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To strengthen the support for University research activities, a new pilot HPC platform with enhanced hardware and software will be launched in early May to replace the existing one which has been in service for 2 years.

Major Enhancements

For hardware, two types of server, 24-CPU-core server and 36-CPU server, will be added to the new cluster. As for software, the applications available in the new pilot platform and their version are listed below:


Current Platform

New Platform

Operating System
Centos OS 6.9 7.6
GCC 4.4.7 & 5.3.0 5.5.0
MPICH 3.2 3.2.1
OpenFOAM 1606+ 1812
OpenMPI 2.0.1 3.0.3
Perl(Anaconda) 5.24.0 5.26.2
Python(Anaconda) 2.7.12 & 3.5.2 3.7.3
R (Anaconda) 3.2.3 3.5.1
Anaconda n/a 2019.03
FSL n/a 6.0.1
PGI (Community Edition) n/a


Singularity n/a 2.6.1

Roll out Schedule

Date Activities
Early May 2019

Launch of new pilot HPC platform and new platform opens for application.

Early May to 30 Aug 2019

Migrate part of the computing resources of the existing platform to the new platform and minor service interruption may be caused.

1 Sep 2019

Shut down of existing pilot HPC platform.

To facilitate a smooth transition, the existing platform will be in parallel run with the new platform until 31 August 2019. Users of the existing platform will be contacted individually for data migration arrangements.