Exhibition: Researching the Future - The Academic Convergence of Art and Technology

11 - 31 Dec 2023
PolyU Research Centre for Cultural and Art Technology
09:00 - 17:00
Podium, Jockey Club Innovation Tower Map
PolyU Research Centre for Cultural and Art Technology 3400 4710 rc.cat@polyu.edu.hk
PolyU Research Centre for Cultural and Art Technology (CAT) is a University-level Research Centre established in 2023. CAT aims to provide an energetic long-term collaborative platform for professional exchange of academic research related to culture and art technology. In order to explore the most cutting-edge culture and art technology and research achievement in Asia’s academic field the Centre has invited scholars from renowned universities in Asia to participate in the inaugural Art Tech Exhibition “Researching the Future” to share their artistic research experience and achievement with various sectors of the industry.
The Art Tech Exhibition will be held on 12 - 31 December 2023. Pre-registration is required for external visitors to obtain a campus access QR code 3 working days in advance to their planned visit.
“Researching the Future” Art Tech Exhibition
Date & Time: 12 – 31 Dec 2023, 10 am – 6 pm (Closed on Sunday and public holidays)
Venue: Podium, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, PolyU
Please download the programme pamphlet HERE.
Curatorial Team:
Curator: Prof. Henry DUH (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China)
Assistant Curator: WONG Sze Mei (Centre Manager of PolyU Research Centre for Cultural and Art Technology)
Participating artist:
Prof. KAN Tai-keung, SBS (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China)
Prof. INAMI Masahiko (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Dr GAO Feng (Peking University, China)
Dr KANG Yiyun (KAIST, South Korea)
Dr KHOO Eng Tat (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Dr LAI Mei-kei (Macao Polytechnic University, Macao, China)