
A+ A A-

1st section - Journal Articles
2nd section - Conference Presentations – ICSL
3rd section – Conference Presentations – International
4th section - Book Chapters
5th section - List of Books
6th section - Project Reports
7th section – Toolkit

1st section - Journal Articles

Year Journal Article
2021 Camus, R. M., Ngai, G., Kwan, K. P., Yau, J. H. Y., & Chan, S. C. F. (2021). Knowing Where We Stand: Mapping Teachers’ Conception of Reflection in Service- Learning. Innovative Higher Education.
2020 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Yau, J. H. Y., & Kwan, K. P. (2020). Enhancing the Impacts of International Service-Learning on Intercultural Effectiveness and Global Citizenship Development through Action Research. Educational Action Research.
2020 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., & Lam, H. Y. (2020). How Participation Affects University Students’ Perspectives Toward Mandatory Service-Learning. Journal of Experiential Education, 44(2), 137-151.
Accept to International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Yau, J. H. Y., & Kwan, K. P. (2019).  Impact of international service-learning on students’ global citizenship and intercultural development.
2018 Ngai, G., Chan, S. C. F., & Kwan, K. P. (2018).  Challenge, meaning and preparation: critical success factors influencing student learning outcomes from service learning.  Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 22(4), 55-80
2017 Chan, S.C.F., Ngai, G., & Kwan, K. P. (2017). Mandatory service learning at university: Do less-inclined students learn from it? Active Learning in Higher Education. 1-14


2nd section - Conference Presentations – ICSL

Year Conference Presentation - ICSL
2019 Cheung, E. L. P. (2019). ‘Factors affecting teachers' continual engagement in service-learning’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Chung, S. C. Y. (2019). ‘Teachers' conception of reflection in service-learning’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Lam, H. Y., Jackson, L., & Chan, S. C. F. (2019). ‘Is transformative learning possible in international service-learning?’,in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Lo, K. W. K., Kwan, K. P., Nagi, G., & Chan, S. C. G. (2019). ‘Evaluating global citizenship in international service-learning: development and validation of a short form of the Global Citizenship Scale’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Manning, K., Ngai, G., & Shek, D. (2019). ‘Using standardized SPOCs to prepare and motivate Hong Kong students for Service-Learning programmes’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Spear, A. M., Yau, J, H. Y., Lo, K. W. K., & Chan, S. C. F. (2019). ‘Impact of service-learning pedagogy on students' learning outcomes’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2019 Tong, S. K. P., Yau, J. H. Y., Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., & Kwan, K. P. (2019). ‘Curricular and pedagogical features influencing international service-learning outcomes’, in proceedings of the third International Service-Learning Conference.  Hong Kong.
2016 Lau, C.K., Lo, K. W. K., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2016). ‘From zero to one: integrating engineering and non-engineering students in a service-learning engineering project.’ In 2nd International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 186-191). Hong Kong.
2016 Ngai, G & Chan, S.C.F. (2016) ‘A two-dimensional classification framework for service-learning’, In 2nd International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 55-59). Hong Kong.
2016 Ngai, G., Chan, S.C.F., Chapman, N., & Spear, A. (2016). ‘Learning to serve together: creating an inter-continental classroom for service-learning’. In 2nd International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 198-203). Hong Kong.
2014 Chan, S.C.F., & Ngai, G. (2014) “Service-learning as a core academic component in undergraduate programmes: a brief introduction to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University model”. In 1st International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 87-96). Hong Kong.
2014 Kwok, T. C. K., Yeung, T. S.W., & Lo, K.W.K. (2014). ‘2-year experiences of deploying eResources in developing countries’, In 1st International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 324-325). Hong Kong.
2014 Lee, J. K. Y., Ling, S. L., & Lo, K.W.K. (2014). ‘Case study: essential elements of organizing a student-initiated service-learning project in developing countries’, In 1st International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 20–21). Hong Kong.
2014 Lo, K. W. K., Kwan, K. P., Ngai, G., & Chan, S. C. F. (2014). ‘An initial exploration of the cross-cultural validity of the Global Citizenship Scale in the Hong Kong Setting’, In 1st International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 126–131). Hong Kong.
2014 Tam, W.C., Lau, C.K., Ngai, G., Yuen, W.W., Chan, A. T.S., Lu, Q., & Chan, S.C.F. (2014). ‘Problem-based learning: a teaching method to enhance learning experience for students in service-learning’, In 1st International Conference on Service-Learning (pp. 271-279). Hong Kong.


