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20240422_DoRILS gives professional opinion

土地及空間研究院院長對中國大城市快速下沉的研究給予專業意見 (只有英文版本)

Prof. DING Xiaoli, Director of the RILS and Chair Professor of Geomatics of LSGI, was interviewed by the journal Nature and BBC World Service’s programme “Newshour” to comment on a paper which suggests that some 16% of the mapped area of China’s major cities is sinking rapidly, and one in ten residents of China’s coastal cities could be living below sea level within a century. Prof. DING pointed out that while subsidence is not only a problem in China, the study, which was led by a scholar from Peking University, provides an interesting snapshot of the situation in China, and crucially links the issue to the populations affected. According to Prof. DING, the use of groundwater is the main cause of subsidence, and controlling the use of groundwater would be the key for controlling the problem.   Online coverage: Nature - BBC World Service - (45:05 - 49:05) (registration required) Jandan -


20240418_De Qing visit


理大高等研究院院長陳清焰教授和土地及空間研究院院長丁曉利教授,於2024年4月12日至15日訪問了位於浙江省德清縣的莫干山地信實驗室。理大代表團獲中國工程院院士、莫干山地信實驗室主任、理大高等研究院高級院士兼土地及空間研究院國際顧問委員會成員陳軍教授、莫干山地信實驗室執行主任張繼賢教授、德清縣人民政府常委、組織部長潘振華先生、以及莫干山高新技術產業開發區管理委員會副主任章洪春先生的熱情接待。會晤期間,雙方就理大與莫干山地信實驗室之間的未來合作機遇進行了積極的探討。   莫干山地信實驗室於2023年11月由自然资源部和浙江省共建,實驗室致力於推進時空資訊賦能高品質可持續發展,並圍繞時空感知、時空連接、時空計算、時空智慧四個創新方向進行研究。


20240417_Dr Wang Shuo research output


土地及空間研究院、可持續城市發展研究院及潘樂陶慈善基金智慧城市研究院成員兼土地測量及地理資訊學系副教授王碩博士及其研究團隊發現,1998年至2017年間,在同一沿海地區同時出現熱浪和短期極端海平面上升的情況,較20年前顯著增加。研究亦表明,在高排放場景模型中,2025年至2049年間發生此類事件的概率可能會增加五倍。該研究結果提供了科學證據及指南,旨在改進應對極端天氣事件的氣候適應策略,這將助於促進氣候韌性沿海城市的發展。此項研究已發表於期刊《Communications Earth & Environment》。 閱讀全文:   網上報導: 聯合國減災戰略署- 科學美國人- 自然亞洲- 中央電視台 - 新華網 - 人民日報 - - 江南晚報 - 金華日報 - 論文 - 網易 - 福布斯 - 海峽時報 - 法國 24 - 南非目擊者新聞 - 印度德干先驅報 - 印度加爾各答電訊報 - 馬來郵報 - Daily Excelsior - EurekAlert - 中新社 - 鳳凰新聞 -


20240415Prof WANG CM elected to the European Academy of Science and ArtsRI

土地及空間研究院國際顧問委員會成員當選為歐洲科學與藝術學院院士 (只有英文版本)

Professor WANG Chien-Ming, Senior Fellow of PAIR, International Advisory Committee (IAC) member of RILS and Professor in Structural Engineering of the University of Queensland, has been elected to the European Academy of Science and Arts (EASA). He was awarded the EASA membership certificate in Salzburg on 6 April 2024.   “It’s a privilege and a great honour to be a member of EASA and I hope to develop collaborations with some of these great minds in the future,” said Prof. WANG.   EASA is an organization whose mission is to stimulate cross-disciplinary collaboration between reputable scientists of all disciplines, leading artists and practitioners of governance. Their purpose is to analyze important societal challenges and to help solve complex issues for the well-being of Europeans’ future. The Academy brings together over 2000 eminent scholars and practitioners, among them 38 Nobel Prize winners, from across Europe and other non-European countries. They are divided into 7 classes: Humanities, Medicine, Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Law and Economics, Technical and Environmental Sciences and World Religions. Prof Wang was elected as a member of the Technical and Environmental Sciences class.   Congratulations to Prof. WANG!


Green and cool roofs reduce energy use substantially PolyU study finds 2000 x 1050 pxEN


土地及空間研究院副院長兼地理信息學和人工智能講座教授翁齊浩教授及其團隊,研究綠化及冷屋頂在降低建築能源消耗方面的節能潛力。研究已發表於《npj Urban Sustainability》期刊。   該研究審視了開羅、香港、首爾、倫敦、洛杉磯和聖保羅等六個全球城市在當前和未來氣候變化狀況下的綠色及冷屋頂策略。結果顯示,在未來的氣候條件下,在城市層面實施這些策略可每年節省高達 65.51%能源消耗,以及減少71.72%的供暖、通風及空調能源消耗。此項研究提供了有用參考,有助指引全球不同氣候區實施相關策略,按城市環境狀況而選擇和設計適切的屋頂方案。   閱讀全文:只有英文)


