PolyU-NVIDIA Omniverse Kick-Starter Workshop

26 Jan 2024
PolyU Research Centre for Culture and Art Technology, PolyU-NVIDIA Joint Research Centre
15:00 - 18:00
M401, The Student Computer Centre, Li Ka Shing Tower Map
Dr Ginny Wong
PolyU-NVIDIA Joint Research Centre nvidia.rc@polyu.edu.hk
NVIDIA Omniverse is a computing platform that enables individuals and teams to develop Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD)-based 3D workflows and applications. It can help creators create in 3D faster than ever; help developers build custom extensions, tools, and microservices to accelerate the 3D workflows; and help enterprises empower industrial digitalization.
No. of computers and seats are limited on a first-come-first-served basis.
Minimum hardware requirement:
- CPU Intel i7 Gen 5 / AMD Ryzen 3+
- Ram 32GB, GPU GeForce RTX 2070 Series or Above
- Disk 250GB
- NVIDIA Graphics card 1060, 1600 or other earlier models aren't capable of running the Omniverse creative toolset.
You will receive a confirmation email after successful registration.
Keynote Speaker
Dr Ginny Wong
Data Scientist at NVIDIA
Before joining NVIDIA, Dr Ginny Wong was a Data Scientist in a bank developing NLP models on a cloud platform and delivering MLOps solutions for regulatory management. Prior to that, she worked in a manufacturing company developing automation systems on semiconductor assembly machines. Ginny received her PhD in Electronic and Information Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, focusing on machine learning and bioinformatics.