3rd section – Conference Presentations – International

Year Conference Presentation - International
2019 Chan, S. C. F., Nagi, G., Yau, J. H. Y., & Kwan, K. P. (2019). ‘Improving the impacts of international service-learning on students’ global citizenship and intercultural effectiveness development through action research’, in proceedings of the 1st Lilly Asia Conference in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. Hong Kong.
2019 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., & Kwan, K. P. (2019). ‘Towards a model of mandatory, inclusive, civic-oriented service-learning: reflections on a 7-year journey’, in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, 2019.  Albuquerque, NM.
2019 Ngai, G., Chan, S. C. F., Yau, J. H. Y., & Kwan, K. P. (2019). ‘Improving students' international service-leaning outcomes through action research: a case study’, in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, 2019.  Albuquerque, NM.
2019 Lo, K. W. K., Ngai, G., Chan, S. C. F., & Kwan, K. P. (2019). ‘A computational approach to analyzing associations between students' learning gains and learning experience in service-learning’, in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, 2019.  Albuquerque, NM.
2019 Lam, H. Y., Ngai, G., & Chan, S. C. F. (2019). ‘Does mandatory service-learning negatively impact students?’, in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, 2019.  Albuquerque, NM.
2019 Lo, K. W. K., Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Kalenzi, J. ,Sindayehaba, P., & Habiyaremye, I. (2019). ‘From beneficiary to community leader: capacity building through a renewable energy project in Rwanda’, in Proceedings of IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, 2019. Seattle, WA.
2018 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Yau, J. H. Y., & Kwan, K. P. “Impact of International Service-Learning on University Students’ Global Citizenship and Intercultural Effectiveness Development,” in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, 2018.  New Orleans, LA.
2018 Lau, C. K., Lo, K. W. K., Ngai, G. Chan, S. C. F., & Kalenzi, J. “Creating Sustained impact of a service-learning project in a developing country through community empowerment – an interpretative Case Study,” in Proceedings of International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 2018. Hong Kong.
2018 Lo, K. W. K., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. “Capacity Building and Development for a Local Community through Student Service-Learning Projects - A 3-year Study in Rural Cambodia,” in Proceedings of IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, 2018. San Jose, CA.
2018 Lo, K. W. K., Lau, C. K., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. “Enhancing Social Support and Education in Rural Cambodia through a Service-Learning Setting,” in Proceedings of International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 2018. Hong Kong.
2018 Lo, K. W. K., Ep, K., Ngai, G., & Chan, S. C. F. “Economically-viable Community Development through a Creative University-Community Partnership,” in Proceedings of International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 2018. Hong Kong.
2017 Chan, S. C. F.  (2017) ‘Academic service-learning and life-long learning,’ in Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE-Phil), Philippines.
2017 Chan, S. C. F. & Ngai, G. (2017) ‘Learning to serve, serving to learn’, in Proceedings of CELT One-day Conference – Influencing Teaching and Learning Practice – Achieving the Ripple Effect, 2017.  Hong Kong.
2017 Lo, K. W. K., Lau, C.K., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2017). ‘When non-engineering students work on an international service-learning engineering project – a case study.’ Presentation at the 2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC2017) in San Jose in Oct 2017.
2016 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Kwan, K.P., & Wong, W. (2016). ‘A multivariate study of factors influencing students’ learning outcomes from service-learning’. In International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. New Orleans, LA.
2016 Lo, K. W. K., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2016). ‘Using a recycled container to setup a community learning centre in rural Cambodia-a Case Study’. In 2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC2016). Seattle, USA.
2016 Lo, K. W. K., Kwan, K. P., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2016). ‘Cross-cultural validation of the Global Citizenship Scale for measuring impacts of international service-learning in Hong Kong setting.’ In International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. New Orleans, LA.
2015 Ngai, G., Chan, S., Kwan KP, & Csete J. (2015) “Designing, implementing and maintaining assessment policies and practices in support of an institution-wide initiative in service-learning”. Presented at the International Conference on Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015, Hong Kong. 
2015 Ngai, G., & Chan, S.C.F. (2015) "How much impact can be made in a week?: Designing effective international service learning projects for computing”. In 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE’15) (pp. 645-650). Kansas City, MO.


