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精神健康研究中心於 2022 年 8 月 3 日聯合舉辦線上研討會 (只有英文版本)


Aug 3 Hero Banner_V3
  • 日期


  • 主辦單位

    Mental Health Research Centre (Co-organiser)

  • 時間

    16:30 - 17:30

  • 地點

    Online via Zoom  


Dr Jessie Chow



Resilience refers to the capacity for, process or outcome of successful adaptation after suffering setbacks. For instance, a resilient person has the capacity to mobilise contextual resources under stress, engages in a dynamic process where his or her personal and profession context interact and eventually experiences growth, self-efficacy and wellbeing as an outcome. Understanding the construct itself facilitates one’s agency in developing resilience and this explains the significance of explicit teaching or direct instructions of the construct.

In this sharing session, the speaker will share her experiences of nurturing resilience in young learners through experiential education. The construct of resilience will be explored and contextualised with examples. Strategies of working with young learners in acquiring the concept will also be discussed. Through reflective activities, participants are expected to deepen their understanding towards the construct and also develop more agency towards their personal sense of resilience.


About the speaker

Dr. Jessie Chow is a Registered Educational Psychologist, now currently working as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong where she has been instrumental to set up local and overseas experiential learning programmes. She served as a school-based educational psychologist in schools and NGO before joining HKU. She is experienced to provide training to parents, teachers and social workers and support families with special educational needs.  


Dr Jessie Chow

Registered Educational Psychologist, HKU

