List of PolyU technologies with details
Featured Topics

Automated System for Surface Pitting Analysis on Airplane Jet Engine
Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Centre

Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) Spectacle Lens for Myopia Control
Biotech and Healthcare School of Optometry

eNightLog - Nighttime Monitoring System for Caring Elderly with Dementia
Biotech and Healthcare Department of Biomedical Engineering

Intelligent 3D Stereoscopic Imaging System on Plenoptic Camera
Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Micro-embossing Equipment for Precision Optical Microstructures
Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Scalable All-Textile Energy Harvesters for Electric Power Generation
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Sprayable Smart Sensing Network Coating for Structural Health Monitoring
Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Department of Mechanical Engineering