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香港理工大學 (理大) 創新及科技發展處 (ITDO) 接待法國泰雷茲集團 (泰雷茲) 和法國駐港澳總領事館 (法國領事館) 代表團,並聯同理大工程學院電機工程學系和工業及系統工程學系舉辦科技研討會。   泰雷茲是全球其中領先的高科技集團之一,服務於國防、安全、航空航太和地面交通產業。理大向代表團介紹本校在航空及交通的科技研究發展、研究設施和教學課程的最新情況;泰雷茲亦向理大介紹集團的重點研究及發展範疇。雙方積極籌劃以舉辦研討會、工作坊和協作研究項目,探討同感興趣的交通、網絡安全等研究方向。 會後代表團參觀了理大電力電子研究中心。   請按此瀏覽活動花絮。





阿裡巴巴技術論壇是由阿裡巴巴集團舉辦的重要年度活動,目的為分享其最新的創新成果和技術發展。由理大創新及科技發展處發起,與理大電子計算學系合辦,以大數據與雲計算技術為主題,首屆阿裡巴巴香港大數據與雲計算技術論壇於2016年6月17日假理大校園成功舉辦。    超過250名本地學生,學者和行業專家出席了此次論壇。阿裡巴巴集團副總裁周靖人博士介紹了阿裡巴巴旗下創新的大數據計算平臺,當中包涵一系列廣泛的產品和服務,使大數據能夠更快、更高效率地發展。此外,三位阿裡巴巴的資深技術專家也分享了有關彈性雲計算、機器學習平臺及大規模實時計算的創新技術和於不同行業領域的應用。    理大副校長(科研發展)衞炳江教授於論壇內致歡迎辭並強調:「理大一直以應對大數據的發展所面臨的挑戰而致力作出重要貢獻,我們的大數據和雲計算技術的發展領域已體現於研究成果及與業界合作項目中,其中包括大數據分析、以人為本的計算、網絡安全、雲間安全及雲計算資源管理等。」理大正在成立大數據分析的中心實驗室,以促進大數據為主的多學科研究。理大電子計算學系系主任曹建農教授表示:「大數據分析中心實驗室的成立將加強理大在開發大數據處理和分析方法、技術和應用的領導地位。」   阿裡巴巴團隊於理大訪問期間,與理大電子計算學系、應用數學系及土地測量及地理資訊學系的研究團隊交換了意見,深入瞭解理大卓越研究成果,並相討於大數據與雲計算技術合作的可行性。   理大創新及科技發展處將與阿裡巴巴集團協調,並跟進有關合作研究項目及學者訪問計劃的安排。  





香港理工大學 (理大) 於2016年2月4至5日在香港舉辦全球食品安全及科技論壇2016 (論壇) ,期望透過結合各食品安全持份者的力量,啟動由科技主導的合作。論壇雲集官'產'學'研各個界別,進行務實的互動交流,以提升食品安全技術,為全球食品安全問題提供有效的解決方案。    論壇由理大主辦,美國國際食品保護協會'瑞典隆德大學'丹麥技術大學國家食品研究所以及加州大學戴維斯分校協辦,期望以創新方法解決食品安全在技術上的需要。世界衛生組織抗微生物藥物耐藥性特別代表'助理總幹事福田敬二博士(Dr. Keiji Fukuda) 聯同來自聯合國'中國國家食品安全風險評估中心'香港特別行政區政府食物安全中心等的國際及政府組織的嘉賓,從本地'國家以及全球的角度出發,分享公共機構在解決食品安全問題的經驗及其前瞻性見解。   從事食品及餐飲業的國際企業聚首論壇,並於業界分享環節與其他講者共同探討現今業界所面對最迫切的食品安全挑戰。科研專家於緊接的學術討論環節則探討如何利用科學與創新研發解決食品安全問題。2月5日的專題研討會將探討技術相關的議題,其中包括「提升食品的化學與生物安全」'「食品欺詐'食品安全保障與餐飲業」'「風險評估'溝通與管理」'及「技術工作方與演示」。 論壇籌委會聯合主席黄永德教授表示:「學界具備專業的知識和技術,與業界共同開發能有效解決食品安全的方案。但若未能了解業界所需,學界難以提升研發成果的實際應用價值。」   論壇籌委會主席及食品安全聯盟召集人劉樂庭教授表示:「我們相信透過務實的溝通與交流,各食品安全持份者能夠攜手提升社會食品安全,建構具體的發展路線圖。論壇結束後,我們將會跟據與會專家的發表和討論,撰寫食品安全需求評估報告,期望能啟導食品安全研究未來三至五年的發展。」   理大亦於論壇首日與瑞典隆德大學簽署合作備忘錄,以促進雙方於食品安全及食品安全保障上的合作,更期望能將合作推廣至其他歐亞夥伴與網絡。   論壇匯聚超過40位演講嘉賓以及250位來自世界各地的與會代表。論壇得到政府'業界以及學界的積極參與,其中包括香港特別行政區政府食物及衞生局常任秘書長(食物)謝凌潔貞女士'食物及衞生局副局長陳肇始教授'衞生署署長陳漢儀醫生,以及多國領事代表等。論壇將銳意成為能夠持續提升全球食品安全的重要平台。   更多關於全球食品安全及科技論壇2016 • 會議報告 • 會議花絮  