4th section - Book Chapters

Year Book Chapter
2018 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Yau, J., Yuen, W. W., Shek, D. T. L. & Au, H.S. S. (2018). Service-Learning as a vehicle for youth leadership: the case of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  In D. T. L. Shek, G. Ngai, & S. C. F. Chan (Eds.) Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong (pp. 19-32). Singapore: Springer.
2018 Cheung, E. L. P. & Kwan, K. P. (2018). Developing an e-learning module to prepare students for service-learning.  In D. T. L. Shek, G. Ngai, & S. C. F. Chan (Eds.) Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong (pp. 293-308). Singapore: Springer.
2018 Lo, K. W. K., Ip, A. K. Y., Lau, C. K., Wong, W. S., Ngai, G. & Chan, S. C. F. (2018). Integrating majors and non-majors in an international engineering service-learning programme: course design, student assessments and learning outcomes. In D. T. L. Shek, G. Ngai, & S. C. F. Chan (Eds.) Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong (pp. 145-163). Singapore: Springer.
2018 Ngai, G., Lam, C. H. Y., Kwan, K. P. & Chan, S. C. F. (2018). Instituting a service-learning requirement in higher education: evaluation and lessons learned. In D. T. L. Shek, G. Ngai, & S. C. F. Chan (Eds.) Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong (pp. 323-341). Singapore: Springer.
2018 Ngai, G. & Chan, S. C. F. (2018). Engaging teachers in teaching service-learning subjects: critical issues and strategies.  In D. T. L. Shek, G. Ngai, & S. C. F. Chan (Eds.) Service-Learning for Youth Leadership: The Case of Hong Kong (pp. 309-322).


5th section - List of Books

Year Book
2018 The Office of Service-Learning (2017).  International Service-Learning 2017: Selected Case Studies.  Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.  
2016 The Office of Service-Learning (2016). Learn to Serve, Serve to Learn: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Experience of Mandatory Service-Learning.  Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
2016 The Office of Service-Learning (2016).  International Service-Learning at PolyU 2016: Selected Case Studies.  Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


6th section - Project Reports

Date Project Reports
Accentuating the Positive Outcomes of Global Service-Learning through Collaborative Action Research
Apr 2019 Chan, S.C.F., Yau, J.H.Y., & Kwan, K.P. (2019). Improving students’ learning and development from international service-learning through action research. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Oct 2018 Chan, S.C.F., Tong, S.K.P., Yau, J.H.Y., & Kwan, K.P. (2018). What matters in international service-learning: students' perspectives. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Sep 2018 Chan, S.C.F., Yau, J.H.Y., Tong, S.K.P., Lam, C.H.Y., & Kwan, K.P. (2018). Impact of international service-learning on students’ learning and development.  Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Institution-wide Evaluation and Enhancement of Credit-bearing Service-Learning Subjects
Dec 2016 Lo, K. W. K., Kwan, K. P., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2016). Cross-cultural validation of the Global Citizenship Scale for measuring impacts of international service-learning. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Dec 2016 Lam, H. Y., Lau, C. K., Cheung, E., Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., & Kwan, K. P. (2016). Qualitative analysis of students' experience and outcomes of service-learning at PolyU. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Sep 2016 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., Wong, W. & Kwan, K. P. (2016). A multivariate study of factors influencing students' learning outcomes from service-learning. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Mar 2016 Chan, S. C. F., Ngai, G., & Kwan, K. P. (2016). Impact of mandatory service-learning requirement on university student learning and development. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Mar 2016 Chan, S. C. F., Cheung, E., Kwan, K. P., & Ngai, G. (2016). Community partner feedback on service-learning projects 2014-16. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Feb 2016 Chan, S. C. F., Wong, W., Kwan, K. P., & Ngai, G. (2016). An evaluation of students' experience and outcomes of service-learning at PolyU: updated findings for 2014-15. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Sep 2015 Chan, S. C. F., Cheung, E., Wong, W., Kwan, K. P., & Ngai, G. (2015). An evaluation of students' experience and outcomes of service-learning at PolyU 2012-14. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Mar 2015 Cheung, E. L. P., Kwan, K. P., Chan, S. C. F., & Ngai, G. (2015). An evaluation of the e-learning module on service-learning for students at PolyU. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Service-Learning at PolyU
Dec 2017 Chan, S. C. F., Wong, W., Kwan, K. P., & Ngai, G. (2017). An Evaluation of students’ experience and outcomes of service-learning at PolyU: updated findings for 2016/17. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Dec 2017 Chan, S. C. F., Cheung, E., Kwan, K. P., & Ngai, G. (2017). Community partner feedback on service-learning projects: updated findings for 2016/17. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


7th section – Toolkit

Date Toolkit
Mar 2018 Tong, S. K. P., Yau, J. H. Y., Kwan, K. P. (2018). Developing student' intercultural competences through international service-learning: a toolkit for teachers. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Jan 2018 Yau, J. H. Y., Tong, S. K. P., Kwan, K. P. (2018). Educating global citizenship through international service-learning: a toolkit for teachers. Published by the Office of Service-Learning, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


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