awardees will receive cash prize and research funding support from PolyU (up to HK$ 500,000 each). They may also be nominated to compete for the prestigious award of MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 China or equivalent and receive additional funding support and PhD quotas according to the prevailing PolyU policy. 




PolyU scholars receive RGC Senior Research Fellow Award and Research Fellow Award

Three PolyU scholars receive 2021/22 RGC Research Fellow Award and Senior Research Fellow Award for their outstanding research achievements. They were assessed based on the research capability, knowledge transfer and potential impact, and their engagement plan to train/nurture the next generation of research talent. PolyU’s awardees are as follows. 2021-2022 RGC Senior Research Fellow Award Prof. Jianhua Hao, Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Devices, Department of Applied Physics Project title: Coupling Ferroelectrics and Piezoelectrics to Optoelectronics: From Fundamentals and Materials to Device Applications to couple ferroelectric and piezoelectric effects on the optical and optoelectronic process in broad classes of cutting-edge materials and devices, investigate physical properties in the material systems, and demonstrate device applications based on the coupling effects Prof. Zijian Zheng, Institute of Textile and Clothing Project title: Permeable and Multi-functional Stretchable Electronics: Materials, Device, and 3D Monolithic System  to develop a new type of high-performance wearable and breathable sensor system integrated with various sensitive, reliable and multiplexed sensors on the basis of highly breathable materials and structures     2021-2022 RGC Research Fellow Award Dr. Gang Peng, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies Project title: Cortical Dynamics of Cantonese Lexical Tone Processing to fill the research gap in neuroanatomical basis of lexical tones by investigating the cortical dynamics of Cantonese lexical tone processing from different perspectives with behavioral and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) measurements




理大及华为签署合作备忘录 开拓光子技术深层次合作

为促进科研协作与人才培养,华为与香港理工大学(理大)在现有的校级合作基础上,与理大新成立的光子技术研究院开展进一步战略合作,签署研究协作备忘录。光子技术研究院于今年五月成立,光子技术应用广泛,包括感测、纳米技术、生物医学等,研究院的成立为跨学科光子研究提供良好的平台。双方将于光通信、光传感等多个领域开展合作研究,包括创建联合实验室、联合培育研究生及共同举办学术活动,加强在技术转移及产业化方面的合作,致力建立全面的产业生态圈。 12月3日,华为亚太研究院院长蔡成武先生带领其团队到访理大,并由华为香港研究所所长梁柏熙先生与光子技术研究院院长吕超教授签署合作备忘录。副校长(研究及创新)赵汝恒教授于签署仪式上作欢迎辞时表示︰「理大一直致力于高水平科学研发及成果转化,与华为的合作已久,欢迎蔡院长、梁所长及一众专家嘉宾来访,见证理大与华为携手开展多方面的研究合作而共同努力。」 华为亚太研究院院长蔡成武先生致辞时表示︰「人才是促进香港科研发展的核心,大学是培养人才的根据地。华为一直以来从多方面与香港理工大学合作,希望能筑巢引凤,吸引本港人才投入深科技创新科研,同时也吸引更多海外高端人才到香港发展。」 随后研究及创新事务总监周铭祥教授重点介绍了理大在数据和人工智能、先进计算、导航定位、精密加工、传感器网络等科研范畴的研究方向和成果,另外理大高等研究院院长陈清焰教授介绍了跨学科研究的策略和各主题研究院和研究中心。其后蔡院长一行参观了理大华为联合实验室、超精密加工技术国家重点实验室、以及先进接口材料与仪器实验室,了解理大在光子传感、超精密加工和柔性电池等方面的创新研究。 理大自2007年起与华为建立长期合作关系,累积了丰厚的科研成果,涵盖不同范畴的技术,包括光通讯、大数据、群众外包平台、行动网络、便携设备、算法及新材料等,与理大多个学术研究单位(包括电子及资讯工程学系、电机工程学系、电子计算学系、生物医学工程跨领域学部、医疗科技及信息学系、机械工程学系、建筑及房地产学系、应用数学系及应用物理学系等)开展合作研究项目。此外,华为大力支持基础研究和技术转移,与理大科研人员定期举办技术研讨会,探讨将研究成果转化为实际应用的可行方法。 理大应用数学系孙德峰讲座教授早前获华为香港研究所颁予「合作项目优秀奖」,以表扬孙教授及其科研团队在与华为合作的研究项目「面向排产的大规模线性规划求解器」中获得出色表现,研发成果应用在线性规划(Linear Programming) 的问题上时,有效使得求解效率倍升。华为香港研究所亦赞扬孙教授团队合作积极性高,持续与华为专家团队研究及提升求解器的效率,致力达到行业领先的水平。 是次合作备忘录的签署标志双方携手加强业界科研能力的决心,理大将结合自身学术优势和研究专长,不断扩大与业界的合作,把前沿技术转化成实际应用,解决现实生活的难题与挑战,推动社会的科技发展和进步,造福人类。  




PolyU’s anti-cancer drug research to bring commercial and health benefits

PolyU researchers have played a significant role in cancer research over the years and have led to the development of various new anti-cancer drugs. Pegtomarginase, which was initially developed by the research team led by Professors Thomas Leung and Thomas Lo in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and Lo Ka Chung Research Center for Natural Anti-Cancer Drug Development at PolyU, is further developed and exploited by Avalon Polytom and Athenex for the treatment of patients with advanced malignancies. They received U.S. FDA allowance of Investigational New Drug (IND) Application in 2019, and this second-generation human arginase (PT01 – Pegtomarginase) is further granted to enter into clinical trial phase 1, a significant milestone for this drug development with researchers’ innovation and strong execution capabilities at the companies commitment to commercializing novel technologies for the treatment of a wide range of cancers.  




2021大湾区工程师论坛 于珠海横琴及香港理工大学同步举行

「大湾区工程师论坛」由中国科学技术协会、广东省人民政府、世界工程组织联合会(WFEO)指导,中国工程师联合体主办,广东省科协牵头与香港工程师学会、京港学术交流中心等联合承办,并由香港理工大学(理大)协办。论坛于12月5日在横琴粤澳深度合作区和香港理工大学成功召开,以「聚工程菁英 助湾区发展」为主题,论坛分为一个主论坛、两个分论坛和一个座谈会,以促进工程技术人才跨区域流动及团结凝聚大湾区工程师为目的,采取了线下线上结合举办,吸引超过500名大湾区工程人才参加。 开幕典礼上,广东省副省长王曦先生,国务院港澳办交流司司长吴炜先生,香港特别行政区发展局局长黄伟纶先生、澳门特别行政区政府经济财政司司长李伟农先生和中国科协党组书记暨中国工程师联合体理事长张玉卓先生等分别致辞。理大校长、中科院院士滕锦光教授则作为主旨嘉宾在会上以《香港工程科技在大湾区建设中的角色》为题,分享了大学科研以企业技术创新需求为导向,推进技术创新成果在工程领域的应用,提升产业竞争能力。论坛也定位探讨工程支持可持续发展、大湾区工程技术界创新融合发展、工程领域科技成果转化、青年工程师职业规划与大湾区发展、粤港澳三地工程标准偏差异及大湾区工程师制度创新与人才流动。香港工程师学会在开幕礼上与中国科学技术协会续签合作协议,并与广东省电机工程学会签订电气工程师资格互认协议,进一步推动大湾区工程人才和资源的交流与合作。