香港理工大學(理大)知識產權評估委員會 (委員會) 於二零一三年成立,為大專院校的知識產權管理模式開創先河,透過引入業界參與,加快推動大學的知識轉移發展。委員會第二次周年大會於二零一五年九月二日舉行。 委員會致力提升理大知識產權評估及專利組合的質素,並發展科研發明商品化的潛力。委員會為理大與業界於知識產權管理上建立一個溝通平台,以吸納來自不同界別的知名商人和工業家提供專業意見。 委員會主席理大副校長(科研發展)衞炳江教授於會上就各委員會會員為推進理大科研應用提供寶貴的專業意見,以及其一直給予委員會的支持,表示由衷感謝。 會上理大更宣佈即將啟用全新的知識產權網站。網站由一套知識產權管理應用軟件組合驅動操作,透過網頁介面,可提交發明披露、瀏覽申請資料紀錄、評核專利申請以及匯編報告。理大希望透過網站的全面啟用,優化發明披露的程序,提升其知識產權管理的效能。 各委員會會員於會上以社會大眾利益為前提,為理大所屬知識產權積極探討更多不同的商品化途徑,當中包括成立專利池及專利共享等。 知識產權評估委員會將繼續為理大在知識產權管理和知識轉移的領域上作出貢獻。  請登入這裡查看活動照片。




理大再度促成院校與業界協作,就「芹菜素黃酮類二聚體」與Kinex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Kinex)簽訂專利授權協議,為癌症治療帶來具倡導性和革命性的進步,改善我們的生活。 「芹菜素黃酮類二聚體」──封鎖癌細胞抗藥性的突破 在理大應用生物及化學科技學系、麥基爾大學、理大手性科學國家重點實驗室以及理大駐堔圳中藥與分子藥理學研究國家重點實驗室的共同努力下,由理大應用生物及化學科技學系周銘祥教授及陳德恒教授帶領的研究團隊成功由芹菜素研發出新的抗藥性抑制劑──芹菜素黃酮類二聚體。芹菜素黃酮類二聚體不但能有效逆轉腫瘤的抗藥性,更有助消化系統對抗癌藥物的吸收。病人因而有更多機會透過口服方式攝取化療藥物,提升化療過程的效能、便捷度以及舒適度。理大行政副校長楊偉雄先生和Kinex行政總裁及主席Johnson Lau 醫生於會上分別代表理大及Kinex簽訂有關芹菜素黃酮類二聚體的專利授權協議。 理大在推進科技轉移、成就提升生活質數的研究上不遺餘力。在理大的願景以及無數的成功故事驅動下,我們致力於推動科技的躍進。如欲參閱更多有關是次科技合作的詳情,請按這裡。           



Business of IP Asia Forum 2014

PolyU continues to support the 4th edition of BIP Asia which took place in December this year. Last year, the event drew over 1600 participants from over 23 countries and regions in the industry, academia and government sectors, and was most invaluable in building networks, obtaining first-hand knowledge in the field, and exploring collaborative opportunities with potential partners. The Asia IP Exchange platform was also launched at the same time to boost Hong Kong’s IP trade. PolyU is a supporting organization of BIP Asia and a strategic partner of the Asia IP Exchange platform. ITDO continues to encourage participation of its staffs and students to foster a deeper understanding on the topic. For more information about BIP Asia, please visit here. For more information about Asia IP Exchange, please visit here.


