
於左顯記短短二小時的參觀與交流,使我感到非常高興以及獲益良多,左顯記 成立於1938年,有超過七十年歷史。


接著,認識到一支醬油的生產之歷史轉變,於1938年醬油生產全是人手製作,致今天全部已經使機械化生產;特別是在衛生監控方面使用國際食物安全管理系統標準SGS HACCP及ISO22000的認證;我對產品的衛生充滿信心。





Mavis Ma
It was our pleasure to be the first visitor of Tso Tin Kee and share their secrets of growing a local family business. Appreciated their passion in every details, from ingredient selection to packing design. We have also enjoyed the time of travelling back to 70s’ and learning the history of Hong Kong’s food culture at Tao Heung Museum. I can't imagine people could enjoy a dinner set at The Peninsula Hotel with HKD6 only. Besides, Manchu Han Imperial Feast setting was surprised me as well. Undoubtedly, it was a great event. Already looking forward to the next one!


Kanny Ho
November 26, rainy day, per the Hong Kong Observatory, the day when the Dragon Boat Paddling Fun Day was held. It was indeed a cold and rainy day and several of us underdressed. While we were worrying that we might got a cold, Larry, the event-in-charge and the coaches of the Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association brought us warm clothing. That was the very dearly start of the fun day!

Before we landed ourselves in the real dragon boat, we had warm up exercise on land and the trial practice in the training room for an hour. The coaches arranged the pre-Hong Kong Dragon Boat young team to ride the boat with us which was a clever act. Without them, we would not be able to pull the boat off the shore, to experience the dragon boat in a fast speed or to feel a sense of achievement. Thanks the future Hong Kong team!

On the other hand, I should not understate the alumni`s learning power. After some real practice, we were able to ride the boat ourselves without the assistance of the young Hong Kong team for a continual 50 to 100 strokes intermittently.

After the hour`s ride in the water, we had a snack party with a bottle of champagne. Larry and the coaches brought trophies and medals from the club`s warehouse for us to put on that had made us look so great in the pictures! Without the passion of the organizers, it would not be that fun!


Christy Tsang
The Dragon Boat Fun Day took place on the cold and wet morning of 26th of November. However, the miserable weather did not dampen our spirits! After getting changed into wetsuits, we were introduced to Charles and Nancy, our coaches for the day. They led us through some warm-up exercises which put our flexibility and balancing skills to the test. Next, we were shown around the gym and guided through the motions of paddling. However, once we got on the boat, we found that paddling in the water was a completely different story! To speed up the boat, we were joined by a group of boys representing Hong Kong in dragon boat racing. I was incredibly impressed by their speed and synchronisation! Needless to say, the boat would not have gotten anywhere if the boys had not been there to ‘support’ us. I must admit that paddling down the Shing Mun River was surprisingly peaceful and I thoroughly enjoyed viewing Sha Tin from a different perspective. Finally, as a reward for the tiring ‘training session’, we nibbled on fruit and snacks back on shore, and celebrated by popping open some champagne!

It’ll be a great day out for all the family.