20240326Prof Qihao WENG

土地及空間研究院副院長榮獲著名的 2024 年 AAG Wilbanks 地理轉型研究獎和 2024 年 RSSG 終身成就榮譽獎 (只有英文版本)

The Associate Director of RILS, Prof. Qihao WENG, has been honoured with the 2024 AAG Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography on 6 March 2024. This prestigious award is presented by the American Association of Geographers (AAG), an organisation that brings together more than ten thousand members of the global geographic community. The Wilbanks Prize is awarded to geographers who have made groundbreaking contributions in the fields of Geography or GIScience, or to Science and Society more broadly.   Equally important, Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG) of AAG, which is dedicated to promoting the understanding of remote sensing science, fosters dialogue and interaction among geographers in the application of remote sensing technology in various domains, including research, teaching, public service, and private enterprise, also announces Prof. WENG as the esteemed recipient of the RSSG’s Lifetime Achievement Honor Award for the year 2024, which is a testament to Prof. WENG's unparalleled contributions to the discipline of remote sensing, marked by a distinguished career encompassing ground-breaking research, dedicated education, and impactful service engagement.   Prof. Qihao WENG, a Foreign Member of The Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), and a Fellow of IEEE, AAAS, ASPRS and AAIA, is currently a Chair Professor at the The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Associate Director of RILS, and a Global STEM Scholar. Prof. WENG worked as Director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Change and a Professor of Geography at Indiana State University, 2001-2021, and was a Senior Fellow at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from 2008 to 2009. Additionally, Professor Weng is the Lead of GEO Global Urban Observation and Information Initiative, 2012-2022, and is an Editor-in-Chief of the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.   Prof. WENG has defined urban remote sensing as a new field and has transformed urban environmental research with theoretical and technical advances, including novel algorithms and innovative methods for sub-pixel-scale analysis and time series imagery. His research has significantly advanced our theoretical understanding and empirical knowledge of urban heat islands, urban sprawl, urbanization effects, and urban environmental sustainability. By establishing relationships among satellite thermal infrared imagery, land surface temperature, and air temperature, his research connects remotely sensed data to urban spatial patterns, radiation budgets, and climate change. His 2004 methodology for estimating land-surface temperature from satellite-derived attributes of vegetation, developed with Lu and Schubring, has had far-reaching impacts in a range of fields, including urban geography, landscape ecology, urban planning, urban meteorology, and climatology.   The AAG will celebrate the 2024 Awards and Honors at an awards celebration during the 2024 AAG Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, in April 2024.


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20240203_ACOWS2024_news page

2024 Atmospheric and Coastal Observations for Weather Servicing (2024 ACOWS) was successfully held (只有英文版本)

Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) and the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) co-organized an academic workshop titled “2024 Atmospheric and Coastal Observations for Weather Servicing (2024 ACOWS)”. This workshop was led by Prof. George LIU of LSGI and held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on Saturday 3 February 2024. Twelve scientists from nine different universities or agencies, including The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Shenzhen Institute of Meteorological Innovation, The University of Nottingham Ningbo (China), and Hong Kong observatory were invited to give presentations and exchange their research insights on weather/climate changes over the coastal areas.   Hong Kong, as a well-known coastal city, frequently suffers from various weather and climate disasters, such as typhoon. In the context of global warming, the extreme weather activities are expected to occur with an increasing frequency. This workshop has provided a valuable opportunity for the experts to share and discuss their knowledges with each other from a wide range of research aspects, and then to facilitate the multi-discipline collaboration in costal weather monitoring and forecasting.    


20240130_Symposium group photo

The International Symposium on Reclamations Using Local Dredged Sediments was successfully held (只有英文版本)

The International Symposium on Reclamations Using Local Dredged Sediments was successfully held on Friday 26 January 2024, with the great effort of the co-organizations, the Geotechnical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of PolyU. The Symposium was greatly supported by ASCE Greater China Section, Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, Institution of Civil Engineering Hong Kong, Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) of PolyU. The Symposium was privileged to host distinguished speakers, session chairs and invited guests from government, universities, and industries across Mainland China, Singapore, Japan, Macau, and the local community of Hong Kong. More than 200 people attended this symposium. Prof Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS delivered a closing remarks and encouraged further research collaborations among universities, government and industries to achieve sustainable and cost-effective land reclamation practices.    



土地及空間研究院成員兩項研究獲研資局「研究影響基金」撥款 理大項目數量冠本地院校 (只有英文版本)

Five PolyU projects have been granted a total funding of HK$20.9 million from the Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2023/24 of the Research Grants Council (RGC). Two funded projects are led by RILS researchers and cover diverse research areas. A total of 14 projects were supported in this year’s exercise, and PolyU has the highest number of funded projects among local universities.   Project Coordinator Project Title Amount Awarded Dr Xintao LIU (LSGI) An AI-enabled Geospatial Platform for Smart Facility Management and Smart Mobility of People with Disabilities HK$4,320,000 Prof.Zhen LENG (CEE) Durable Low-carbon Asphalt Pavement Built with Recycled Waste Polyolefin Plastics through Reactive Extrusion HK$4,060,000   Big congratulations to Dr LIU and Prof. LENG!