China International Food Safety & Quality Conference + Expo (CIFSQ) 2014

ITDO and PolyU’s Food Safety and Technology Research Centre [FSTRC] and Food Safety Consortium [FSC] joint force to promote PolyU’s food safety related capabilities and explore collaboration opportunities through exhibition and attendance at the CIFSQ 2014, one of the most representative food safety events held every year in China. The event attracted over 800 food safety professionals from over 19 countries, and numerous leading figures and experts to address a diverse range of topics highlighting the critical issues, approaches, and solutions to strengthening food protection in China and around the world. Dr. Zhongping YAO, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology spoke on “Rapid Authentication of Edible Oils by MALDI-MS” while Dr. Terence Lau, Director of Innovation and Technology Development, co-chaired the session on “Foodborne Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Detection: Varying International Perspectives” and spoke on “Application of Molecular Testing Technology on Food Pathogen Detection and Surveillance – an Experience Sharing”. To view the snapshots of CIFSQ 2014, please visit here. To view the Post Event Report, please visit here. For more information about FSTRC, please visit For more informatio about CIFSQ, please visit


PolyU Signs Commercialization and Collaboration Agreement with Avalon

PolyU signed with Avalon Nanofibre Limited (Avalon) to commercialize and conduct further research on nanofibre technology platform developed by Professor Wallace Woon-fong Leung, Chair Professor of Innovation Products & Technologies, Department of Mechanical Engineering. The agreement was signed by Dr. Henry Feng, CEO of Avalon and PolyU’s Executive Vice President Mr. Nicholas Yang at the signing ceremony cum press conference held on October 23, 2014 (Thursday). The ceremony was kicked off with the opening remarks delivered by Mr. Yang.  Professor Alex Wai, PolyU Vice President (Research Development) further gave a speech highlighting the collaboration as “PolyU’s success in technology transfer model from the promotion of up-stream collaborative research to technology development and commercialization”. Dr. Feng and Dr. Manson Fok, Chairman of Avalon, further shared at the ceremony on the significant impacts and technological breakthroughs the technology brought to the industry. Right after the signing of the agreement, Professor Leung illustrated to the audience the technical backgrounds and applications of the edge-cutting nanofibre technology.   Kindly refer to PolyU’s official media release at for more details.  To view the snapshots of the Press Conference, please visit here.



Meeting with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to Explore Partnership Opportunities

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC), the largest academic medical center in the west US, visited PolyU to explore international partnerships in maximizing synergies in the alliance of both technology transfer offices. Participating in the discussions were CSMC’s Vice President Legal Affairs Mr. James Laur, Esq., and Consultant Mr. David Thomas, PolyU’s Vice President (Research Development) Prof. Alex Wai, Director of Innovation and Technology Development Dr. Terence Lau, Assistant Director of ITDO Ms. Karen Jiang, Associate Head of Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology Prof. Larry Chow, Associate Director of Industrial Centre Dr. Robert Tam, and other colleagues from these departments. A visit to the Industrial Centre was also arranged to introduce on PolyU’s solid support provided to medical and other industries. To view the snapshots of the Meeting, please visit here.


Collaborative Research Seminar & Workshop | Technology Matters - Innovation for Future

ITDO was honored to have Mr. Charles Ai [艾超], Vice President, Technology Cooperation & Head, Early Stage Investment, R&D of Huawei Technologies, to be the guest speaker on “Technology Matters – Innovation for Future”, which served as the second episode of its collaborative research and workshop series.  The morning session was a seminar held at N002, Lim Por Yen Lecture Theatre on PolyU campus on October 17, 2014 (Friday). With more than 15 years of experience in telecommunications industry as well as reputable expertise in business development, R&D and marketing, Mr. Ai had attracted an enthusiastic audience of over 90 guests from PolyU and other academic institutions attending the seminar. Mr. Ai shared his novel vision and views on the role and importance of innovation in blueprinting our future from a strategic perspective. Followed by the seminar, Mr. Ai and his senior R&D team on Huawei’s Early Stage Investment further participated in the theme-based workshop in the afternoon to meet and exchange insights individually with about 15 PolyU professors from 7 different departments on a variety of research topics including Next-G optical communications, Big Data & Mining and GEO informatics and explore the respective strategic collaborations with PolyU in upcoming years.    To view the snapshop of the Seminar and Workshop, please visit here.


