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About ISE

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Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) is a professional discipline that focuses on developing and implementing optimal solutions from a system-level perspective.

btn-video"Industrial and Systems Engineers Make a Difference Everywhere" (Source: USC Viterbi School of Engineering)  

This involves people, technology, quality, finance, information, and environmental issues. The main role of an Industrial and Systems Engineer is to organize and work harmoniously with others to streamline operational procedures, improve productivity and enhance overall system performance. The ultimate goal is to increase efficiency, reduce operating costs, and ensure customer satisfaction.

ISE is different from other conventional engineering disciplines whereby knowledge and skills are applied to specific areas. For example, traditionally, manufacturing engineers usually work in a production environment. In contrast, ISE provides the skillsets which will enable practitioners to work in a variety of organizations across both the industrial and commercial sectors. ISE is well established in many universities worldwide, such as the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Washington, the University of Florida, and the National University of Singapore. Industrial and Systems Engineers have a much more flexible career path, as ISE graduates are widely employed in areas that include new product development, transportation, theme parks, logistic services, banks, public utilities, business development, consultancy enterprises, government departments, etc. The ultimate objective of the ISE discipline is to provide leadership in the design of integrated industrial and commercial systems for the advancement and well-being of society.

The Department is motivated by the world-wide industrial restructuring that is occurring as a result of rapid advances in technology, communication, and information technology. According to announced policies and strategies, the government has committed to expedite re-industrialisation, encourage smart manufacturing and support the engagement of local enterprises in advanced technologies, especially those related to Industry 4.0. Accordingly, the Department is offering professional academic programmes to meet these needs. Come join us, and when you graduate you can have a wide choice for a rewarding career and make a significant contribution to a better world.

In conclusion, we are committed not only to providing high quality education, but also to advancing academic and applied research. We strive to maintain our position as a leading department in this field in the region, through innovative practices in teaching and learning, applied research, and the promotion of knowledge transfer.


Click here for more details about our research laboratories and facilities.


The Department is also actively engaged in collaboration with industry via joint research projects, consultancies, and teaching company schemes.

This strong collaboration with both local and regional industries, together with its excellent facilities and staff expertise, provides students with the opportunity to be immersed in this collaborative environment which will be of great benefit to them when they graduate.


